Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Blind Item #5

This former A list mostly television actor who is now a B list mostly movie actor is trying something different and wants out. He has been begging his agent and manager to get him out of his current gig because he is scared the fallout will hurt him when he tries to get money for his next project. Maybe he should try mercury poisoning. I heard that works well in these situations.


  1. Would he try that lameO excuse again? What other B list mostly movie actor is on Broadway for the first time?
    Hi Kristin!

  2. Replies
      NOT AARON PAUL! Sheesh, VIP!

  3. Cranston is moving over to Broadway.

  4. Giiive my regahhhhds tooo Brrrrrodwaaahhhhy ***jazz hands***

  5. Zach Braff? He's doing a Woody Allen show on Broadway.

  6. LOL Derek!!

    Piven is in no way still B rated. He still does television too, that lame ass show that they always advertise after Downton.

    I don't want to believe this Aaron Paul or Bryan Cranston :/

  7. Mercury poisoning? Now that's one thing the first ex wife never tried on me!

  8. I second the Zach Braff guess.

  9. Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston WOULD NEVER. HOW DARE YOU?!

    ...I might have had too much caffeine.

  10. Karen, I couldn't agree more.

  11. I think the Zach Braff people are right. Cranston hasn't suddenly become "mostly movie" since Breaking Bad ended four months ago. Has ZB done any television since Scrubs ended?

  12. I just re-read it and it totally is ZB. "Tries to get money for his next project" - like on Kickstarter?

  13. What kind of project could produce "fall out"? If Dylan Farrow's letter has the hoped for effect on Woody's career, then working with him might also.

  14. ZB -- clues would be "get money" from Kickstarter and possibly "Bullets Over Broadway" - the Woody Allen show.

  15. I almost want to say Jared Leto. (Nice try w/ kerosene spelchek but I caught it) because he'd rather do 30 Seconds to Mars over acting but he probably doesnt fit.

  16. I have no doubt that Piven is a douche, but mercury poisoning from dental work is all to real. I should know. It happened to me, and I have the medical hair tests to prove it. It was back in the 90s and I had to pay out of pocket to get all that shit removed. I was very ill for a year.

  17. Piven tried the mercury poisoning to get out of a play before and he's now mostly TV (Entourage, now the British show).

    I hope this isn't Dr JD. :( I really liked Garden State.

  18. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Zach Braff, fo sho.

  19. I agree with Zach Braff.

    However, I don't see extricating himself from the likes of Woody Allen as a bad thing. Would YOU want to be associated with a pedo?

    I wish more people would stop working with Woody.

    So, in summary: AMEN, ZACH BRAFF!

  20. Zach Braff not wanting to be associated with Woody Allen because if he does another kickstarter, people may not donate.

    1. I agree w you, ktmonster. Braff wants away from that rotten fruit.

  21. I saw Cranston in the show I believe he's taking to Broadway (All the Way, about LBJ's 1st year in office) opening night at the ART in Boston, and I think I can safely say this wouldn't be him; I also don't get the impression that Aaron Paul is that much of a wuss. I'd say Zach Braff sounds like the best guess so far.

  22. Orlando Bloom and the Rashad girl

  23. Orlando Bloom and the Rashad girl

  24. so this is JP huh?
