Friday, February 21, 2014

Off Topic

I don't know if the postal carrier was lazy or just wanted to rid themselves of five pounds of extra weight but they left behind a stack of several hundred buy one get one free Chipotle coupons and some free sofrita things which are some type of fake meat. If you are a vegetarian why would you want to eat something made to look like meat?


  1. Why would you order a cheeseburger pizza?

  2. Because eatin' ain't cheatin'

  3. I like to eat veggie sausages, those look like meat. I also like to make fake meat meatballs. I eat all kinds of vegetarian crap that is presented to look like meat. I know some folks don't do that but I do.

  4. Maybe because some vegetarians don't hate the idea of eating meat but avoid it more so in political protest either because they oppose the conditions of the industry or they're just against the idea of consuming a living thing?

  5. I was a vegetarian for over 10 years for reasons like those. I was made fun of all the time, especially by my family, given that we are Czech. Recently crossed back over to the dark side. I never disliked meat but I still struggle everyday with knowing how the sausage is made here in the states, so to speak.

  6. I never find Chipotle coupons. It's as close to Mexican as you can get in MN! Send them over! Vegetarians---eh.

  7. variety. veg food gets boring.

    also: to fit in. social pressure is a cunt.

    also: i dont usually care to eat fake meat unless i am trying to replicate a specific comfort food. usually its meat eaters who THINK thats what vegetarians want to eat who come up with this ish.

  8. Replies
    1. I actually like those, and Garden burgers, as long as I don't think of them as burgers (but those Morningstar ones are just nasty. I work across the street from an organic grocery store.)

  9. I can't do turkey bacon, if I go, I'm going out with the real deal.

    Hmmm, now I feel like In-N-Out

  10. So excited, we are getting a Chipolte here finally!

  11. omfg... sofrita is not fake meat.

    not to be "that guy" but thats kinda ignorant of you.

    sofrita is a staple in hispanic/latin cooking that is the foundation for various sauces/stir fry dishes, and it can contain a variety of things depending on the culture/tradition, including tomatoes, bell peppers, onions............. no "meat" substitutes....

    as a veg for going on 7 years, i am no less a foodie, i love creative dishes, and i like to have my protein. its just natural to try and imitate what the mainstream is accustomed to, but after a while most veg/ans are a-okay not trying to imitate cruelty and dismemberment in their food.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. We raised two calves (a pig, several chickens...) when I was a kid. Shovel cow shit a few times and you get over seeing them as special snowflakes really quick. Best beef I ever ate, especially knowing the days of "Gayle, make sure the cows have water... Gayle, make sure the cows have salt... Gayle, shovel out the corral..." were over.

  14. Gayeld that made me picture Napoleon Dynamite feeding Tina the Llama.
    Tina, you fat lard, come get some DINNER!... Tina, eat. Food. Eat the FOOD!

  15. Nearly 30 veggie years here. I eat cheese. Lots of it. Mr Violet eats any old crap - hearts, liver, jellied eels. Not sure how we've managed to stay married so long.

  16. For whatever reason I can no longer stomach meat, or anything that looks like meat. It's a real hassle. The rest of the family eats meat. If I have to prepare it, I wear gloves. Fortunately, Mr. Leek doesn't mind BBQ-ing (even in winter).

  17. I'm a vegetarian for 25+ years. I eat fake meat. Why? Cuz I was 13 when I stopped eating meat and wasn't creative in my small rodeo minded town about how to come up with alternatives.

    Now, it's because there are some that I actually like. And I second the comfort food comment. I like tacos. And sometimes having them see really taco-y is fun.

    But I just can't stand the thought of actually killing something to eat it. I'm waiting for the day when it's not seen as substituted meat, but just as textured protein.

  18. @Violet "jellied eels" = hilarious!

    I'd actually consider going veggie, but I need my protein and am very sensitive to soy - it makes me so depressed, like need meds depressed.

    But I do laugh at the vegetarians I know who eat fakeon and other meat-like substances. Those are just as mysterious as the pink goo that makes up McRibs or McNuggets.

  19. Went vegan after having high blood pressure and a stroke at a very young age. Sometimes I like to eat the fake meat (gardein is awesome!) It's amazing how many great vegan dishes you can make! Plus I look about 10 years younger after being on the vegan diet for 8 months!

  20. Vegetarian since 1988 here. I don't care for most meat substitutes but some people HAVE to have something that resembles meat if they've gone veggie for health reasons.

  21. the sofritas is actually a tofu mix. And it's really effin tasty.
