Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Oscar Pistorius Trial Starts In 19 Days

Last Valentine's Day the world woke up to learn that South African Oscar Pistorius who became a worldwide celebrity because of his ability to compete in the Olympics despite having his legs amputated beneath the knee had murdered his girlfriend by firing four shots through a locked bathroom door. Pistorius says he thought she was an intruder. Uh huh. the following week Pistorius was granted bail. At the time all of this was going on it dominated the news. For the past year though it has been quiet. Less than three weeks from now the trial begins and a decision has yet to be made whether to allow cameras inside the courtroom. I hope they are allowed to be inside because I want to see this process. Pistorius says he has been training for the next Olympics. I guess he thinks he is going to get away with this murder and then represent his country. Apparently there is nothing stopping him from competing if he is acquitted. Apparently he also has a girlfriend who thinks he is harmless. Uh huh.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    At the time this happened and was discussed on CDAN, someone commented here, and I'm paraphrasing: "What an asshole. Someone should cut off his arms". Still makes me laugh.

  2. LOL @ Cocoa! That sounds like something FSP would say.

    1. @7 I would never!

      Regarding the trial, I don't think he has a leg to stand on.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      @FSP, +1

    3. Oh, FSP... I'm probably going to hell for laughing at that and it'll be totally worth it.

    4. I'm totally going to hell

    5. Count me in for hell as well then.

  3. His story made no sense. His girlfriend seemed like a beautiful and sweet girl who loved him. Tragic for her and her family. If you think an intruder is in your house locked in the bathroom (?!) grab your girlfriend and get out of the house and call the cops.

    1. In the US or UK etc I'd agree, but in SA it's just as, if not more, dangerous on the streets with no guarantee a neighbour would let you in.
      That said, it's a shame they did away with capital punishment in '95, because I think he did it on purpose. No way did he think it was an intruder. Even in SA if you wake up and your GF isn't lying next to you, but the bathroom door is closed, it's pretty safe to think GF, not intruder.

  4. He's not a hot broad, so I see no need for cameras in the court room.

    I hope South Africa has the death penalty.

  5. His story has more holes than a flour sifter. Thao poor murdered girl moved in with him like 2 months after meeting him! And now he has another woman?! Two lessons to be learned here young women. Dont move in with someone after two months and if your boyfriend is soon to go on trial for murder, he's probably not a good catch. I hope he gets convicted.

  6. @FSP --- niiiiiiiice!!!!

  7. This case makes me sad.

  8. He's a shame to Olympians everywhere. Well, to me anyway!

  9. Apparently, he still has female fans who are "grateful for the opportunity to meet their sports hero", even though they know he's going on trial for shooting his girlfriend.

  10. They weren't living together, just spending a romantic VD together and got into a fight which neighbors heard, later on they heard the shots. It's possible she told him she was breaking up with him. Also he has a history of threatening people with weapons and shooting his guns off in public. He's very insecure and seems to have had real issues with almost every woman he dated, he does not take being dumped well and really harasses both the woman and the person she goes on to date after him for lengthy periods of time. All of this is well known. The victim was crouching behind the toilet with all her clothing on when she was shot, he's saying he thought she was in bed, but didn't check and apparently didn't bother to call out before he started shooting right where she'd be hiding in the locked bathroom. The police took the door and the angle of the shots threw the door is very telling. Why would you shoot at an angle towards the toilet if you thought a burgler was trying to rob your bathroom? The shots look like they came from the height he would be without his legs on.

    1. Exactly. Thank you for posting this. He's a murderer plain and simple.

  11. hopefully they cut off all other appendages.

  12. He shot her, she died; he's a hero to many, yeah - he'll "walk" ala OJ.

  13. @ Unknown, it took me a minute to figure out how VD could be romantic.

  14. I know I shouldn't, but FSP, your comment made me laugh.

  15. I know @surfer me too!

    Of course I still love all of those 'what do you call the guy in the water, without arms or legs... Bob'
    kinda jokes..

    Going to hell, ticket for one? Yes please!

  16. Am I the only one who thought those robot legs of his was cheating? Because I guarantee I would be faster with those springs instead of the feets I have...

  17. Am I the only one who thought those robot legs of his was cheating? Because I guarantee I would be faster with those springs instead of the feets I have...

    1. Anonymous2:20 AM

      @Crank Tango - nope; you're not the only one. With technology being what it is, they could have had something else IN those springs to make him go faster.

  18. It certainly seems like he did it purposely......

    I would also like to see the process because they have a much different justice and trial system there

    I think he will probably get off on some lesser charge. There seems to be a tolerance of domestic abuse there much more so than in the US.

  19. Maybe he's dating Claudine Longet.

  20. I can't believe it has been a year already since this happened. Horrible story.

  21. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Oh he did it alright - no doubt in my mind. Evil son of a bitch.

  22. Po Lil Tink Tink should go to the clink clink forever.
