Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blind Item #7

This now frequent visitor to this section had another horrible interaction with a human this week. The B- list mostly movie actress who is hanging on to B by a thread was approached by a fan from behind. I know, I know, I'm not sure how she has fans either. The fan said, "Ms. ______, would you sign this for me." The actress turned around and put a finger in the guy's face and said that he touched her. He didn't. She told him to leave or she would call the police. This wasn't even a guy who knew she was coming. he had a pen and a piece of paper.


  1. Don't mess with the Blohan!

  2. Never surprise LiLo with ass to ass!! You have to work up to that!!

  3. If this is Lindsay, she needs to get it in gear. Her parents did her no favors, no wonder she is such a mess. It's important for kids to have good role models, even if its not a parent.

  4. lilo a B? i thought Enty had her firmly in D status but it does sound like her.

  5. Kristin Stewart for someone different?

  6. Were there security cameras in the area? If so: "Go ahead and call them. I'll bet all the money in my wallet against all the money in yours I come out of it better than you do."

  7. Sounds like Lohag. Boy she loves to call the police. Never approach her, kids, unless you see a security camera around so you can prove she's lying.

    BTW whatever became of her claim about the stolen 1/2 coat?

  8. Sounds like Lohag. Boy she loves to call the police. Never approach her, kids, unless you see a security camera around so you can prove she's lying.

    BTW whatever became of her claim about the stolen 1/2 coat?

    1. She found it! Apparently that NFL guy did have it when she left it on the seat in that club. .. She's still a major grifter worse than any old school Gypsy I swear

    2. I thought the club had security footage of her leaving wearing the same coat as she wore entering?

    3. Anonymous2:24 AM

      Winnigirl's right

  9. How could this be lohan? B list? Really?

    1. Yes more like barely hanging on to C- ??

  10. Yeah, I thought LiLo was being labeled C-list.

    I'll guess Julia "sister killer" Roberts.

  11. Bosworth virus has been here a lot and is a b. And I know... don't know how she has fans either.

  12. A couple of weeks ago, Emmy, Oscar, GG, and Grammy award winner Kate Winslet was listed as B list. I don't even trust the ratings anymore.

    1. Anonymous2:25 AM

      Yeah, well in her case 'B' is for Bitch, because that's what she is

  13. if this is lilo what a hag. between the raggety red weave, shoddy spray tan and poorly matched foundation i just cant...

  14. Anonymous9:01 AM

    KSkank - "You don't deserve the breath the air I breath"

  15. Anonymous9:19 AM

    no way lilo is b, no way.
    maybe stewart

  16. Why would anyone want BlowHan's autograph? She is just as disgusting as the Kraptrashians.

  17. I was thinking Mila Kunis for this. Rating fits, and she has been revealed to be less than pleasant to fans.

  18. I wanna say Lohan because she loves to call the police for every little thing.

    But I also see Kristen Stewart doing this. "I'm an artist...respect my space" LOL

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Emma Roberts? I know she has done t.v. but I hear she is real nasty to fans. I would say Lohan but I don't believe she is in the B range anymore. Oddly enough, I have only heard wonderful things about KStew with her fans.

  21. Wasn't the last blind of this sort about Bosworth? Well, that's what people guessed, anyway. I'm going with her on this one.

  22. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Is she a frequent visitor to this site as a subject, or commenter?

    I don't know who it is, but I'm not linking the rating to Lohan - it's too generous.

    If it said 'TV' I'd have guessed January Jones - a box of sunshine she ain't!



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