Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Today's Blind Items- He's Miserable

This A list mostly television actor who doesn't really work right now has a lot of work friends. Lots of them. Outside of work or a red carpet though he has very few friends. He is just not a very likable guy. In his current situation he is becoming even more unlikable and his few friends say they have been cut off from him too. Three years ago our actor would go out once a week to a friend's house and they would play cards and drink and smoke cigars. This would last until the middle of the night. Two years ago it was reduced to once a month and now it is about once a quarter and the actor has to be home by midnight and is capped on the number of drinks he is allowed and can't smoke at all. His current significant other has worked hard to cut off everyone who was in his life before and substituted them with people she knows and people who can help her career. A friend of the actor says that our actor goes to the store three or four times a day and walks the dog three or four times a day just to get out of the house. he also is sneak drinking whenever he can and one of the two stores he frequents keeps a bottle of whiskey behind the counter for the actor so he can come in and have a few swallows before he has to get home. He is losing his once thick hair and looks ten years older than he did a few years ago and his friends think his significant other is going to drive the guy to an early grave.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Does sound like my Alec.

  2. Luke Perry or Jason Priestly?

  3. Hugh Laurie from House?

  4. Scratch that Hugh is married with children

  5. I've seen Alec around, he's knows he made a big mistake

  6. Anonymous10:21 AM

    alec. for sure

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    i watched beetlejuice recently. he was so great in that

  8. Alec was my first thought.


  9. Alec was my first thought too. But for some reason, I can't feel that badly for him.

  10. It sounds like alec but i thought his balls were to big to be squashed

  11. I don't know about Alec. Are there a lot of pics everyday of him walking a dog?

  12. Yeah, I don't feel bad for him if it's Alec. Reap what you sow, buddy.

  13. I couldn't imagine Baldwin putting up with that kinda shit isn't he married now? Wouldn't it say wife?

    That dexter guy maybe?

  14. Yes I see photos of Alec walking a smaller black & white dog. Some of the times he's gone off on paps have been encouraged by his wife.

  15. Absolutely, Miss Bitch. If anyone is sneaking around there it would be Hilaria. Alec probably scares the shit out of her, but her need for fame is strong so she pap calls and red carpets and whatever else she can think of, hoping that she doesn't lose too many teeth over it.

  16. Bellasmom got it I think. Alec Baldwin for sure. Hes putting on weight too. I feel sorry for him for some reason.

    1. What did he think would happen? He married a freaking yoga instructor!

  17. 1.) This guys sounds like an alcoholic, more than anything else. Sneaking away to drink? Those people hiding the bottles for him aren't friends, they're "enablers"

    2.) If it's Alec/Hilaria and she's got all of this control, uh, can she order him to *chill the fuck out* and stop having episodes?

    3.) She's reduced his drinking and got him to quit smoking -- that should help him live longer, not drive him to an early grave.

    4.) He's unlikeable but it's his SO's fault that he hardly has friends anymore?

    *throws up hands* Enty, you are killing me. These are so terribly written they don't even make any sense!

    I feel like the real story is some alcoholic whose wife/gf has committed to helping him get and stay sober so he can maybe, some day, get back the career that he pissed away by being such a dick to everyone.

    1. Ordinarily I would agree with you, but there's been articles about her thirst for fame.

  18. Is SO a spouse? No way is Alec hen pecked.

  19. First thought was Alec. Lots of pics of him walking his dog in random photos. I get the feeling there isn't a prenup in that marriage.

  20. Daaang.. Alec really does look ten years older...

  21. Is Alec mostly TV though? Before 30 Rock he was a movie star.

  22. Totally agree with your read of this NomNom.

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  25. Anonymous11:36 AM

    definitely Alec B

  26. its not that alec's balls are so big, its that they are so schweddy...

  27. I hope it's not Alec.
    Am I the only one that sees this as manipulation and control on the part of the SO? If a man were doing this to an woman would you still thing SO wS trying to help?

    Being cut off from friends is just one way of control and manipulation. I hope whoever it is, he gets out of that relationship. Emotional abuse can happen to men too.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      I agree @ hothotheat.

  28. Would Alec really put up with that from a wife who is an absolute nobody? shouldnt she be tip toeing around so she can stay on that gravy train? Unless there is indeed no prenup.

  29. Aside from how alec can be very asshole-y and crude and douche-y, and its a wife trying to care of husband. He looks damn good for his age and looks like hes keeping off yhe weight so i dont know wth u r referring to with that. And i dont see him as hen pecked. And what "career" is she hoping for since she has zero talent?

  30. It's probably meant to be Alec but I don't believe it for a minute. Sure she squeezed out a kid but he has the money and the fame in that relationship. He'll do whatever the fuck he wants to do.

    After his last divorce and for the reasons listed above, there was DEFINITELY a prenup.

  31. Well, Alec, I'm under 25, will let you hang out with your boys and drink and I'll stay home and bake. And shop online like crazy. Yay! Call me!

  32. Parallel universe Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, obviously! :P

    Alec Baldwin... I can't see him taking any of that. He makes it abundantly clear when anything meets with his dissatifaction. Even if it is the way NomNom put it, where the SO is getting the guy to turn away from destructive behaviours, I still can't see Baldwin accepting it and becoming miserable.

  33. I thought I read once that Alec doesn't drink and never has?

  34. If it's Alec, he needs to man-up and kick that gold digging fame whore to the curb. He's certainly angry like an alcoholic. Don't know about his claims of not drinking.

  35. Baldwin. Even if it isn't him I don't see how keeping him from drinking (apart from his sneaked ones) or smoking is going to "put him in an early grave." Seems as if the SO wants him alive.

    And I seriously doubt Baldwin is the type to be harassed into dying early either. If anything, his own explosive personality might make him have a stroke.

  36. Oh - and the reason Baldwin looks "old" now is because he's not dyeing his hair anymore (it's almost completely grey now) and he's gained back a bit of his old weight. Plus he's like 55 now, right?

  37. I'd say Alec Baldwin is far from "mostly television." I don't care what anyone says. The Shadow is a great movie!

  38. @discoux and don't forget Beetelguise and Working Girl. He's been in some very good films. He's not mostly television.

  39. The drinking problem is not the wife's fault. C'mon.

  40. And don't forget a personal fave of mine "Prelude to a Kiss"

  41. Wow. Who wrote this? The guy's overaged frat bro?! The SO wants his drinking limited (not stopped, limited, like everyone should) and doesn't want him smoking (again, a wise, wise health decision), and that is so wretched and unfair, she is certain to send him to an early grave?! Limiting old "friends," who prefer the boozing and smoking buddy, constantly available for smokes, booze and gambling?! Huh. Well, yeah, what a sorry, miserable decision to hook up with a grown up by this poor mistreated bloke... Good God....

  42. Even I got this one.
    Oh Alec, just do what makes you happy! If you are capable of being happy, that is.

    I read a while back, before he married Hilarious that she made him give up sugar. He looked really great at that time too, but he doesn't look so great now.
    Eat the sugar. Drink the hooch. Tell wifey to bugger off!

  43. The Daily Mail is quite famous for its misogynistic views, in which a woman is almost always to blame (cf. the Natasha Leggero stuff). I wouldn't be surprised if one writer for The Daily Mail had written this BI with the tone that should only be used at the publisher's request.

  44. And one more clue it is Alec: the BI says "whiskey". Any Brit would make the difference between "whisky" (Scottish), "whiskey" (Irish) and bourbon (US).

  45. Angela - I'd believe that except the writers at Daily Mail can't spell. A vast majority of articles I've read there, people's names get multiple spellings in the same story.

  46. I know, I know A is really pushing it for Cibrian, but the rest fits, so what they hey.

  47. The giveaway that this is Alec is that item recently that talked about him proudly talking in a store about having only "paid for" friends.

  48. D-list is probably where Cibrian belongs but that's a different blog

  49. What about Kelsey Grammar?

  50. Charlie Sheen?? maybe...

  51. So the SO wants him to spend less time with his drinking, gambling, cigar-smoking, up-all-hours-of-the-night buddies and SHE is driving him to an early grave???

  52. This is Ashton Kutcher



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