Thursday, February 27, 2014

Kim Zolciak Is Broke As A Joke

I'm not sure if Kim Zolciak thinks that if things get too bad if she can call Big Poppa for some cash but I heard she already owes him money so that might not work out so well. Radar is reporting that Kim and her husband have been hit with tax liens totaling $12K. In the whole scheme of things it is not a lot of money, but that is what is worrisome. If you bought a house for almost $1M and sunk another $1M into renovations and took out a line of credit of $300K to finish the renovations and don't have $12K to pay the tax man then you probably don't have much money. Maybe Kim thinks Kroy Biermann will keep playing forever and they can make up all their losses on his next contract. Maybe. There is also a chance he gets hurt again next season and never plays again and doesn't make much more money as an NFL player. Then what is he going to do? Oh, I'm sure he can get a real job. I think he might even make six figures in that job but it probably won't be NFL type money and it sure won't be enough to pay back the massive loans they have taken out or to pay their monthly expenses. Even if Kim lands a couple of seasons of a reality show. Lets be generous and give her five more years on reality television. With her expenses she will be paying off her bills fine but won't be saving anything. Within five years they will have to sell off their house and be living in a much smaller place and Kroy will be working two jobs while Kim will be traveling to any place that can give her a check while she tries to find someone who has a more consistent level of very high income.


  1. No.Way.

    She turned her nose up when he wanted to live 7 houses down from me, it wasn't opulent enough or nearly big enough and she can go f herself.

  2. When these shows came out, I thought that they were supposed to show the fabulous life of the rich. In reality, it seems like they're all chasing the dollar like a hooker and next to bankrupt. Not too fabulous.

  3. Who ever thought these two were rich? She was a gold digger and he's an off the bench ball player making league minimum which ends up being a couple hundred thousand. She's always lived way above her means.

  4. I adore kim zolciak but sshe's not the brightest lightbulb. She is very pretty and will be for a pretty long time so she better milk her fame for all its worth. She should be building businesses, selling on qvc, opening a bar or nightclub, becoming a country music singer. I think shes too busy riding kroy and spitting out kids to be a true businesswoman. Oh well lol

  5. She could live a very comfortable life with half of what she has, but no - she's a greedy heifer.

  6. It's funny how quickly people can forget where they come from. Kim was Po-until Big Poppa and then she become Paris Hilton--born to wealth and never knowing any other way. Please! I remember when she redid her daughter's room spending 100k! She didn't even have a job. That's just nuts! Clearly, these are all "paper" rich. They are living paycheck to paycheck like the rest of us...granted the checks are bigger...but the same way of life none the less. Now-I'm not jealous of the seemingly rich anymore.

  7. @eros, again - kinda agree with you - I miss KZ on HWs, she was ridiculous and in the beginning the friendship and rivalry with Nene was a good enough story line for laughs and eye rolling. I know nuthing about NBA, except that clearly, Kroy is def not a big baller, little bucks. Kim wld have made a better living developing her own career - even if it was as a personality. Instead she chose the barefoot and preggos route, living in houses they can't afford, and no cash in the bank.
    Greedy piggies.

    1. @ Kimba.. I miss Kim on hws too But I think those betches were driving her crazy towards the end. I love the ihateyoubitch/iloveubitch relationship her and nene had. Yes it was a SERIOUS eyeroll experience! Perfectly stated.

      Im not feelin anyone this season on rhoa. I don't like nene. Kenya crazy but I sorta like her some days. Marlos man voice has crazy eyes in her prison pics. I think she will cut a bitch if they take her there. Cynthia is a spineless asskisser that has lost my respect. Phaedra is phony and boring. The new one - shes so boring and I hate her voice.. somebody needs to muzzle her. And khandi look like she ate the whole cast and crew. Wtf?! She was tiny when she first joined the show. What happened.

  8. Remember when she had that assistant--I think her name was Sweetie? lol. She did not even have a job! Oh well...She could always pack her stuff (and her stuff in storage) and move to Chateau Sheree---where all your dreams will come true----

    1. My favorite sheree episode was that clusterfuck episode with the gay party planner dude. Ooo I need to youtube that one today so I can get some laughs. I did like sheree sometimes but she bored me too.

    2. Who gonna check me, Boo?

    3. @Princess Nobody Lmao!! That made me laugh out loud for real because it made the whole exchange come flowing back. Been crazy at work otherwise I woulda peeped it on you tube. Im gonna check it tonight for sure tho when I can relax and enjoy. I woulda jumped up and slapped his ass silly for talking to me like he did to her. But he look like the type of angrybird that would smack a female back. Lol... so maybe not ha

  9. What happened to all her wig money??

  10. That house she turned down was around 10,000 sq ft, per my hubby. I know it cost not quite double what my house did, and supposedly he was in the process of really nice upgrades. Who's gonna pay for all her young'uns in a few yrs? Big Poppa be Big Broke. He lost his ass in the real estate mkt.

  11. Wow Enty is now a Financial Adviser?

  12. You will find that many of the rich and fabulous are not so rich nor fabulous, they live on credit up their wazoo to keep up with other people who are doing the same thing. Eventually the house of cards collapses.

  13. She probably should've laid off on all that baby making

  14. She could live on half of what she's spending now. Amazing how these people come into money and then never think about saving any of it for when their 15 minutes is up.

  15. I had no idea who this woman was. I wiki'd. Thanks for the smile. (Her children's names alone are enough...)

    And before anyone gets pissy with me, it's not the K's, it's the K's PLUS the Brielle and Arianna that did it. Lets okay "spot the children from a previous relationship", gang!

    1. Oh fexking phone, you do let me down.

      **let's play...

  16. Sheesh, get a financial advisor woman.

  17. Replies
    1. @derek

      Haha, I LOVE saying "She by Sheree" it just rolls off the tongue

  18. Okay, I am not a Housewives fan at all and when these 2 hooked up, he was a young up and comer. Granted, I thought he would be a bust, but he has a HUGE following here in ATL - might be the name - people love saying BEER MAN when he makes a great hit - bottom line, he went from 3rd string to starter and 3.1 million per year is just a wee bit above the minimum contract for NFL players.

    So yes, they might always live above their means, but Kroy has his own following that could lead to a second career in sports radio, localbroadcasting, etc.

    I know plenty of former "minimum wage" NFL players and they are doing fine post NFL...

  19. Nah, she made a ton of money off Don't Be Tardy For The Party" :)

  20. Because I'm Cdn, we get the HWs series six months after the US & we don't get Watch What Happnes w Andy Cohen (dontevenknow the right title cause we don't get it!). It's madness!
    Sheree was good-terrible, I think Kenya is an outrageous addition - My favorite story is of her Nigerian Prince - Kenya's been catfished!
    I love Candi - big heart. Cynthia suffers from beauty and bad men..
    If they brought back HWoVancouver, I could share gossip, but nobody wld know who Id be talking aboot. Save for the few CDNA here that watched the show -

    1. Ooo Kimba do tell!! I watch the Vancouver housewives streamed it online. That evil old bitty whatsherface... jody. Had to wiki the show gor her name. Anyway couldn't stand her pretentious ass. Ronnie= big ole fake friend and she will do ANYTHING to be the center of attention.My favorites were Kristina koesel... she is so beautiful and interesting. ..very ange jolie in her mystique. I liked mary z a little but she was overkilling im a sweet innocent kitten who wouldnt harm a fly persona. I hope they bring it back but with Kristina or I wont bother watching.

    2. Kimba, whut?? I used to watch the RHOV! Spill!

  21. Anonymous9:29 AM

    All of these "real housewife" show are a joke...all of these women are nothing but $5 truck stop ho

  22. @Kimba---Where in Canada are you? I love ATL its my fav. Candy is the nicest and most normal. Nene is a monster. Phaedra and Kenya bring the crazy and fun and Porsha and Cynthia just need to go--. I actually fwd trough Cynthias scenes cause she is annoying and boring. RHOV was a mess thats fur shur!

    1. Derek and Kimba wait til you see Mama Joyce this season. That crazy broad is throwing shoes and threatening to drag Kandi's friend up and down the street by her rented weave.

      Can't believe you don't get Andy's show in his knock knack clubhouse.

  23. Who loaned these low rent hos over a million dollars?!?!?!

  24. Eros---it has been cancelled and never coming back. Mia (Jodys daughter) and I have a mutual friend and I met her years ago before the show was on. Big coke-head (to no surprise). I have Mia on my fb and she is always posting- trying to sell her clothes and purses. She lives in Toronto now and was on some other reality show that also got cancelled.

    1. @ Derek... Yeah I had read they had canceled it but they had made it sound like they were thinking about bringing it back. Oh well its probably for the best. Im not surprised mia Iis a cokehead. She seems very insecure with her looks just from what I saw on the show. 1st season was best for me.

  25. I got a feeling I am going to be able to buy a new Toyota from Kroy in the near future. Then I can drive it over to the Cheetah Club and tip Kim with single bills. Gonnna be awesome.

  26. Leaven Kroy alone (falcon fan here)..He got a 3 year/9 million contract in 2012 and will get 3 million in 2014. He better take his money and run!!

  27. I remember the one ep of RHWoA where she revealed she wears wigs and showed her getting fitted for these $1,000 real human hair wigs and she said she wears them once and never rewears the same one. I thought to myself Sweet B'Jeezus - talk about conspicuous consumption. I hoped it was just talk for the cameras. Perhaps not.

    1. @ Mickey. Totally agree. Im hoping she donated to a cancer foundation or something if she didnt keep them.

  28. @KIMBA

    i just think it's hilarious you don't know much about kroy and the nba, because he is an NFL football player. lol

    1. Lololol!!! Was wondering who was gonna point that out!

  29. @Kristin---looking forward to DAT! Mama Joyce is insane--I do not know how Kandi tolerates her---let alone supports her financially!

    1. Payback guilt for being a pregnant teen and her mom helping and standing by her. Kandi. Feels like mama Joyce "owns her"

  30. @catlady, oops - I'm a hockey girl and UK footballer wife
    @derek, I grew up in the West End, was a serious clubber in the day. I fled urban life now hide out in southern BC.
    Vancouver & Canada circles are so small, if you hung at Celebreties, the Gandy Dancer, the O, we probably bumped booties or lines.

    1. KIMBA I used to go to Celebrites when I was 16. I lived about 20 minutes from the Canadian border. We got pir fake ids in Seattle. But never had to use them....we made fast friends with the bouncers...Good times!

  31. Kimba---cool---I am actually from Toronto---and have never been to Vancouver but the name of those clubs (especially celebrities) sounds familiar. I am going out west prob next summer.

  32. @TTM, well, scratching brain - it's been a while - and, Gangcover is a small town, stuff you can guess anyways - serious drug problems with all the ladies - on going, no sobriety. Major cheating - the "art" dealer's back story, Ronnie was a stripper & how she met her man. Same stories as NJ, different faces. The two bit characters, I know personally, so it is funny to see people on TV that you've physically fought with at the club, sabatoge relationships, snubbing of invites to same circle friends. They'd picked not a bad cast, but essentially it is a small town, new money - so they are cheap & don't really do much to warrant making it into a series. It showed the beauty of the town and the ugly of the people accurately.

    1. LOL cool! How about the fierce one? That did martial arts? Do you know her deal? I liked the gold digger one, she made no bones

  33. My friend is friends with her and Leggs - the tall blond - fun, nice etc. Martial Arts girl has gang connections known in the city. Not sayin anything else on that! Don't want to get hunted down!

  34. I feel bad for those babies she has now. The older girls are being spoiled rotten and getting designer everything. Once the kids now reach this age, there will be no money left and they will be wearing goodwill.
