Thursday, February 06, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

October 29, 2013

This actor is B- list. Honestly that is probably his peak for now until he shows he can do some other role. Two months ago he would have been B list. That is how fast you drop in this town. In the eyes of this home owner though he will always be A list. The very good looking actor lives next door to a home that caught on fire while the owners were at work. The fire was in the kitchen of the other house and the actor knew that is where the owner of the home kept her dogs crated during the day. The actor called 911 but went over to the house and broke through a french door cutting himself in the process before carrying the two dog crates out to the back yard. It took another five or six minutes for the fire department to arrive and by the time they got there most of the kitchen was destroyed so chances are good the dogs would have died too.

Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. Things change in the ratings on a daily basis here@msgirl. In the very least this was something more then kindness it was an act of bravery.

    1. Sandybrook interrupted his regularly scheduled day drinking to join us! Hiya Sandyboo ;)

  2. Very good looking?

    1. @Sugar, I don't see it either.

    2. I didn't mean to take away from his heroic actions by save those doggies though. MAD PROPS TO CUMSINBATCHES for his act of kindness and bravery.
      He's not good looking though. There I said it again.

  3. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

  4. He hasn't proved he can play other roles????? Um...Sherlock is for sure my favorite but he did get a GG nomination last year for Parades End...

  5. I would describe Cumby as striking rather than "good looking" because he is NOT traditionally handsome.

    BTAIM, damn, he just gets better and better doesn't he? Now I'm going to track down him reading R Kelly lyrics.


  6. Oh Sherly, i love you.

  7. Aww. I don't care what rating he is in the US - he's a perma A list in the Uk.

  8. I love Cumby. Why do people keep talking about his looks in order to judge him? He's an extremely talented man with tons of charisma. Nuf said.

  9. Benedict Cucumber is not good looking and it's not kidness :it's an act of bravery


    1. @pugstermom MTE. I work with a woman who does this. Not only the 8. Hours she's at work but the hour and a half each way in to work. Those poor dogs are in crates for ten & a half hours per day 5 days a week.

    2. ^my math is off........11 hours a day......

    3. That's animal abuse. I gate off a part of my house for my dogs for when I'm not home.

  11. @pugstermom ita! i had a friend who would keep her pitbull in the crate from 7am - 530pm... horrible. people need to realize having a dog isnt just food and water, their shelter needs to be adequate and appropriate too.

    1. @T E: You crate a dog when it's young to train it to go outside, not in the house.
      The crate becomes the dog's "home" & dogs don't pee or shit in their home.
      Once the dog is house trained, you can then let the dog have the run of the house.
      My dogs continued to just go into their crates on their own for a time after they had the run of the house. The door was left open for them & it's where they felt safe.
      Finally, we just folded up the crate & put it away for the next dog to need it.
      As long as you are there to take the dog out on a regular basis, the crate is a totally humane way to house break the dog!

    2. I have never used a crate to train my dogs. Anyway, it is NOT the way to leave your dogs all alone for hours in end day after day. It's ABUSE.

  12. I agree with @Vera, he's more "striking" than "very good-looking". His co-star Simon Pegg made a joke about Chris Pine being too good-looking while Cumberbatch is a dork until the camera is on him, then he turns into Mr Sauve.

    First two lines are BS, though. He wasn't B- at the time, with Sherlock season 3 in the can, not to mention Star Trek, 12 Years a Slave, Osage, Fifth Estate all in 2013.

    1. @7 of 11 This was written around the time 5th Estate bombed. Hard.

  13. I still maintain he looks like someone took hot pretzel dough and spread it over that little alien from Mac and Me.

    1. I am totally stealing that comment for future use against my enemies. Funny!

  14. Hot otter rescues dogs. Swoon!

  15. I tried to get into Sherlock but just couldn't. I don't get the appeal but good on him for his act of bravery!!

    I've never understood crating either. My dog has the house to himself while I'm out and he's just fine. I can't imagine locking him in a crate for 8 + hours a day. He likes his space :)

  16. I didn't think I could love him more but just wow this is great!

  17. I think his looks are a taste preference. I lean more towards a Vin Diesel type but all my girls love Cumberbatch.

  18. I feel like the ratings used on this site are chosen with no more discrimination than winning lottery numbers. Cumberbatch hasn't been in the B range in a while, not here, not in the UK.

  19. Great story. Not sure I believe it. Easily made up and difficult to corroborate.

  20. I am addicted to Sherlock and really love BC as an actor. His looks for that role are definitely odd, but when you see him in interviews he looks pretty hot....have to say.

  21. The more I learn about him, the more attractive he becomes.

  22. Hi Kristin yesterday was drinking night though..

  23. I think he's well on his way to A-list. I don't find him attractive, but others do. He's also intelligent, a damn good actor, apparently quite a gentleman, and he seems to be every-frickin-where now.

  24. Good for him. I don't find him attractive but his rating has got to be above B-...I say he has to be at least B+ or A-. He's everywhere!

  25. Anonymous11:27 AM

    A nice story, but sorry, this is complete fiction. The guy lives in a flat in London. He doesn't live in America, doesn't have and property there (little less a house) and has repeatedly said that he will never move from the UK.
    911 number in the UK? Not really, it's 999 there.

    Plus, he is photographed almost every day and there was never a cut on him. Plus he was filming in the UK at the time.
    Sorry, but this is just bad.

    1. I'm sorry, @Sammy, I might find your story credible if I hadn't watched this UK PSA.


  26. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Ups, my bad :), @Seven of Eleven.
    I'm a bit behind the times. Guess I wouldn't be able to save the nice puppies as our imaginary hero did.

  27. Ah glad he saved the pups

  28. Such ridiculousness! Not the story itself which is fantastic and I well believe it. The rating is way off for a start - he's in cinstant demand as well as being a regular on chat shows. As for the one-note comment: ok the guy who played the scary rapist in Atonement, the best friend in Darwin, a military type in War Horse, troubled (whispering) soul in Parade's End, a '70s agent in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Khan in Star Trek, only has "one role"? Someone really has their finger on the pulse of their remote control!

  29. This is some Pee-Wee Herman shit. Even the snakes!

  30. Aw, I didn't think I could love my Benny even more. He rocks.

  31. B-?
    Dropping fast?
    Very good looking???

  32. Eye of the beholder and all that. I find Benedict Cumberbatch to be intensely good looking. :)

    And good on him for having the courage to save the dogs!

  33. B minus? Cumberbatch?

    He's A in his country and I'd say a solid B working on A here.

    I usually don't comment on the rankings but I think this is way wrong.

  34. Maybe this happened while he was living and filming in LA?

    His wit and sense of humor make me realize I'm sapiosexual :)

  35. While I like him as well...things in Hollywierd happen at a moments are A when you can carry a film with just your can still be B, C with A name recognition...and Cumby's last film "The 5th Estate" BOMBED at the box...bad sign if you want to break into the wood...



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