Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Blind Item #2

This wife of an A list television and movie actor we love to hate has hair and makeup people come to her place every day just so she can look her best for her stage pap shoot. She is spending thousands of dollars a month.


  1. Hilaria Baldwin

  2. To bogus bruce and bogus family: die. Stop posting. Why not start your own site with your witless posts? And stop bothering the piss out of us?

  3. Why has he aged 10 years in the last 12 months is what I wanna know.. aside from the fact that geezers look stupid walking around with baby carriers

  4. Hi Bruce! I heard you guys had fun playing golf yesterday. Scott almost won?

  5. Second that emotion, @auntliddy

  6. I kid you not, right as I was reading this, my email notifier popped up with the Groupon headline, "Look Perfect Perfect While Carving The Slopes!" and the little summary offering 10% off all coloring through the month of Feb.

  7. Eh, who cares? It's probably a drop in the bucket for her financially and on the bright side, she's keeping someone gainfully employed.

  8. I thought he wouldn't put up with her famewhoring and would yell at her in public? Why pay so much, then?

    1. He has no prenup. She wears the strap on in this one...

  9. Hi Kourt! We had a great time golfing yesterday! My new nine iron from my friend Jeff Dunham was my lucky charm. Scott did well, I'm proud of him. Brody and I hung out at the beach house last night, it was a great day.

    1. Sorry I bailed on coming to the beach house last night. I had to go running.

  10. Scott did win Kourtney!

  11. Had a great time with you last night, dad! We're still on for golf tomorrow, right?

  12. Lotta isn't here, so I'll do it...


    1. @Reesie- Hiilllllaaaarrriiiaaa!

  13. Where's Rob? He bailed on sunrise surf again!

  14. Hi Brody! Yes, we'll golf tomorrow. Rob bailed on sunrise surf again? I'll have a talk with him.

    1. Sorry I bailed on the sunrise surf this morning. I was sore from running last night.

  15. Hilaria's name is ironic. Also, I think she is desperation personified.

  16. The troll armada is in full effect! Pat yourselves on the backs for yet another collective day or circle jerking! SMOK!!

  17. Replies
    1. Bruce, it's my new restaurant. It's hot. You should bring the fam.

  18. Hilaria is one annoying opportunistic joke. Alec needs to ditch that one and reconsider his choices, get therapy to deal with his mid-life crisis, turn the page and get back to looking good & working on some new meaningful projects.

  19. Paris, please. Bruce hasn't "eaten out" in years. Why do you think we have three pool boys? Mama needs to be taken care of by someone.

  20. I am surprised that Alec didn't see what a fame whore Hilaria is before they got married. She is just to obvious about it.

  21. Kris! We have three pool boys? I thought we just had one. Unbelievable.

  22. Don't worry, Bruce, only one of them works at a time. I stopped doing the group thing years ago. They leave too many.....questions.

    Speaking of which, has anyone seen Khloe? I need a quote from her for a blurb about Lamar I'm selling to TMZ.

    Poor Harvey. If he saw the men I spent his money on, he'd be so jelly.

  23. If I had the money I would for sure do this.

    I hope Hilaria is saving her money though. When she goes back to being a yoga teacher after the divorce, making 20 a class isn't gonna cut it anymore.

  24. I think Alec wants her in hair and makeup everyday so he looks good when she is on his arm. I have never seen a more trophy, trophy wife.

    It's Alec's money not hers. If he didn't want her to have it she wouldn't get it.

  25. God, I'm so glad I don't have to hang out with you people anymore. You're so annoying.

  26. Avril, darling, if you went forward with the Brody/Rob sex tape I pitched you, you would still be A list, instead of exiled to Canada. Does Canada even have a Nobu?

  27. No, but Toronto is quite cosmopolitan. They have a Tim Horton's.

  28. How did Hilaria bamboozle Alec into not knowing that she's such a famewhore?

  29. How did Hilaria bamboozle Alec Baldwin into marrying her? She's a yoga teacher. My question was why he hasn't dumped her yet but if its true he has no prenup "18 years..."
