Monday, January 06, 2014

Your Turn

Madonna posted the photo of her 13 year old son and his friends holding booze. Appropriate or not? She says it was a joke. What do the friends' parents think?


  1. Surprisingly Madonna seems like a good mom but 13 yr olds drink and do other things w/o much encouragement

  2. A hahahaha!!! That is the stupidest photo! Oooh, they so dangerous! Such badass! Careful! They'll beat you up with their iPhones!

  3. What Cindy said.

    Signed, Cindy.

  4. Which little pipsqueak is her son?

    1. The one in the middle

    2. Thanks, Jacq.

      They all look ridiculous to me but I'm old.

  5. Madonna's not like a regular mom, she's a cool mom

  6. She's not just any regular mom. She's a cool mom!

  7. its not a big deal its just pics

    1. It IS a big deal! The kid on the left has braces for fuck's sake!! The legal drinking age in Switzerland is 16, so he doesn't even meet that.
      He also has a bunch of screen grabs over at the DM with captions like #faded and he looks wayyyyy-sted. He's probably just a harmless little punk, but she's raising him to be a dumbass.

  8. Wow. Guess it's not that surprising that she would use her own kid as a prop for her own attention whoring. Sad.

  9. If Madonna was my mom, and the rumors of her trying to convince her son to go gay are true, I would try to drink it all away.

    1. Lmfao is that really a rumor?

  10. Whoa jinx @dragon and jane

    1. @sandy I was about to say the same thing.

  11. it was done as a NYE photo..lighten up folks.

  12. Anonymous10:07 AM

    It's a surprise move for her in my opinion ... especially as she's been so vocal in the past about not even letting her kids watch TV because it's so evil ...

  13. P.S. Fugazi Enty, how come no post on Tila Tequila's new sex video: Backdoored and Squirting?
    NSFW Article

  14. Madge wins Best Mom Ever award, that's top shelf booze she's supplying! Lucky kidz.

  15. Teens are gonna drink, smoke pot, but the kid is only 13. My chief complaint is she's glamorizing booze, which American kids don't need.

  16. Kids will be kids, but she needs to do her job not be his friend

  17. It's a joke. No biggie.

  18. I probably would've taken a picture like this at 13 too, despite not drinking the alcohol. Being cool is the ultimate goal for a 13 year old, no matter how douchey you look

  19. I was going to be all priggish and disapproving - and then I remembered the picture I posted of my 7 yr old and her cousin with their large glasses if Chardonnay. Oh yes, I thought it was v amusing at the time. Probs like Madonna did (and I can't stand the woman). Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

  20. Surprising. Shes so strict with her girls. I dont think its at all suitable. She is an idiot for this.

  21. @Count - Looks like she succeeded.

  22. It's all fun and games til CPS stops by....

  23. Madonna's son is 13 already?

  24. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The year are speeding by. I still remember what I was doing when I cracked open the VANITY FAIR? photo spread of an infant Lourdes and Madge. She was the first to do the whole HERE'S MY BABY photo spread.

    It is in most teens to want to do what they are not supposed to. Adult things.

  25. Wait, did Madonna take these pics or did her son's friends take them and then they sent them to mom to mess with her. The context helps a lot.

    And of course we all did stupid stuff like this. There are pictures with these boys behind the bar. Would be interesting to determine why they were allowed behind a fully stocked bar at 13. In America, someone could lose their liquor license.

  26. We have alcoholism in our family history for years. WE have chosen to educate our boys to leave it alone...PLEASE...for the sake of your own future and that of your future wives and children. Not everyone who drinks becomes an alcoholic, but in our family, the odds are great and it's just not worth it. If someone else took it upon themselves to go ahead and decide that it was not a big deal to introduce my child to alcohol at the age of 13, let alone it being illegal... there would be heads rolling. You can't play those games with other people's kids. You don't know what demons you might unleash. Very few subjects I feel this strongly about. It's not a funny joke to play, Madonna. It's irresponsible.

    1. This x 1000. My ex let my daughter and a friend drink wine underage and he almost lost visitation with the kids.

  27. I'm no church lady but a mom posted a pick of my 13 year old I would be pissed-they get expelled for this kind of sh*t at my kids private school. People don't forget...Madonna might be the former "material girl" but she's still a midwestern hillbilly at heart (I'm from the midwest so no hate please) - and not exactly a moral compass for today's youth.

  28. In italy children drink wine...Im sure the french probably do it too. With that said, I would split my lid if my nephews indulged or even feigned as if they indulge.

  29. Madonna just wants to be her son's buddy and the cool mom to his friends.

    This never, ever ends well.

  30. Poor kid, he doesn't have much of a chance. It is probably better that nannies raise the younger two.

  31. Madonna said it's a joke - what's the joke? Boys will boys? Any day's a good day for a teen to go on a bender?

    Teenagers do dumb things, that's how they learn to not do dumb things. The response to something like this, however, should be less, "Haha! Lighten up, it's a joke!" than "Doooood! My mom saw this and now I'm grounded for the next 80 years! THANKS, BRO!"

  32. Totally inappropriate.
    He may drink, but Mom should NOT be a part of it.

    Be a fucking parent, NOT a friend. THIS is why there are so many fucking assholes on this planet - because no one raised them.

  33. I'm sure this is someone's home. It was taken on New Years, which explains why there's a lot of alcohol being out (for the adults!).

  34. EVERYTHING Madonna does is calculated for effect and controversy. Repeat: EVERYTHING.

  35. Oh these kids look so tough, like they're the spawn of a Gorga or Guidice or Manzo.

  36. On the Daily Mail, the 2nd pic of Rocco looks exactly like a pissed off Sean Penn (referring to earlier blinds regarding his paternity). Sorry no link...

  37. Maybe this will work:

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. at least the dip shit in the middle has good taste! I LOVE Bombay.

    I can't judge her if she lets her kid drink on occasion.

  40. OHHHHHHHHH the dipshit IS HER kid? OH he's gotta be Sean's spawn. Seriously!

  41. Oh Madonna, you're so edgy. Insert a big eye roll! If any parent used my kid as a photo prop to make rounds holding alcohol like that I'd flip out. That shit would have consequences if they play sports, are part if extra circulars ect

  42. "What do the friends' parents think?"

    Bwahahahahahaha! If you let your adolescent son party at Madonna's house without your supervision, I hope you sent him with some condoms, a pack of red bull and a blankie for emotional support. I'm just saying, he's gonna some things.

    File this under: What did you expect would happen, dumbass.

    Also, who's to say the parents weren't there?

  43. If I was a kid and had to listen to the sounds of my mom pegging her boyfriends, I'd be looking for as many escapes as I could too.

  44. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Correction, someone said Madge's son is the middle one, it;s actually the one on the far left(with braces). He's a cutie and I think she just found it hilarious at the time. Honestly, imagine a little kid holding a bottle of wine it's such an odd, out of place thing ahaha.
    I think she's actually a pretty good mom (from what I read/hear)

  45. This is really stupid and in poor taste. The kid is only 13, so Vadge is being an idiot again.

    There should be no "cool moms."

  46. She's desperate to be viewed as hip and young. It's sad. My question is when did Rocco go from being mini Guy Ritchie to mini Vanilla Ice.

  47. PugsterMom said...
    EVERYTHING Madonna does is calculated for effect and controversy. Repeat: EVERYTHING.

    And that is a wrap.

  48. Madonna is just stupid. How is it a joke? Where is this funny? This is akin to when she yelled to her audience in a pep rally way, "who here is on Molly?? Wooohoooo"" but with her own kid - and his friends. Either those friends have Michael Jackson's Neverland parents, who let their kids sleep over unattended with a popstar, despite abuse rumors and allegations even, or they are seething mad and thatll be the final playdate with lil' Rocco. Yes, kids drink and do stupid stuff. It's hard enough to navigate peer pressure with adult boundaries and supervision. But t least then you have a chance to learn. Like this? Where are the lines and guidance? It's all being glamourized. It's all being promoted and mocking mature, reasonable, safe behavior. Kids need rules, they need to feel they bend them sometimes, and even break them, but with safe enough rules, the bends and breaks are learning experiences, not life altering consequences. Madonna is an idiotic overgrown child, who is too desperate to stay relevant and seen as cool. Pathetic. Think about how cigarettes aren't used in tv shows anymore. It was decided, rightfully so, that it sent a poor message, yet Madonna does this with her legions of young fans at the expense of them and her child and his "friends." gross.

  49. Custody court GOLD!



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