Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 12, 2013

No matter how much they want people to believe they are dating, this female A list model isn't dating the male A+ list celebrity/band member. The model only likes women.

Cara Delevingne/Harry Styles


  1. And.....seriously, as much as Harry's lady-banging rep has been inflated, it wouldn't surprise me if he was batting for the other team too.

  2. Who cares about who she's dating, what's with those EYEBROWS??

  3. @TTM, I think those are genetic. Her younger sister's are identical. Very groucho marx, in a trimmed way.

  4. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I can't see why ppl like her. She has nothing special to look at.

  5. I guess it's probably her thing, and if it's genetic I will back oof. Just.dont.find.her.attractive whatsoever. At all. Don't get it

    1. She's not, but her modeling shots are gorg.

  6. She seems to be a mess, but I think she's gorgeous. :)

    1. I'm with Meanie. I think she's gorgeous. Sure, not in the traditional sense but I like her look.

  7. She's another overinflated 21yr old, train wreck in the making.

  8. I dunno. Twiggy is still around, 50 years after her heyday. She has her own line at Marks & Spencer, I believe.

    I do agree that Harry is trying awfully hard to be straight. Lots of high-profile publicity setups. The less-popular 1D members seem to have actual girlfriends.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Cara and Michelle sitting in a tree
    K I S S I N G
    first comes love then maybe marriage and certainly no baby carriage

  11. what the hell? I don't get her draw.. in the real world (without makeup artists and anorexia) she's just Basic. but its cool she's for the gays I guess.

  12. Sometimes Cara Delevingne photograps ok and sometimes not so great. She's like that Seinfeld chick.

  13. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Cara family is MAJOR wealty & connected...that's how she's a model, she is NOT good looking w/o MASSIVE photoshop, plus is an alcoholic, self harming, into major BDSM, & has a skin condition

  14. Cleo, Harry (not me) is as gay as Liberace. That's why all the bearding with Cara and Swift and Kendall Jenner.

  15. "plus is an alcoholic, self harming, into major BDSM, & has a skin condition"

    I think I'm in love!

    1. She has Psoriasis. I think people mistake her sores - which can be all over her body - for self harming, etc.

    2. Ok, not self harming, but she still does the BDSM stuff though, right?

  16. Cara's family has r o y a l ties, doncha know? It's ok to be a hard drug user and get so wrecked you fall down on a regular basis, because high society makes it chahhhming. Styles is a future train wreck, but that kid has massive charisma.

  17. Duh!
    And yeah, her family is very wealthy and connected. Sadly her mother is an addict. Maybe she's the way she is due to genetics or enviornment. Her sister is trying to break into the Hollywood scene too.
    And her eyebrows are a meerkat that has been glued to her forehead.

  18. This girl's story is not going to end well.

  19. Not good having a skin condition when you're a model. You kind of need nice skin I thought.

    Blondie..You are cracking me up about her eyebrows!

  20. Hey they BOTH like women. Oh wait, nevermind.

  21. Anna Belle said...
    Cara family is MAJOR wealty & connected...that's how she's a model, she is NOT good looking w/o MASSIVE photoshop, plus is an alcoholic, self harming, into major BDSM, & has a skin condition


    Didn't she walk in a show with major bruising on her body last year? And she's just 21.

  22. Harry's not gay. He's not. Just trust me on this one.

  23. What happened to Harry and his band mate Louis? I thought they were a couple and they loved each other. I thought they were cute and I wanted them to be together.

  24. No, Sprink, we don't trust you on this.

    Harry is gay.
