Thursday, January 02, 2014

Your Turn

If you could do any job and get paid what you get paid now, what would you do?


  1. Ice cream taster

    1. I am a professional cereal taster and you can only work a few hours a day because of sensory fatigue. Great gig, in other words!

    2. Dena are you hiring?

  2. I get paid peanuts now. If I did thd job I really want to do I'd want a pay rise.

  3. I 'd do yours Enty because I can do it better!! :)))) But I don't need the work so you're safe! :)

    1. @sandy I actually read your comment as, "I'd do YOU Enty because..." ;)

  4. Professional napper. Or anything where I could have a set schedule, be alone, and it be quiet.

    1. Yes! Mattress tester.

    2. FSP - mattress tester could mean so many things... Lol!

  5. Pop culture expert.

  6. Professor. I'd be a professor for free. World Regions and Cultures would be my first class, then moving on to Modern Asia and then a Race and Phenotypes class.

    That would be an ideal life....

  7. @Im just sayin- Professional napper sounds like an awesome job. Especially after coming into work with only 3 hours of sleep

  8. Watch TV. My pay is shit, I would do nothing.

  9. SNL staff writer. Would love to laugh all day.

  10. Snookie: there is tremendous pressure as a writer with SNL and they break people up into groups. Read Tina Fey's book for some insight and because it's a great book. Quick read.

    Def an actress/singer. My true love. It would be nice to make more than $20K/yearly as an actor for once in my life.

  11. Thx sherry. Just dreaming out loud.

  12. College women's gymnastics coach or college history or English professor.

  13. Professional philanthropist and lingerie model.

  14. Well since I get paid nothing green as a stay at home, I suppose I'd be a running coach or something or other for free.

  15. I'd go to elementary schools and middle schools and teach community service and civic duty, then I’d head to their homes and teach their parents.

    1. LOL @ Plum Grey. That sounds like a good gig.

    2. Thank you Flirty, our people's gotta learn!

  16. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I make $0 but I'd be willing to accept that if I was a vacation resort reviewer :)

  17. Writer for either WWE or TNA. Of course WWE wouldn't want me since I'm a wrestling fan and would have actual wrestling storylines and not just "entertainment".

  18. Lifestyle Blogger: home decor and food
    Mystery Shopper
    Dog Rescue Advocate and Transporter
    Gift Wrapper

    Anything without huge responsibility and professional accountability would be nice

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Dear Snookie,I am so very, very sorry. I did NOT mean to be a dream killer..Tina actually expressed MUCH love for her job as a writer on SNL as have others. It's worth the pressure and yes, there would be loads of laughs. Apologies if I came across as a true buzz kill.

    Never let anyone shit on your dreams kids!!!

  21. Preferred would be musician but I hate and loathe the place (not the job tho) where I work now that it wouldn't take anything great to convince me to go elsewhere for work.

  22. Idk about y'all but I'd like to figure out how to become one of these "socialites". You get paid for nothing, free clothes, free EVERYTHING, and free get out of jail cards. Sounds like a sweet deal to me!

  23. I'm w/ Reno.
    Being a stay @ home is fukn awsum.
    My little ghoul is an amazing kid.
    I laugh my ass off w/ her.

    But, I always wanted to be a Probation Officer.
    Or a History teacher.

    1. Being a SAHM has been then best experience of my life.

  24. Luxury Hotel Critic. That way I could travel while staying an only the nicest places! Oh, and testing out their spas as part if my research ;)

  25. @Angie when you find out how, please let me know!

  26. I'm already living the dream - I get paid peanuts to do what I love. Thank God we can afford for me to work for good feelings and karmic credit!

  27. Jazz pianist or professional photographer

  28. I'm a spoiled brat because I LOVE my job: piano teacher. My only stress is preparing for recitals or competitions. But, I always have complete faith in my pupils, and they always rock it out!

    If, I had zero music/teaching abilities, I would love to be a chef or a high fashion type person. Although both tracks are probably uber stressful. I did that life once before - as a journalist. Do not let your children be journalists. Talk about a thankless, penniless job.

  29. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Professional puppy mom

  30. Movie Reviewer! I'm also liking all these travel/hotel/resort reviewing jobs...

  31. No-kill animal shelter something-or-other.

  32. I would help people come up with snappy comebacks in arguments. You always think of the right thing to say after the fight is over- why not get some help before the conflict so you have better ammo? Having the right thing to say is very satisfying. Getting paid for that would be great.

    Or professional pen tester. I'm a slave for office supplies and take volumes of notes by hand. I even love the smell.

  33. I get paid crap, so I'd choose a job where I didn't have to do anything. A couch sitter, TV watcher. I'm stealing Melopone's answer too, as a luxury hotel critic. Only I'd just get to stay at nice places for free, without having to write up a critique.

  34. Work in a Test Kitchen, experimenting with different recipes and cooking styles. But only if they allow Coltrane, Davis, and Brubeck to be playing in the background

  35. I would be a professional cribbage player if only it paid enough. In working on that part.

  36. Professional napped/cat sitter. I'd sleep beside the cats.

  37. Professional Pinterester who gets bonuses for being awesome.

    1. I was reading through the comments to see if anyone put that yet...
      I'm completely on board with this.

  38. Political commentator.

  39. NATGEO photographer. I'd do that for free (well, they'd have to pay expenses).

  40. I'm a stay at home too, so I make nothing but I would pay to stay home with my son all day.
    My 'real' job paid quite well and I loved it (behavioral analyst)...I'll go back someday.
    But my dream job would be a librarian, or to somehow get paid to read novels. Good ones...not that churned out Sparks, evanovich, Patterson garbage.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Rolling Stone photographer. I'm always glaring at those lucky bastards from my overpriced seats.

  43. Fiction writer, artist, professional travel writer.

  44. Luxury resort critic, mystery shopper, tv critic, napper. Anything that I don't have to actually do much work!

  45. Back up dancer for some super famous singer. Don't have enough talent though! I would also be a very good socialite, since I like dressing up, getting drunk and tend to get in trouble. The pay should be a lot better though.

  46. Fuck yeah to all of us fat, lazy, bonbon eating, lying on the couch all day watching soaps mamas!
    Cuz that's what we do, right? ;)

  47. lol, circles!!
    fuck that noise. we r none of the above.
    we r sum sexy MILF's, w/ awsum kids.
    maybe sum excessive drinking (just me) thrown in the mix, but we're sum bad ass mama's.

  48. Fantasy sports or celebrity blogger

  49. I'm very blessed to be a stay at home mom. My kids are 10 and 12 now so my 'job' has evolved from hands on parenting, playing with and entertaining them to slaving for, washing mountains of laundry, and feeding them.

    My husband, on the other hand, has a fantasy of being a Lego Designer. Sadly this pipe dream probably wouldn't pay even close to what he makes now, and since one of us has to work (far be in from me to emasculate him by earning the bacon), off to work he goes. lol

  50. I'd be the person who puts the vaseline on UFC fighters' faces.

  51. Since I'm already a "pro newborn photographer" I would love to photograph concerts and rockstar's. Total dream job. I'd do it for free.

  52. I actually love what I do.

  53. I want to be the person who reads the powerball and mega million numbers on tv

  54. Anonymous2:14 PM

    i just want my old job back that became obsolete last year :(

  55. Anonymous2:15 PM

    but a dog walker would be fun

  56. I'm with Angie. I want to be a kept woman/socialite. I want to get paid to attend fabulous parties, eat great food, travel to glamorous locales, look at beautiful people, go to the spa and live as stress free as possible. I'd do fundraising for worthy causes and write puff pieces that are completely pointless a la Gwyneth.

  57. I'd like to be the person who puts together the food you see on tv shows. I'm always focusing on the food in any of the dramas I watch. So funny that the actors hardly ever put any of it in their mouths.

  58. @ware Count me in as another excessive drinker, lol. I also go to school full time along with being a SAHM. It's exhausting! I do not know how working moms go to school. I'd die. Massive props to them.

  59. To be a published author. I wouldn't bitch at the socialite gig either lol.

  60. I would do something that involved making things--something creative. I make quilts currently but I've done all kinds of creative things. My current work is a lot of technical, financial stuff--which I can do, but I wish I could do my owh thing and make enough to live on.

  61. I want to thank those who suggested mattress tester. I offered that job to the hot guy in the other room and he accepted. Happy New Year!

  62. I would just like to do my job but get paid what I am worth!

  63. I was born to be a writer and I've been a professional writer for almost thirty years. I've been well-paid overall for doing something that's as easy for me as breathing, so I can't complain.

  64. I'd be a private detective/ computer hacker in LA

  65. I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

  66. Sugar, I just internet made out with you. :)

    As a working mom who went to school while being a working mom my dream job would be to be a SAHM.
    I'm a waitress so I don't make crap but whatever I do make we need. I really just want to play with my kids and have a clean house all while making sure they eat 3 square meals a day

  67. I would be a Beta Reader.... I would love to get paid to read as many books as I do in a year:)

  68. I would own and operate a miniature animal farm. Nothing much would happen on this farm. I'd sit around a lot thinking and all the miniatures would roam freely as they pleased. At 3pm every day, they would all gather around me for songs, stories and to help me with light cleaning.

  69. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I would be a professional organizer, throwing out the vast majority of crap from people's' homes. I would be a hoarder's worst nightmare.

  70. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I would give up acting and work in the homewares store I own.

  71. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Eccentric billionaire & all round party hag.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Alpaca farmer with my own animal rescue on an adjoining farm. I wouldn't have to do much of the manual labor either, mainly supervise and play with all the animals! I would also pay my workers well and provide health and retirement benefits.

  74. Classical pianist.

  75. Personal groomer for Cindy Crawford.
