Another Broke Real Housewife
TMZ is reporting that Joanna Krupa of Real Housewives-Miami fame, who also used to have sex with Joe Francis and other equally wonderful human beings while she made a living back in the day is having her home foreclosed. Despite being married to someone who is allegedly rich Joanna hasn't been paying for her Encino home she purchased prior to getting married and the house is going up for auction. How many of these Housewives actually have money? It seems like most of them are just people who would look good on television and can bring a story line. Even going back to the first season of Orange County, there have always been a fair share who are just rich looking and spend like they are rich but don't have any actual money. Remember when Taylor Armstrong got busted trying to sell fake Birkins? Most of the Housewives seem more leveraged than a guy who uses junk bonds to buy a company. I think the entire franchise is on its last legs. The only thing keeping it going are all the negative stories that get posted and printed during each season. The real fun is the stuff going on behind the scenes whether it is in Atlanta with Phaedra or New Jersey with Teresa that really shows you how they keep living large or at least pretending to be. It is kind of like when MTV would go visit Cribs and you saw these huge houses (most leased) and cars (most leased) and I would love MTV to go back and do a Cribs revisited show and look at every person and see what they are doing today and where they are living.