Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Tom Sizemore Is Back On The Drugs Again- Takes Oliver Stone Down With Him

I'm not sure what a print magazine like The Enquirer is going to do with a 23 minute video of Tom Sizemore using heroin followed by meth but, they do have some interesting quotes from the video which they obtained. I don't really think any of us are shocked that Sizemore is using drugs again. I think most of us probably wondered if he had ever stopped. His life is just one big drug. What is shocking is that he took Oliver Stone right down with him. Tom says that Oliver Stone uses heroin. Stone has admitted to past drug use but Tom makes it seem as if Oliver Stone is still using heroin to this day. You could go over to Stone's house right now and he would be watching JFK while listening to The Doors and have a needle hanging out of his arm while surrounded by hookers. Oh yeah, Tom says Oliver loves hookers and spent much of a movie doing heroin and having sex with hookers. Isn't that how you imagined Hollywood to be? A dirty old man using heroin while he has sex with hookers all day is in charge of a $100M movie.


  1. The Obamas are divorcing! That's a more interesting story.

    1. Exactly@Henriette! I wanna know more about the Prez' other women.

    2. Oh henriette, enquier and some other rags have obamas and bush's divvorcing every five minutes. Oh add prince chuck and boozy camilla, as shes known to them, as on verge of divorce constantly. Im pretty sure u r joking, but nothing ever comes of these stories. Its like aniston and her reluctant womb with them. She just wont expell a baby to sate them, lolol

    3. Reluctant womb??? That's hilarious.

    4. Anonymous10:25 AM

      My womb becomes reluctant whenever I go to Walmart

    5. @Looziana, you made my day. Even if I do shop at Wal-Mart (or used to, when it was available).

    6. Anonymous1:10 PM

      @sprink glad I could oblige :) my hubby wants to start our family but every time I'm at Walmart, I just think "Aw hell no!" Haha!

  2. Anonymous7:03 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    The Enquirer is such a reputable magazine though! Just look at that Obama headline - it must be down to their incredible journalism to have scored that world exclusive. ;-)

    Sizemore is an evil SoaB ... that is all.

  4. Saw sizemore on celeb rehab-dont judge me- and he's some serioys issues. And really, no one cares about Oliver Stone, cmon now.

  5. The bigger question is, whatever happened to Oliver Stone?

  6. Entybot thinks shitrags like the Enquirer and Life & Style are reputable news sources.

  7. Conan, Scarface, Natural Born Killers. Stone earned every hooker. JFK, Born on the 4th of July, The Doors. He aint gonna top any of them, so if he gonna ride smack down the toilet of life, so be it.

    1. Stone has made some pretty good movies and doesn't get all blowhard about it. I don't mind this guy at all.

    2. @Harry...Syine doesn't get blowhard? Are you KIDDING me, honey?!

  8. Snitches get stitches...

  9. Sizemore who? Even if its dirty dubious gossip I would like to read more on Obama marriage please? Way more juicier.

  10. Sizemore is another Lilo. His memoir shows chance after chance, even though he was addicted to drugs, fighting with co-stars, sleeping around, hooking up with Heidi Fleiss (and being convicted of smacking her around), and STILL he was being cast.

    1. Sizemore & Lohag would be the perfect storm of drugs, crazy & mayhem. They're practically made for each other.

  11. I like the fact that Barack Hussein banged the Dane with their significant others around.
    "Photos of fighting first couple": I imagine both in the MMA and don't know if I wanna see them or puke while imagining.

  12. Please. If Sizemore told me what my name is I'd be ringing my mother to double check.

  13. What? OMG...Katie Holmes has stomach flab???

  14. I wonder how old this video was and if it was part of what Heidi is selling now she needs the money.

  15. Of course Michelle is a bitch, any strong woman is seen that way. Ridiculous.

    1. SueRH and Eros, Being a strong woman and being a 1st class bitch are not mutually exclusive. I'm saying that Michelle is both. Maybe kind of like you two.

    2. So you know her personally?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I have been expecting Sizemore to be the next death from Celebrity Rehab.

  18. There was a direct to video movie called Cross (2011) in which Sizemore played a police detective. The movie was bad so I turned on the directors commentary rather than listen to the fialog. Apparently Sizemore worked one day but showed up on the set, scanned the script briefly and delivered the dialog word perfect. I don't know about drugs but it would appear that his photographic memory is still intact.

  19. If Heidi is selling these stories she deserves everything she can get!

  20. It sounds like an episode of Emtourage.

  21. I watched Heart and Souls the other day. Tom Sizemore was good in it! Too bad he's going down this path.

  22. The shame of it is it's unlikely we'll know how good/great he "could have been". Boy fucked up. Hey, maybe he'll have a renaissance...

    Either way, for someone with his very, very long history of shit behaviour (and it's bad shit behavious, not "demanding an extra scoop of ice cream don't you know who I am" behaviour, it will be difficult for a viewer to see beyond it.)

    Put it this way--he's not like Mel--he didn't have a stellar career with a few rumours and then have a meltdown so he has a chance to be forgiven, especially by die-hard fans and colleagues. Oh no, our boy Tom had a long, slow, hot public meltdown.

    Poor man.

  23. Sizemore's a good actor and a shitty human being - quel surprise.

    Oliver Stone's always been a junkie and a prick. What he and Costner got up to while they were in Dallas was appalling and not much appalled me, even back then.

    What appalls me now are insults to the President of the United States and the First Lady of the United States. They're worth a thousand of the dumb cunts who trash talk them.

    1. Yup horrific while they were in Houston too. I've never seen such entitled bullshit in my life. I used to work at a very popular restaurant here and sat people that could buy and sell their asses two times over, that would never behave as they did. And yes Stone still uses, it's well known in LA.

  24. Walmart: World's greatest birth control.

    Speaking of which... since when can smack addicts get it up?

  25. Not surpised at any of it, reading that made me want to go take a shower. Hollywood you're NASTY. Blech. I think I've just reached my grossness limit, I've got things to do.

  26. Don't know Sizemore but was amazed w/ what he pulled on cel rehab he got clean. Uh-mazing

  27. I met Oliver at a not-in-LA small holiday party a few years ago. He was a tag-along by an invited guest and there no other celebs. He was courteous, conversed well, behaved nicely, and nursed 1 drink. His son was there too - impeccably courteous, on break from an Ivy, and the kid is gorgeous. Didn't drink at all.
    Standing on a deck overlooking the rear garden, OS looked for a while, then said "I hate grass."
