Saturday, February 01, 2014

Blind Item #2

This almost A list mostly movie actor who is A+ in very limited circumstances told his ex that he doesn't have money for an increase in child support but he just bought his current wife a $300K car that she never drives. He bought it for her because she said it looks pretty.


  1. I would do the same thing

  2. Honestly, when Hollywood child support routinely runs 30,0000 a month, hard to feel bad for anyone here. Oooh, what is a limited circumstance???

    1. 100% agree! What the crap are you buying that you need an increase? I could quit my job and just live on that amount and still have much much much more left over than I do now. Sweet jesus

  3. Sorry take care of your kids first.

  4. lim. circ. = either franchise, or musical, or genre other than the usual parts he plays.

  5. TTM, A+ when he stars in his franchise but when he gets other roles...meh , just A...:-D let's see:
    Bond movies
    Fast and furious ,)
    Hangover etc.
    Any horror sequals
    Ironman/ super/x- men
    Any else?
    Recently remarried Stah whose kids live with their mom...

  6. What about Johnny Knoxville who is A+ when a Jackass related movie opens. Those always open huge. Then he's back to being somewhat out of the spotlight.

    He was married and had a kid. Has a new wife and kids.

  7. Get that cheddar, Honey. You have 18 years to maximize your profits. Take him back to court every 6 months for an increase, eventually he will get tired of paying attorneys and give you whatever you want. The worst thing a judge can tell you is "No."

  8. I just watched a Dave Foley comedy special and he was talking about his child support being $17k a month. Now Dave is awesome, with KITH and News Radio, but he doesn't work a ton these days and is STILL expected to cough up that kind of cash. Yikes. Stay broke until the kids are out of the house is what I say.

  9. Tyrese..his ex-wife is taking issue with him going to Dubai after Paul Walkers death, it's on TMZ


    Ludacris..his "we were on a break" baby that he had, that child's mom is also suing him for child support which he claims he can't afford.

  10. @Mama Krass, don't assume it's "profit maximizing". There are circumstances in life when an increase in child support is needed - for example, when they become teenagers and are suddenly eating everything in the house, or becoming involved in sports and the parent needs help paying for the fees. A good parent is fully invested in their child's life, not looking at the child as an financial obligation or a way to earn money.

    1. All of that said, though, the ginormous child support payments ($17k @lucas?!!) are insane!

    2. 7-11- yeah these figures are MONTHLY too. Some racket. Im pro child but can it really be that expensive?

    3. He would be using his whole wage not just part therof on the child if him and the mom were still together. If he has a prob with $17k per month he should see his lawyer not boohoo about it.

    4. He would be using his whole wage not just part therof on the child if him and the mom were still together. If he has a prob with $17k per month he should see his lawyer not boohoo about it.

  11. Lucas, most of us ARE broke until the kids are out of the house!

  12. That's what I mean, the child support payments are nuts in Hollywood.

    ps: Dave Foley is the shite. I still get Girl Drink Drunk

  13. @ Lucas, the best line I read in a book
    " Well what about what I got accustomed to... I had a wife, kids who saw me around at least and sex once a month! That was the life I was accustomed to, what arrangements are you going to make for me?"

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Ha! Love it.

  14. A dad isn't always necessary. I started from my mama and I'm right here with a successful career. If he doesn't want you, let him pay the bill and stay the hell away.

  15. if it didn't say wife , i'd say Johnny Depp. Is Mel Gibson remarried??

    I'm going to go with Bruce Willis

  16. TTM best skit ever!!

    1. Right Valerie?? Also, Brain Candy was criminally overlooked

  17. @Lucas: He probably gets a nice piece of change from the residuals. Both shows are usually in syndication some where.

  18. When you free yourself of material worries, you open your heart to receive real riches!

  19. I miss the Kids in the Hall...That there was comedy gold.Dave Foley rocks! Thanks for reminding us Lucas.

  20. Oh Seven of Eleven, you poor thing. Didn't your Mama ever teach you about child support. It isn't money that is dedicated to the child. It is money given to you to provide the child with a lifestyle commensurate of what he or she would have if the parents were together. If you get $30k a month, and can provide a nice lifestyle with nannies, car and rent at $20k, the other $10k is yours to keep.

    As the child ages, you won't need a nanny anymore, so that money goes into your pocket. Then when they become teens and want the finer things in life, you take your ex back to court to insure you are still banking that same $10k. When they are old enough to be out of the house, and the payments stop, you will be drawing $10k a month from your accounts for your retirement. With the right financial advisor investing for you, that should last you much more than 18 years. It is the very short sighted who only see high dollar child support as an 18 yr paycheck. A smart 20 year old girl can wrangle a baby out of a rich man and never lift a finger for the rest of her life.

  21. Kids in the Hall, the good old days. Dave Foley looked great as a woman, remember he played a French Canadian woman with red hair called Mimi ha ha. Or when they were female characters in a skit. Some of the guys were in a video for a Canadian band called The Odds, one of my favourite songs, I am a Heterosexual Man.

    I crush..........your skull.

    These are the Daves I know I know these are the Daves I know.

    Chicken Lady.

    Buddy Cole.

    1. Tina, please tell me you remember the name of the song that had the lyrics " country and western music? I understand it now"

    2. Is that when Laura breaks his heart, TTM? I seem to vaguely remember a song about that?

    3. That's the one, laura! You should totally watch it, it's amazing

    4. I remember it! I was so excited at the time to see something that used my name. I still giggle when I think of the "my pen" sketch. Do you remember that one?

  22. And if someone wanted me to buy yhem something because it looked pretty, i wld say to myself, " Why, I have gotten myself involved with an idiot.", cut my losses and lose the dead weight.

  23. @ auntliddy, the blind made it sound like she didn't want it, HE was the one throwing the money around in a midlife crisis ejaculation. The car was a trophy for his trophy, no more

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. TTM

    Here is the video
    song starts around 1:25
    C & W line around 2:28

  26. The Odds Heterosexual Man dedicated to our resident heterosexual CDAN men and Kids in the Hall fans

  27. TINA, I LOVE YOU! Seriously, too awesome! Can't believe I remembered most of the words!

    On a related note: hubs doesn't like Kids in The Hall. Anyone kniw a good lawyer?

  28. O-o we need " A Fish Called Wanda" STAT!!!

  29. The best Kids in the Hall was Office Trapper

  30. The story about Foley is that he was married in Canada and divorced when he was starring in NewsRadio.
    According to Canadian justice, he had to pay child support based on the amount of money he was earning at the moment of the divorce.
    Foley never got a gig paying as much since then, so the guy is almost always broke, and at one point couldn't go back in Canada because he would be arrested, as he was late in his payments.

  31. @Angela: really? There is no way to get payments reduced? That is ridiculous. Some of something is better than all of nothing. Also, does that mean payments can never increase?

  32. You stay with your child's mother and there's no such thing as "payments." PAYING a woman to be a mother is stupid. If you're a real man, being with you, being a mother, having your support for life, that's payment, man. So sick of assholes who make babies and then take off and pretend a check is a good father substitute. Charlie Dumbass Sheen #LOSER #JUSTSAYNO #PANRDRUGS
