Ashton Kutcher And Mila Kunis Are Engaged
Ashton Kutcher is going to give this whole marriage thing another chance. For almost two years Ashton and Mila Kunis have been dating and apparently she sees in him something the entire movie going public of the world doesn't see and has agreed to be his wife. Yesterday Mila was spotted wearing an engagement ring and I doubt it is a fake because do you really want rumors of yourself marrying Ashton Kutcher if they aren't true. Except for some reports back when they first started dating he has pretty much kept his cheating ways out of the equation and focused his extra energy on delivering quality movies to audiences. Hey, at least he seems pretty good at the dating thing. They seem pretty happy together and this is despite the fact that Mila and Ashton both are pretty busy. Huh. I guess when you are busy and want to be with each other schedules can be accommodated. However it also sounds like a great excuse if things go sour prior to the wedding in a cornfield in Iowa with life size cutouts of Ashton as ushers and groomsmen. It may not sound like it, but I'm happy for them. I'm always going to be a fan of true love.