Friday, February 28, 2014

Blind Item #11

This former B list mostly movie actor who is now an A list f**up really messed up this time. His girlfriend had an emergency and had to call 911 and go to the hospital and this actor was a strip club drunk out of his mind and didn't know about the situation for hours after she went.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How ya gonna blame him for hitting the titty bar? Like he planned it ahead of time "Oh she'll be going to the hospital tonight, so I'm gonna go get a lap dance"? Last trimester, it is probably best for the dude to be away, betches get ornery.

  3. Yeah Count, I've never know emergencies to be a thing of convenience or planning.

  4. Arquette has been filming in Canada foe Lifetime and his fiancee is like 6-7 mos preggo. Was that the emergency?

  5. David Arquette is in NO way A list

  6. I wouldn't classify him as B list movie. He was only classified at all because of Courtney.

  7. I dunno. If I had some sort of emergency and went to the hospital, I might be a little put off if my boyfriend couldn't be reached because he was at a strip club. That's just me though. Thankfully that is something I don't need to worry about in real life.

  8. I dunno I'm not very good at the blinds but I thought I'd give it a try. David was kinda popular during his Scream days though and it does say former. And he has been a mess. I always kinda rooted for him. Sad. Anyway I'm sure I'm wrong, just wanted to try :)

  9. 'Strip club drunk' is the new 'white girl drunk''

  10. Is Josh Brolin still in rehab?
