Friday, February 07, 2014

Police Want Felony Charge Against Justin Bieber For Egg Throwing

The Sheriff's office here in Los Angeles has recommended to prosecutors that Justin Bieber be charged with a felony as a result of the egg throwing incident at his neighbor's home. As much as I would like this recommendation to stick there is no way on this earth that Bieber is getting convicted of a felony for it. Even if he was charged with a felony he would never be convicted of one. That is not going to happen. Right now Bieber's people are trying to find a dollar figure that the neighbor will accept to make the whole thing go away. I'm sure they are probably willing to offer up to $1M for $20K worth of damage. If the neighbor stands firm and thinks he is doing the right thing by not accepting the money he should think again because Bieber will plead to something much less significant and just have to pony up the actual damage done to the property which is about $20K. As much as it would be nice to see Bieber convicted of a felony imagine all of the other tagging and vandalism that goes on in Los Angeles County on a daily basis and imagine if you convicted all of those people of felonies. It just isn't going to happen. The neighbor should take his big payday and hurt Bieber in the wallet because it will be the only pain Bieber feels because of this.


  1. Umm...why is he in bed with 2 other guys?

  2. Replies
    1. @Bruce. Is that the dish with eggs and cheese, like a souffle?

    2. To queef or not to queef. That is the question.


    3. Oh my god Bruce...... You can be so embarrassing. It's about a girl's vagina.

  3. Is he really pretending to be asleep while giving a hand job?

    #pretendfail #grabmeatissueplease

  4. He's such damaged goods now - he's not gonna have a long life. Stupid kid, evil parents and managers.

    1. Couldn't agree more, @Kimba. It's sad how a nice looking kid with actual talent at one point just pisses it away and doesn't even realize it. In his mind, his entire situation is completely different- when reality hits (and it will - HARD), it's going to be ugly!

  5. I didn't know guys had slumber parties.

  6. Bieber has a clean previous record and nothing nefarious occurred. The Sheriff's office is probably doing this just for show. Is it an election year?

  7. Bruce, is Kylie still hanging around this putz?

  8. Anonymous7:41 AM

    3 guys, 1 cup.

  9. Replies
    1. Is it too early to love? That pic with your comment... Could go viral...:-D thanks for the whooping cackle, the cat needs more exercise!

  10. Hold out for the big numbers, neighbor! It might make up for all the speeding, tagging, obnoxious parties, and spit that he has inflicted on you and everyone else in your neighborhood. Don't see that $$$ as a bribe... It is a symbol. A symbol of the cost of screwing with the homeowners' association.... Get it for everyone on the block!

  11. No Scott, we've talked about her staying away from this bad news bear but I think she's still chummy with the Smith boy.

  12. I'm still scrambling my brain as to how egging a house results in 20k damage.
    That must be one hard boiled prosecutor to pursue this.
    Odds are they will let him off over easy.

    (Apologies for the lame jokes, though I am cracking myself up. C'mon, I'm bacon. I go with eggs. I'm prepared to testify about the unfortunate demise of my friends.)

  13. Khloe, didn't you call Justin a little queef last week? I didn't know what it meant. Wait I still dont!

    1. Bruce, Justin is a vaginal release of air.

    2. Kokes! I can't believe you just went there!! Ha ha

    3. Hey you guys, is mom paying you to be here? People keep saying that we are getting paid to chat here and keep our names in the paper but I'm not getting any money. Are you?

    4. My ass makes money, honey! Rob, you know that mom isn't giving you any more money until you lose weight. She told me she's paying you per pound

    5. So is mom paying you for every trashy selfie you take on Instagram?

    6. My selfies are funding your sock line! #loser #growup #FattyFatty2by4CantFitThroughTheKitchenDoor

    7. Your selfies fund your ego, Kim. My sock line is successful on it's own and I have Kylie and Kendall modeling them for me.

    8. Rob since you're always eating, have a big slice of STFU!

    9. I wasn't even talking to you, you evil, ugly little troll. You can stay out of it.

    10. Ever since Kim called me a troll I love that using that word!

    11. Rob! How dare you talk to your sister that way!! That's it, I'm telling mom

    12. I'm not talking to mom right now. She is trying to send me to fat camp and I won't go.

  14. @Bacon, I don't speak from personal experience but since this happened, I've seen a lot of personal accounts from people that the damage an egging leaves is surprisingly bad. Depending on the surface and how much time elapses before a cleaning is attempting, it sounds like that shit can congeal and take a considerable amount of effort to remove (i.e., not just a rinse-off). When it does come off, it takes with it part of the surface, necessitating repair.

    1. Your right but didn't they see it happen? Or was that video tape( I didn't watch it) after it happened when they confronted him?

  15. I agree with Enty on this one. Having to fork over 1M is going to hurt Bieber way more than the theoretical conviction of a felony. Dude take that money and use to it to move away from this mess.

  16. Thanks Khloe. Wow, that's certainly not what I was expecting.

    1. Bruce, no one ever expects a queef. :(

    2. You guys are seriously embarrassing me.


  17. I can't stand this little turd, but how can eggs cause $20,000 in damage. Give me a break.

    1. It's some fancy, and expensive, wood finish done by hand that, apparently, takes many hours to do. Labor is not cheap.

  18. It's not gay if it's in a 3-way
    With a lady in the middle there's some leeway

  19. That's what I was wondering GPS, if it stripped the paint or something. But isn't the story that the homeowner was there and caught him on film? I would think a power wash first thing next morning would take away from potential damage? It's not like the owners were away for weeks or something.
    Still, if the entire place needs to be repainted..

    Just sounds like 20k is excessive. He's a little turd though so I really don't care.

  20. It is sooooo enough with this lame-o egg story.

  21. I'm with you Bacon - no way egging a house causes $20,000. The homeowner was trying to make a point.

    It's not like he broke windows or urns - a good power wash should do the trick.

  22. That picture is priceless

  23. These homes are over a million bucks, the homeowner is going to have to hire a professional company to scrape and sand the eggshells and egg sploof off and repaint. How big is this guys house? It doesn't sound too much to me.
    If only you hadn't spit on him beib....

  24. The Biebs has to sleep with body guards, because he may need his diaper changed in the middle of the night, or he might roll over and fall off the bed. Poor little Baby Biebs. They should just put him in a crib.

  25. They live in an extremely nice neighborhood. I would think the neighbor really doesn't need the money, and seems willing to stand up on this one. If I had enough money to live in Calabasas, I would revel in the opportunity to stick it to the Beibs. INSUFFERABLE.

  26. The house's exterior is a special kind of stucco called Venetian Plaster.
    The entire wall that little pile of shit egged must be stripped down to the wire lath & redone otherwise, it won't match the rest of the wall.
    Thus, a minimum of $20,000

  27. I hate Justin Bieber almost as much as I hate Brody Jenner and his stupid famewhore family. At least Justin is Canadian.

  28. I can't get over this pic, forget the eggs. I never knew any guys who shared a bed like this....weird....

  29. This is the same neighbor in whose eye Bieber spit. He's not settling. He's out for revenge.

  30. Crossing fingers that the FAA pulls through in pursuing a case after his disgusting behavior on his flight to the Super Bowl. Sorry, don't know how to make it clicky.

    "His antics on the chartered jet could be his biggest legal problem yet. In the United States, interference with a flight crew member through intimidation is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison. There’s no word yet on whether officials plan to pursue a case."

  31. LOL @Kristen

    One of my friends told me a story about her ex and the time he went to Vegas with one of his guy friends and another platonic girl friend. Anyway the next day the platonic girl friend walked in from the next room to find the ex and his guy friend naked in bed together. They "fell asleep" like that. My friend was like, "Is he gay?" And I said "UM ABSOLUTELY."

    My boyfriend wouldn't be caught dead sleeping in bed with one of his guy friends!! And to take a pic of it?! WTF

  32. Diaper Pants and his bedtime posse could have pressure washed the eggs off any time and minimized damage. Felonies are appropriate since damages are high dollar.

  33. $20K in damage because of eggs? WTF?

  34. The only reason I'd like to see this pursued, even if he only gets a conviction for a misdemeanor, which is probably all he'll get, it puts it ON his record. He has a conviction. With one, the second one is easier. The more convictions he has on record, the harder it will be for him to skate on future convictions AND the harder it will be for him to slip in and out of the US. It may not STOP him from entering the country, but it sure can be a pain in his ass, and for that alone, it's worth the effort to get it on record and not let him skate with a payout. I hate this little turd, and want to see someone inconvenience him for a long time to come, on a regular basis.

  35. Why can't they just kick his candy ass back to Canada? Let his country of origin deal with his "artistry."

  36. Forget about the egging, this picture sure speaks a thousand words!!
