Brandi Glanville Blind Item #1
Brandi Glanville has a new book where she talks about guy she had sex with but doesn't name names. Not sure why.
Actor/rapper/political hopeful
“He was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen,” Glanville says. “Tall, dark, and handsome with milk chocolate skin, luscious lips, and the sort of chiseled abs you could see through his T-shirt.”
The first night they met, “I immediately recognized him from one of my favorite TV shows,” she says.
When they first hooked up, she was happy to discover that “His manhood was enormous — the perfect cherry on top of this gorgeous chocolate sundae. It was so large that he had to special-order condoms just to fit him.”
“But there was one problem I couldn’t seem to get over,” she reveals. “He was a huge f*cking stoner. … Every time he smoked, his ego seemed to inflate and I felt like I was just there as a sounding board for all his grandiose dreams. Acting, he explained, wasn’t his end goal. After winning his first Oscar (For either acting or producing, he wasn’t quite sure yet) and becoming a Grammy Award-winning recording artist, he planned to become a politician.”
Glanville admits she eventually smoked pot with him to try to bridge the gap, but their relationship fizzled.