Friday, February 21, 2014

Katy Perry Booed In Milan

Katy Perry showed up an hour late to the Moschino fashion show in London and the spectators and photographers who were waiting for her so the show could start booed her. Not a few smattering of boos but a full on boo fest. Katy, who walked in the show was supposed to arrive at 8pm but didn't show up until about 9pm. Moschino tried to cover for Katy after the show telling everyone that Katy was supposed to be there at 9, but then how come all the press thought she was supposed to be there at 8? Because Moschino told the press earlier that Katy would arrive at 8. The good news is the company fell on a sword for her so she should probably be really loyal to the brand for a long time. I wonder if this represents some anti-Katy sentiment or an anti-celebrity walking on runways thing or just a crowd of press who wanted to make their deadlines and then get some food.


  1. The press release could have been a typo.

    1. Yeah, being late is not a usual thing for her. Pass.

  2. I like boob fests.

  3. I think it is probably a people being sick of rudeness booing. Though bit tough on Katy if it was a communication issue.

  4. at least it was a time issue and not the fact that they were booing her for being her.

    it sucks but at least it was only an hour, versus no-showing at all.

  5. That is so rude and disrespectful. I would never disrespect a designer by being late!

  6. I am "meh" towards Katy Perry, but I am very anti satin dresses that are a size (or three) too small and pull unflatteringly in the thigh area. That's something we can all get behind, you guys.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      ^everything you said. And I was gona say she tools terrible in that outfit. I would have booed her for that

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Looks terrible^ dammit

  7. Thats called being FASHIONABLY late dahhhlings

  8. Booing at a fashion show? I thought with their heads so far up their own asses they wouldnt be able to boo. Huh.

  9. @Kim--or your fans! We have lives too ya know! But you are ALWAYS the professional girl.

  10. @Auntliddy--lol I was thinking that too.

  11. great @btowngurl, now that's all i can see.

    katy is very beautiful and sexy but i think she would be insanely striking if she lost 20 lbs. like, getting close to megan fox territory.

    1. You spelled plastic surgery wrong : p

    2. @T. E. Cruz, she is just fine the way she is!! She doesn't need to lose 20 lbs. to be 'insanely striking'. SMH

  12. I was hoping they booed her because they knew shes talentless :(

  13. @T.E. Homegirl, I apologize haha! I think KFF has me in some sort of ill-fitting satin withdrawal, you know? :)

  14. Unacceptable. 99% of success is showing up. ON TIME.

  15. So true Kourt. I heard Bruce say that at one of his motivational seminars and truly changed my perspective on life.

  16. Lol she looks so awkward in that photo. Like a 10 year old playing fashion show at a sleepover

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    1. Also, Katy doesn't generally act like an asshole so maybe the boo fucks at the fashion show should just shut the fuck up and save it for Rhianna.

  18. @ sandy. Talentless and clueless. A couple of my favorite KP quotes:
    "I'm not a feminist, but I do believe in the power of women."
    “I was thinking about unconditional love, and I was thinking: Geishas are basically, like, the masters of loving unconditionally.”

  19. My favorite feminist quote is from Farrah Abraham.
    Interviewer: Do you consider yourself a feminist? \
    Farrah: Whats that- like being a lesbian?

  20. Geez@Mel :( I wonder if her age is higher than her iq?
    Bwahaha @Derek

  21. And she needs to lose 20lbs??? FFS, I just can't with that one. If anything, maybe she could tone up a little but I think it's just the material.

  22. Hahah@Derek!! That's classic!

  23. Once again the worst hyper-linker in the history of the internet has screwed the pooch. What I said was:

    Katy does have some extra chunk going on there in her butt and thighs.

  24. What about the fact that she seems to be wearing CHANEL on a Moschino runway...? Lol

  25. It's disappointing how stigmatized Feminisim still is - funnel it down: do you believe in equal pay for equal work?
    Forget the opening the door gibbergabber, it's a red herring in the debat - it means equal access and pay. The spectrum of what defines a feminist is wide - but mainstream pop thought is so dumbed down.
    KP and other "hear me roar" women have an opportunity that they waste, instead they continue to infantile themselves and their audience.
    Okay, I'll go over to Jezebel now...... ; )

    1. Don't leave us, Kimba! If these pop stars did chose to incorporate more feminist ideology into their image and music, what effect would it have? I remember when Miley came out with that interview on how she was a feminist, a lot of people mocked her. Either way, I agree with Kathleen Hannah's stance: MC just saying the word feminism means millions of girls will go Google it. But as much as exposure helps, how something is depicted is equally if not more important

    2. @Kimba, another one of you sense-makers with your sense-making! What is this world coming to?

      (See you over at the Jez. :D)

    3. Kimba! Thank you!! I don't understand why so many women in the entertainment industry fear being labeled a feminist.

    4. Feminism is the new f-word ;)

  26. she doesnt NEED to... not at all. like i said, shes already attractive.

    but if she did, as in, for her own elective purposes... she would bump up to being super-sexy.

    no one "needs" to be sexy.

    1. @ TE. Whaaaaaaaat? You're a trip.

    2. @TE just likes em real skinny. But then Kapers would lose those amazing fun bags.

  27. I'd boo her just because she sucks ass.

    I cannot stand that no talent hack.

  28. That dress is a mess!

  29. @Lady---I love Kathleen Hannah! I've seen Le Tigre in concert 5 times lol

  30. Offically in love with you @Lady (omg Canada scored!) - and Derek! Day is brighter for reading Kathleen Hanna's name & Le Tigre.
    And who am I kidding, KP is not brave enough to examine her influence - her well oiled machine is working.

    1. Love you more @Kimba
      Don't you leave us!

    2. Especially because you're the only one who caught the autocorrect from misspelling her name!!!
      Sorry Kathleen HANNA!!

  31. I'm embarrassed for the commenters who keep salivating over our K-trolls as if they are the real people. I want to laugh but their obsequious comments are just so pathetic.

    1. Every time I read your name I remember you are the poster who mutilated her poor fucking cat. That's a lot more extreme than few funny comments. Maybe I should come over sometime and cut off your fingertips. Chop chop

    2. Wtf cat mutilation?!?!

    3. Wtf cat mutilation?!?!

    4. Yep she called it declawing. People who care about animals call it mutilation. If you have to alter an animal like that to suit your life you don't deserve to own one

      What is declawing?
      Too often, people think that declawing is a simple surgery that removes a cat's nails—the equivalent of having your fingernails trimmed. Sadly, this is far from the truth.
      Declawing traditionally involves the amputation of the last bone of each toe. If performed on a human being, it would be like cutting off each finger at the last knuckle.What is declawing?
      Too often, people think that declawing is a simple surgery that removes a cat's nails—the equivalent of having your fingernails trimmed. Sadly, this is far from the truth.
      Declawing traditionally involves the amputation of the last bone of each toe. If performed on a human being, it would be like cutting off each finger at the last knuckle.

    5. +1 @CUNextTuesday.

    6. Well then chop chop is actually a quite fitting handle then, right?

      Sorry for the black humor there. I'll see myself out. Good night Rhysie!!!!

  32. Aww shucks Seven, it's early no wine, in sensical mode.

  33. @chopchop Don't be embarrassed for moi Dawn Weiner!

  34. @chopchop - did it ever occur to you that people are just rolling with it? I think they're pretty funny most of the time.

    1. If ya can't beat'em, join'em.
      Anyway, isn't this the site that thought RDJ was a commenter?

  35. I don't see why anyone would want Katy Perry walking a runway as a model to begin with. Her music may not be that bad, if you accept the cheap, artificial crap that's called "music" these days as having any value, but that's all she's ever had going for her. She certainly has no claim to anything special in the looks department. At best, she's plain--very, very plain.

  36. Somehow, I feel the boos wouldn't have happened if the celebrity had been male.

  37. Robert, I agree. I always describe her as "mediocre". She is the definition of the word to me.

  38. Video:

  39. So true, I came here (from Jez, Kimba!) because of the RDJ thing, stayed because it's awesome. Not all trolls are the unwashed under-bridge type

  40. I'll bet Katy wasn't supposed to be there until 9 or she had transportation issues.

    And yes feminism has gotten such a bad name by the press listening to old, fat white men who fear for their jobs. Feninazi anyone? How is equal work/equal pay a bad thing? How is wanting the same opportunity for education a bad thing? Or housing or financial equality?

    Years ago I wasn't able to get a loan for my business (or a house for that matter)unless my husband signed for me. I'm glad we've moved past that.

    1. People tend to view feminism narrowly and negatively, which means taking the voice of radical feminists as the whole when in reality feminism is much more broad then that. Most, myself included, fall under the category of liberal feminists. I believe fundamentally in the concept of equal access and opportunities for all. I'm even happy to recognize the gender system as one that marginalized certain kinds of men. It's easier to start "men's rights" movements or protests - yes those are a real thing- or as a counter response to the advances of women, or to continue undermining us as a bunch of man hating braburners
      +1 @Sherry

  41. OMG. That Farrah Abraham quote is fantastic.

    I wish some of the readers actually wrote the posts for this blog.

    1. Some of the readers would agree, @Susan, but they are busy with their studies.

  42. Susan: the last time that happened, there was a jax-sized hole ripped in the space-time continuum and it took forever for everyone to get over it. And I don't even know why

  43. OK, so what if I were to tell you that this study was fake and I was trolling all of you?

    Of course I'm kidding everyone calm down. Real study, peer reviewed. Promise. Thanks for all the intriguing comments about this!

    1. I didn't think that before but now that you mention it.....

  44. whos a Cat mutilator?

  45. Whoa - come back for a visit & see how the dirty word "f" got laid down and now it's segwayed into cat mutilators - Crazy Days!

    1. More like crazy nights. Shit just got real up in here!

  46. I mean, cat declawing definitely isn't the nicest thing to do, but that post is pretty harsh.

  47. Sorry JS I think this is a lot harsher than a few fucking words

    Medical drawbacks to declawing include pain, infection, tissue necrosis (tissue death), lameness, and back pain. Removing claws changes the way a cat's foot meets the ground and can cause pain similar to wearing an uncomfortable pair of shoes. There can also be a regrowth of improperly removed claws, nerve damage, and bone spurs.
    For several days after surgery, shredded newspaper is typically used in the litter box to prevent litter from irritating declawed feet. This unfamiliar litter substitute, accompanied by pain when scratching in the box, may lead cats to stop using the litter box. Some cats may become biters because they no longer have their claws for defense.

  48. oh ChopChop----well she is very rude so that does not surprise me. I hope her cat bites the shit outta her.

  49. I'm not arguing that cat declawing isn't a horrible thing to do, I'm simply noting how generously the word "cunt" was thrown around at everyone. Cat declawing is apparently a very sensitive issue for some people, which I was not aware of.

    Derek LOL I just choked on my fruit slush.

  50. Do you have a pet JS? Would you subject it to 20years of pain because you were too lazy to get a scratching post? Only a cunt would do that.

  51. Nothing against you JS it is a sensitive issue

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  53. Yep, I'm a cunt. And a bitch. And I declawed my cat 14 years ago. Guilty as charged. I'm a horrible horrible person.

    But I'm not a useless internet troll. Never drove any other commenter to a complete mental breakdown *coughDerekcough*. And I have a life so I don't need to keep tabs on what people wrote in a thread four years ago.

    The joke's on you. *raises glass*

    1. You are the joke you sad excuse for a cat owner. Don't keep tabs just remember cruel bitches with unfortunate word association screen names.

  54. um................

  55. I was just gonna say I like that coat.

  56. I did not lead anyone to a mental breakdown. Keep drinking that kool-aid moron-cheers! and IF I did --(which I did NOT!) then.....she started with me first and obviously she had bigger issues going on with her life than moi.---LIKE YOU DO chopchop

  57. and another thing--------why are you obsessed with me? like are all these "occasional or first time" posters obsessed with me---like remember everything I ever posted-anyone I ever had an arguement (which is 2 people in over a year btw--and one was not a big deal and pretty sure we are over it! *we have lives too ya know ; ) *
    I am trying to remember my Hot Sundae dance moves---not being a BITCH on a chat room

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  60. Shoot, I tried and failed. I can't even on a Saturday!

    Anyway, CU makes an interesting point. Since cats are basically furry Dexters, declawing is something that can represent a real hazard to cats if something were to happen to them. (SFW link to The Oatmeal, but I warn you: that site can be addicting!)

  61. NO THE POST ON DECLAWING IS NOT HARSH ENOUGH. This is the ONLY country where de-clawing is legalized. Great Britain, Canada, Europe, all civilized countries ban de-clawing. If it has to be done - like you value your furniture more than your cat - you do it as a kitten. Anyone who does it at 14 is a disgusting piece of siht. I'd like to come over and mutilate them.

  62. @@CUNextTuesday. Thank you for pointing out how mutilating your cat is done by declawing.

  63. I am wondering why Katy Perry is at a fashion show in a dress that doesn't even fit her. I don't know if she is there to get people to buy the clothes or to have them run to another designer.

  64. For a minute there, I thought this site might be coming back to life...
