Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blind Item #3

As soon as filming wraps on her latest project this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is going to rehab but just for three weeks. Her people are hoping to not even mention she is gone but have an entire vacation scenario planned down to stories and selfies that have already been taken. They have told one studio they need to push back the start date of a new movie she is set to shoot but the three week interval is all that could be found.


  1. why only three weeks?

  2. also does entry lawyer juts make a story based on pap pics and other things? i need answers

  3. Because he said that's all they could delay the new movie.

  4. her producers are already talking to ent tonight about how she needs a break. preemptive strike.

  5. JLaw is this bad? I know about the too much wine and weed...but I hadn't heard it was outta control.

  6. This blind is a rewritten version of one from last week.

  7. This is probably supposed to be a follow on from last week's blind, but JLaw isn't on social media so the selfies note doesn't apply.

    Anna Kendrick or Breslin are nominees, filming, and on social media.

  8. JLaw or Julia Roberts

  9. Nooooo Anna Kendrick. I'd hop on the Breslin train.

  10. "Her people are hoping to not even mention she is gone" Can't be JLaw, she's been making a big public deal out of her planned break for a couple weeks now.

    1. Yesterday she shot down reports of a break

  11. Didn't Mick and Keith clean up in less time than that?

  12. Well it's someone with a social media account of some form, twitter, Instagram or whatever if the plan to release selfies is true. Does JLaw have twitter or Instagram?

  13. JLaw is also filming. I think this is her.

  14. Equation, in the '70's and '80's Mick and Keith and quite a few other drugged out entertainers would go off to Mexico or Eurpoe and get their blood cleaned. Literally. Like dialysis but for blood. Couple of days later they're back home, fresh as daisies, and right back on the drugs.

    1. I misspoke. They didn't get their blood cleaned, they got it replaced. Transfusion. Big One.

  15. If you really want the skinny on stars...ask hotel staff. I worked in a small town/Big city. It was considered the "nice" hotel so it was where the celebrities stayed. It was also in the Southwest and often used for filming and it was a touring band out stop. Yes, Julia Roberts stayed there and loved the blow! It's what kept her skinny. She has taken it for years! I doubt she would be doing rehab now--after all these years.

  16. JLaw is coming off of three big projects and has mentioned before that she plans to take a break. And the girl doesn't selfie. I think it's RBF Anna Kendrick.

    OT: I watched Catching Fire yesterday and I wish I'd seen it sooner. PSH looked so tired and it made me sad. I thought this one was better than the first, and yes, despite not being Jesse Dreamy Eyes Williams, the guy who played Finnick did a good job. Hey-ho, @TTM! :D

    1. @Seven- Nooooo! Jesse Williams was robbed!

    2. He WUZ! Jesse "Dreamy" Eyes does not play a nice game of celebrity ball, however.

  17. Well I for one cannot believe that this person we don't actually know isn't who we've imagined her to be.

  18. Yahoo had a story about JLaw possibly taking a year off. She don't look cokey though.

  19. Three weeks should be more than enough time - it seems like they are only there a few days or a week in a lot of cases:)

  20. 3 weeks is not a proper amount of treatment is someone needs to detox first an what it means is you are putting on a bandaid on the issue.

    Keep in mind too that the movie insurers are getting tougher and tougher on celebs with addiction issues, esp after PSH. That CGI work they are going to have to do is not going to be cheap.

    So really producers are doing themselves a disservice if they push someone into filming who is struggling with addiction issues, assuming they can pass the insurance medical in the first place. Of course rehab is a good place to detox before the insurance medical keeping in mind that cocaine can stay in your system for a while if you're a chronic user.

  21. Seven - I agree aout Finnick, he was very good and I bought him in that role.

    JLaw is finishing Mockingjay, and altho she has some rumored roles according to IMBD, she's been very public about a break, don't think this is her. At this point I'd also say she's A+.

    1. Agree with A+. Not even Enty would be that silly...

  22. Harry, that story about the Stones having an entire blood transfusion is an urban legend. Read Richards' book. He actually addresses it.

    Don't think this is JLaw. Amy Adams?

    1. Thanks for that Sherry. And if you ever correct me again I'll kill you.

    2. This made me spit out my wine, well done.

  23. So glad to hear Catching Fire is good - I have been DYING to see it. I was instantly obsessed when I read the first Hunger Games books, even if I'm a bit old (37) for the demographic. I have re-read all three books multiple times. Went to the first movie on opening day with my 12 year old niece. I thought they did okay with the movie, but never made it to the theater in time for Catching Fire & have been waiting for it to appear On Demand so I can finally see it. Love Jennifer Lawrence ever since that creepy movie where Selma Blair was her coked up whore of a mom - Poker House maybe? Don't think this blind could be here though, as many have pointed out she is vocal about taking a long break, which doesn't match the blind.

    1. @Mama Ray, I'm out of the demographic, too, but I devoured the Hunger Games book (didn't like the last one as much, I hope they change the movie somewhat). The thing with the first one is, there were a lot of things left out that didn't make sense if you hadn't read the book. Like going to see the movie Serenity if you'd never watched Firefly. The second movie, though, you had enough from the first to make it not only watchable, but exciting. And if you've read the book, PSH pulls his role off effortlessly. (The special effects are better, too.)

      @Lotta & @Ray, I know, right?! He did a good job but I still see Dreamy Jesse in that role. If you google Finnick and Annie YouTube, some fans made an interesting set of videos that give their backstory. It's sweet and rather well-done.

    2. @7 I agree - I loved that I still left the movie with the same general emotional reactions at the appropriate times as I had when reading the book. Would have loved some backstory on the other tributes & their districts though. I think they have done very good with casting in these movies. I wasn't super excited about Josh Hutcherson as Peeta, but LOVE Liam as Gale. Now I'm even MORE excited to see Catching Fire!

      I used to read constantly, and would read any genre of books, a real love of reading. Unfortunately after having children, my reading has been limited to mostly children's books, not a lot of free time for Mama. I read the first Hunger Games book one afternoon when kids were out of town, and literally went straight to the store & bought the other 2 & finished them all same weekend.

  24. @Count, it can't possibly be Nicole Kidman. I see her every week in Nashville, usually when I'm selling Girl Scout cookies outside the Food Lion with my troop. Nicole always buys a few boxes to support the girls, and she always adds a little extra on top to help the girls meet their fund-raising goals. I guess her girls will be Scouts soon, too! At any rate, she looked happy and healthy, and definitely not on her way to rehab.

    Check, please.

  25. By the way, I'm still convinced this is Julia Roberts. Maybe the vacation plan is for the tabloids, because I doubt she's on social media. Anyway, no one would begrudge her getting away from it all, given what's going on in her family at the moment.

  26. Nice story, Nutty, thanks!
    P.S. Putting those cute little Girl Scouts outside the supermarket is just mean! I can never resist buying from them! :)

  27. Unfortunately this really is JLaw I think

    and I'm sad about that

    the stuff about taking a year off announced last week......weird timing a week before Oscars and not much participation in the Oscar campaigning....makes me feel pretty sure

  28. I mean this in an incredibly positive way, but I think that JLaw were on hard drugs, she would be skinnier. I love her, and think she has a beautiful figure, but she isn't stick thin like you would expect someone to be who is really hooked on hard drugs. She seems to have retained a similar figure to when she started in the business. I'm not sure who this is, but I don't think its JLaw

  29. Re: the timing of the JLaw announcement occured after voting concluded. Therefore it wouldn't affect how the Academy would see her. This can be interpreted as both for and against the theory that she is the BI subject but just another factor

  30. @Sprinks: Ha! One of the Enty's had her as "A-/B+." So who the hell knows?

    There are plenty of reasons why this isn't JL (no social media presence, she's already said she wants a few MONTHS off, etc.) but logic is likely irrelevant here.

  31. JLaw looks a bit frazzled and worn out in some interviews these days, and even Harvey Weinstein (sp?) has announced that she's taking an extended break soon, so perhaps the 3-week break is to hold her up until she can take a longer one.

  32. Whoever this is, an "A-lister" ought to have enough power to say "I'll take however damn long I need."

  33. God, is ANYONE in Hollywood honest about anything anymore?? Thank God for sites like this that blow the whistle on everything that's really going on! I can never look at any actors/performers the same way again...

  34. LOL Harry..I was gonna say you'll have to find me but based on the ever changing locations on your profile you just might.

    1. Sherry I'm glad you're laughing. After I wrote and then looked at it, it occured to me that maybe you might think I was serious!!! I guess that was silly of me. I would never .... you know..... actually hunt you down ...... like a dog ..... and .........and ....... and ......

  35. @MadLyb: If we take the blind seriously, no. It says after her current project (If JL, Mockingjay), not during it.

    After Mockingjay, she really does have some time off (unless DOR begs her again).

  36. JLaw seems to be the only one who fits this. She's filming Mockingjay now. Just because she was public about taking a year-long break it doesn't mean a 3 week break is out of the question. The remake of East of Eden could be the project pushed back.

    P.S., these 'I've seen Nicole Kidman so it can't be her' stories are false right? They sound like parodies.

  37. Vodinova: Yes, because for a while, in the comments of every Kidman/Urban post someone would chime in with tales of kittens and rainbows from Nashville.

  38. What do we think she's going to rehab for? Drugs or booze? To the person above who said JLaw didn't look skinny enough, maybe it's her and she's going for booze.

  39. Of course Keith is going to deny he went to Switzerland to get blood transfusions so he would be allowed into the United States. To say it was true would mean he'd have to give up when, where and who and he would never do that. I wouldn't expect anything else from him. I never heard Mick had to undergo that procedure, just Keith.

    As for the blind I think it was agreed that this is JLaw. Sad.
