Justin Bieber Grilled By Customs For Five Hours
Have you ever been asked by US Customs to step inside a room? There you are just standing in the line of hundreds with everyone else and when you get to the front of the line, they do a lot of punching in the computer and look at your passport a few times and shake their heads and then keep punching in a million key strokes. Finally they look up at you and ask you to step into a little side room so someone can talk to you about a little issue. Your mind starts racing about what you might have done to deserve it or if your elementary school library finally reported that book you never returned.
That little room can take five minutes or in Justin Bieber's case it can take five hours. While he was pulled from his private jet yesterday afternoon outside New York City, the rest of the passengers and crew watched as customs officials checked every inch of the plane for drug residue after smelling pot inside the aircraft. I bet it smelled like pot and I bet they had been smoking before they took off, but even they can go without for the hour it takes to fly from Toronto to New York. Customs officials finally let Justin inside the country but my guess is he will only leave the country again if it is really important or some country is having a half price hooker sale.