Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Josh Brolin And His Assistant Of Two Years Take Their Relationship Public

Apparently Diane Lane was ok with the bar fights and being drunk and the women Josh Brolin slept with all over the world but had a problem with him having sex with his assistant. Over the weekend Josh and his assistant Kathryn Boyd took their relationship public. The kiss butt tabloids say the two only began a sexual relationship in March. Uh huh. I guess they think Josh is future cover material? Probably not, but his publicist represents other people so why not just say the pair started hooking up in March. I love how they just expect everyone to nod their head and smile and say sure it is perfectly plausible that his very attractive assistant started working for Josh and then just a few months later Josh and Diane split and they waited another year before they became intimate.

These are the same people who probably believe that MTV award winners don't know they are winning in advance.


  1. I bet the assistant can take a punch like George Foreman.

    1. Damn you! I laughed too

    2. I just hope the relationship comes with a good medical/dental plan.

  2. Hope she knows what she's in for. Better invest in that pancake makeup honey.

  3. I wonder if his rehab took. This woman has to know how he is if she's been with him for 2 years.

  4. Yay another douche!!!

  5. When the relationship started is sort of the least interesting part of it. More like why on earth would any woman want to be involved with him? Oh, yes. Money. Money always makes up for being slapped around by a repulsive man.

  6. It worked for Klum's bodyguard, right?

    I hate that Brolin is such a tool, because he's a good actor.

    Also hate shade being thrown at Diane Lane. There are a lot of factors in DV relationships that make no sense to people outside of those relationships. It's a vicious cycle and I'm glad she got out.

    1. Perfectly said Seven. I agree completely.

  7. There is a difference between an one-shout and a regular affair

  8. Those headphones are tacky.

  9. Very attractive?! Um...no. ESP not compared to Diane. Vomit!

  10. Jiggle ya balls in a blender Josh!

  11. She's a big girl. Can definitely see what Brolin sees in her. Hope I get her next.

  12. His head looks huge in that picture. And his legs really stubby. He is an excellent actor..but I'm just not a fan.

  13. I thought he was Simon Cowell. Diane deserves way better. She should send them a fruit basket for giving her the opportunity to upgrade. Those sunglasses he has on are giving me an irrational sense of hatred and I just want to knock them off his smug face. Ok, done ranting. Lol

  14. Diane looks better than that cow.

  15. Of course she thinks it will be different. Probably according to Josh it was Diane's fault. She pushed him to hit her..yeah right.

  16. Yeah, thats gonna last.

  17. This is not his best angle

  18. These people that believe everything that Enty speaks of....I rarely discuss Hollywood gossip outside of CDAN...the overwhelming majority of people (outside of LA and NY) do NOT believe anything bad about their celebrities.

  19. I had a friend who attended church with Clay Aiken in the past. He gave me a real piece of his mind when I told him that it was believed that Clay was gay. I wonder what he thinks now?

  20. He is such a gross little turd.

  21. Sorry but, I'm not seeing a "very attractive" anything in that picture above. I'm sure she has a great personality though! 😏

  22. I can't even believe he's younger than me. That is one rough face.

  23. What a lucky, lucky girl! I know I miss my ex beating the shit out of me on the regular. Hot.

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