Thursday, February 20, 2014

Kate Hudson And Matt Bellamy Are Finished

The NY Daily News is reporting that Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy are on the rocks. For the past few months they have both been the subject of blinds about their relationship and moving on to other people. The article says that because of their schedules they never see each other. They could make time to see each other if they wanted. They have been engaged for almost three years so it doesn't look like there was any rush to get married and they are rarely spotted together and spend so much time apart that they were probably hoping no one would even notice they weren't a couple any longer. The article says Kate has three movies in production and Matt has the whole Muse thing so it is easy to use the whole schedules thing but they had no issues finding time for each other in the early days of their relationship and just don't seem to want to find time to be together now.


  1. For the past few months they have both been the subject of blinds about their relationship and moving on to other people. 

    Brace yourselves, reveals are coming.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shocker!!! I was sure she would make it this time.

  4. cant turn a ho into a housewife

  5. There was a bi on bg. That he left her for a groupie. Ouch. She is very clingy. Wasn't she trying to have Chris Martin baby??

  6. she'll move on to another and make another baby

    seems to be her MO

    1. Oh sit down. She gave birth to a child in 2004 and another in 2011. In that time she's also worked for her own damn living.

      Making babies is hardly her livelihood, or MO.

  7. When Kate Hudson has her third child by a third man, will the tabloids attack her the way they went after Kate Winslet?

    1. Vera - only if she is spotted crying on a bench after handing off her kids to strangers.

    2. Texas-for 20 minutes, lol

    3. But it is kinda gross to have three kids by three different people...I get the condom hate but damn nobody takes birth control anymore? It's nasty and irresponsible to keep doing that.

    4. I don't agree, Kels. Maybe she fell in love with three different people and they had a kid. How is that gross?

    5. @ Kels I totally agree . Its a little nasty. At least kate married one of hers. Most women today just spit out kids with different men. Bad for the children too

    6. Kels and Eros--my aunt just had her third child by her third partner. She's been widowed twice. I invite you to join us at our summer family reunion so you can tell her how irresponsible she is and how bad a mother she's being. It's in Cincinnati, so be sure to pack your best anti-humidity gear. X


    8. Anonymous11:44 PM

      Kate Winslet was married to all 3 of the fathers. She obviously thought it was forever and didn't just not like a condom. Life happens and not always to the plan. Get over judging people with generalisations, life is hard enough

  8. I don't get Muse.
    I went out with a guy a couple of years ago and all he did was talk about them and how they are the band that changed his life,inspired him etc etc. Insisted I listen to a few songs of theirs with him. So, uh..okay. Then he starts to cry during one of them. This is the first (and most certainly last, if I may say) date. He's crying.
    and crying

    So yeah, I don't get Muse.
    Plus they owe me the 5 dollars I spotted this dolt for parking, since I never talked to him again. they also owe me for the cost of changing my number.

    1. When I run on the beach, I listen to the song-I cant think of the name-"we will be victorious!" It's great for cardio, but I dont cry over it.

    2. Bacon - ewww!!. Anyone that talks about a group like that has serious issues and should be avoided at all costs. I hope you got away from him.

    3. @Bacon Ranch- I am sitting in a doctor's office trying not to bust out laughing at this story!

    4. Muse is corny

    5. @Bacon I'm not a fan of Muse at all. And the way they ripped off the Doctor Who theme just passed me off too.

  9. why the fuck is the enry so fucking bitter over everything

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Kate was the pretty girl who everyone expected to goto acting, especially given her family...she doesn't have any real know she's got someone else richer lined up, if not famous, some billionaire, given where her career has gone...completely expected that she becomes a trophy wife...go the Salma route & become an even worse B than what she already is

  11. He'll be paying her until the kid is 18, and that's really all she wanted.
    He really should have a DNA test on the baby cause Kate well she is very open sexually.

  12. Always sad to hear about a marriage going south

    1. Wait! Unless it's a bad marriage, then better out of it. Nobody likes the Death from a Thousand Cuts marriage

  13. KATE!!!!!! Shoot me an email, and take me for a test drive. Worst thing that could happen is you like it.

  14. I cried when The Canadian Tenors played Yolanda and David Fosters house on RH of Beverly Hills. So emotional.

  15. @CubsFan: Middle aged lonely brings out the bitter in lots of broads.

  16. I did texas :) I most certainly did.
    Kinda ruined Muse for me, though.
    They could come out with the world's most perfect song one day and I still wouldn't listen to it.

  17. I didnt think they wld last when i read an interview with her coupla years ago. She said they just started dating and she got pregnant by accident almost right away, so they were kind of getting to know each other while she was pregnant. So they didnt have much to build on. No harm no foul, she takes care of her boys. And i dont think she needs anyone's elses money, she has money and she isnt a spendthrift.

  18. Derek - I was very happy none of those loudmouthed housewives didn't ruin it like the last time David played for his dinner guests. So rude!!!

  19. I cried when Jax said he wouldn't take staci back.

  20. Huzahhh!! Time for some great new music!! Matt always does his best writing when going through a breakup.

    Bacon I was kinda the same, I didn't care about them either way until I saw muse in concert and it was absolutely fantastic. It was a spectacular performance that i would live over and over again. Well, for a few days at least.

    Matt is also super sexy while performing. I mean, I'm pretty sure i got pregnant just watching him.

  21. She loves her some rock stars. She has a type. I bet her next dude is a signer or in some band. I think she likes the whole backstage thing and being the #1 ho!

  22. I'm just surprised 3 producers want Kate Hudson in their movies.

  23. She's great on Glee. Good singer, good dancer.

  24. Her dad was a musician even though she was "raised" by Kurt Russell.

    Daddy issues anyone?

  25. 1 - They weren't married.
    2 - Since she tried to get pregnant with A-Rod, this was no accident.
    3 - Agree there will be a #3 if the guy isn't smart enough to take precautions…
    4 - Kate is clingy in the Cameron Diaz style, once the
    allure of her family wears off….it's over.

  26. I think she's just too much of a free spirit -- yeah, that's what we'll call it -- to settle down for good with anybody.

    Snorted out loud at my desk over your reimbursement-for-parking story, Bacon Ranch. I don't get Muse, either. (FWIW, I don't get Coldplay, either. It's not strange that I lump them together in my head, is it?)

  27. Kate needs to stop dating/ marrying musicians. Speaking from experience here... Yes they're hot, artistic, interesting, creative but unfortunately most are not marriage material. Athletes and musicians have snatch thrown at them so often they need catchers mitts. She needs to find a nice , hot normal, nonfamous guy. Same advice goes for Anniston.

    1. @Eros, agree with you on this. Famous Phil Donahue show years ago with wives of athletes who'd found lipstick on their shirts....on the shirttails.

    2. @Nutty Whenever I see an athlete I just wonder at how many stds they are carrying because they are such hoebags. A good number of the guys ive dated were college athletes and they always fessed up to the level of tail that guys get. Its a little disturbing but not surprising.

  28. @Kels: I would agree with you, but she has enough $$ to support the kids, even if the dads were deadbeats. Plus, she is a hot preggo.

    I would definitely wrap it with her though, because she is probably 2 Degrees of Boning from 1000s.

  29. @Bacon Ranch --- your story about the crying Muse guy was excruciating just to read, can't imagine having lived it in real life. @Kels --- my grandma had 3 kids with 3 dudes, so I don't agree with it being gross. But it does make for some complicated family reunions.

  30. they are the band that changed his life,inspired him etc etc. Insisted I listen to a few songs of theirs with him. So, uh..okay. Then he starts to cry during one of them

    That is hilarious and awesome!

  31. "because of their schedules they never see each other"

    That is what they all say when they don't want to say the real truth.

  32. she loves her some rock stars
    Atheletes and rock stars never work out hun
    next will be an actor

  33. Bacon...That story is awesome!

  34. Owen Wilson is free. Maybe they can hook back up. That ended so well last time.

  35. I love muse (but I've never cried over them) and Matt while not much to look at in pics certainly has IT onstage.
    Call me Matt! ;)

  36. If I had even a little piece of Matt Bellamy I would do whatever it takes to never let it go. Sweet lord. Last time we were front row, and this man was 5 feet in front of me, and I mean. Wow. Just wow. I totally got pregnant just watching his fingers on that guitar. I've gone twice to see the 2nd law tour, and no matter how much I try to fight it, they are quickly becoming my #2 fave band. So Kate get it together!

  37. Bacon, you could giggle your way through the song, recalling your happy memories.
    I hope you got your $5 back.

  38. She's pretty much a famous groupie, so she'll just hook-up with another band member and get another kid cut out of her.

  39. She has the money, looks and fame that enable her to reel in the rock stars. Why not? When I was 12, I wanted to have a few rock stars babies. She's livin' the fantasies many of us had in pre-adolescence. She'd better keep her hands off Jack White, though.

  40. I don't get the Kate hate. She doesn't bother me nearly as much as some of the other 'actresses' out there.

  41. Yeah, A-Rod pretty much let it be known Kate was trying to trap him with a kid, so this last one was no accident. For whatever reason, Kate thinks a kid is going to seal the deal with a guy.

  42. Sprink, I think there's a vast difference between a poor woman who's been widowed-twice, bless her heart-and Kate Hudson. She likes to bare back anything famous, and knows she doesn't have to worry about the repercussions, star-wise, or monetarily. I heard she MAJORLY fucked over Owen Wilson, and systematically tried to trap A Rod into a family. Big, huge difference.

    All that said, I'm not a chick flick fan, AT ALL, but I secretly loved her and Matty Mc in How To Lose A Guy. I thought they were super cute together.

  43. Somebody put the members of Imagine Dragons and Bastille on lockdown.

    Just kidding.
