Friday, February 07, 2014

Off Topic

I had one Manhattan last night that turned into about a dozen. I forgot how good they are.


  1. At least it's not food...

  2. I never really drink. Unless it's Midori!

  3. I never drank classy..even my martinis were dirty...O:-)

  4. LOL @ Steampunk! I love a dirty martini!

    1. Is your sword skewering the 2 big olives or multiple small ones, in your mart?

    2. @Steampunk, I'll take either, but what I really like is the garlic stuffed olives from Trader Joes. Oh man, they are so good, and the olive juice from them has a garlicky tang. Damn, I'm craving one for this afternoon and there's a foot of snow outside, no gin or vodka in the house. :/

    3. I just nommed on some blue cheese stuffed olives and man, I thought, now this would make a good gin martini . sorry about your boozeless state...moonshine works in a pinch,

  5. I dont drink that much really only on special occasions with my family.

  6. I’ve been the most unhappiest person for about a year and a half and it’s very, very easy to fall off the wagon. I need to literally dedicate my entire life to my fitness and stop drinking.

  7. Manhattans are for peasants.

  8. I think Kris is up to something with Scott.

  9. There you are, bro! What are you doing?

  10. Oh I love a good Manhattan. Or an Old Fashioned is equally yummy.

  11. You know what's gross but gets the job done if you're sober as a church mouse and can't catch a buzz? Long Island Ice Tea.

    1. My god, Reno, I'm pretty sure I lost most of my twenties to Long Island Iced Tea. That and whiskey

    2. Mmm, Lon guyland teas and no salt gold margaritas..Janet Jackson slamming in the speakers...
      °~I Love the 80's~°

  12. Ewww Rob, she's old enough to be my grandmother.

  13. Rob, I'm so proud of you! Your hard work will pay off, I promise. Hi Scott, good to see you buddy!

  14. I had to get Kourtnet off my back, she thinks I'm sneaking off to Vegas again.

  15. Thanks Bruce. Wanna go sock shopping this afternoon? I can set you up with a snazzy new pair. I have some that say Carpe Diem or we can get you ones with the American flag on them!

  16. Sometimes we just ask the waitress to keep bringing us different shots, bartender's choice and there is no keeping track of those.

  17. Back in the day, I made love to many a Manhattan. My favorite was with Peychaud's bitters. Would settle for Angostura. No bitters; no Manhattan.

    1. I had an Australian friend gift me with two bottles of Angosturic bitters, kept them for years because I didn't know what to do with them. Now I know

    2. Actually, if you like a good bean soup like black bean or a rich cassoulet , put a few drops of angostura in the pot, it enhances the flavors magnificently...

    3. Nice, Steampunk!

  18. Rob, I like the Carpe Diem ones! And maybe a pair of M***** F***** ones, just to piss Kris off. she doesnt like it when I try to dress like a young person. I'm not ready to dress like an old man though, damnit! I wanna have some fun!

  19. Gross. Gin martini or nothing.

  20. My favorite drink, a must have at any lounge. Best maker is a roof top lounge in Seattle, sucks that I can't remember the name. Downtown. Have a headache thinking about it.
    If it ain't got no cherry, it's not a Manhatten.

  21. Last time I drank a Long Island iced tea I got kicked out a bar - the first and only time that has happened. And I barfed all over myself so yeah I tend to skip those.

    AH the early years

    Manhattans are amazing

  22. I know. Long Island's are just awful, and I've barfed my guts out in my 20's from them, lol. I couldn't get a buzz on my anniversary last year, so my husband got me one. God, it sucked, but it worked! Just one though. (And that never happens that I can't catch a buzz, weird)

  23. Haha, Long Island's are great! A few years ago I lived in Singapore and met a friend for lunch which turned liquid.

    Anyway we went to the Fullerton Hotel (former main Post Office) to find the Post Bar didn't open till 4pm. Somehow we persuaded them to open the bar 2 hours early and called a few friends to come join us to make it worth their while. Dirty martinis, LIITs, Mojitos galore. Anyway after about 8 hours of knocking back, we got the bill - it was definitely worth their while :(

  24. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Ent, you won. I did only 3. Now I wish I was having more as I woke up with headache again. at least was worth it :(((

  25. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Forgot to share my drinking experience in Ireland. 6 7 8 9 baby guinness plus wine. I won t say how much during that parties. Getting upstairs to my room a quattro zampe. meens walking on all fours.. damn I never missed a party for three years, every saturday. Sunday soccer or rugby watchin was terrible. now I remember why Im in London. irish don t joke when it s about drinking.
