Monday, January 06, 2014

Today's Blind Items- The Bigot

I will try and make this as PG as possible but this Academy Award winning actor was being his usual racist self this past week when he said he didn't want some N word to be associated with our actor. Nothing the actor can really do about it but it just brings up a whole bunch of issues and the way he treated any black people he worked with. He tried his best to keep all black people out of his movies and because he was such a big star he mostly got his way. If a black person did get to work on a movie with our actor they usually left pretty quickly because our actor is not and was not shy about using racist terms and making sure to make the worker or actor's life as miserable as possible until they left. Surprisingly his prohibition didn't extend to black women because he said in the dark he couldn't tell a white woman apart from a black woman. If you were expecting that he has or had any respect for women you would be wrong considering how frequently he would rape women if they didn't have sex with him voluntarily when he would take them on dates. Our actor wouldn't speak to his son for years when the son started working with a black person and with very rare exception he hasn't since that time. The no respect for women thing got passed down too.


  1. Is this about the Douglas family or Penn?

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Mel Gibson

  3. Penn? Gibson worked with Danny Glover many times right?

  4. James Caan & his son?

    1. I like this guess

    2. Yes me too. Just so hard to belueve in 2014 tho.

    3. I think Caans son was engaged to Kerry Washington back in the day, right?

    4. I think Caans son was engaged to Kerry Washington back in the day, right?

  5. If the Charlize and Penn rumors are true, this blind cant be about him, Charlize has a black adopted son.

  6. Danny Glover starred in four Lethal Weapon movies with Mel Gibson, so I assume that, as racist as Gibson is, he can shut his mouth on set.

  7. Changing my answer to DeNiro because all he does is black women.

  8. Yep James Caan!!!! Not Sean Penn. I am pretty sure as ignorant as this man is, he would not be helping in Haiti.

  9. I really doubt it's Penn. He's so involved in the Haiti charities and all...Not to mention he was married to Madge, so the guy must be rather open minded, I'd expect.

    It's probably someone older and more uptight. I'll throw Kirk Douglas out there for giggles.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      @Topper Madison - I like your Kirk Douglas guess. There are all sorts of rumours out there about him, especially in relation to Natalie Wood and the Black Dahlia.

    2. @Topper Wasn't Kirk accused of multiple rapes? That's what makes me think of his old ass.

  10. I can't see this as Penn since his long time mistress was SI model Jessica White and he used to be seen in public with her.

  11. Does Caan have an Oscar?

    1. Just checked....nominated, didn't win.

  12. And, how old is Sean Penn's son, that he hasn't talked to for years? Not Penn.

  13. Not Penn. He has no reputation for being a rapist, and previous blind items, including one that got revealed today, hint that he pays for hookers and porn stars.

    Jeremy Irons got an Oscar for Reversal of Fortune, and was mentioned as racist lots of time. The son would be Max Irons.

  14. I think Hopper Jack Penn |side eye| is too young for his father to have given him the silent treatment for years. And god knows that little shit doesn't work.

  15. Caan nominated but never won.

  16. Does that one sentence mean that the father and son only spoke in a rare exception or that the son has and often works with a black person? Should be easy to find out if the son is a public figure.

    Scott Caan worked with Quincy Jones III when he was involved in a rap group but it seems like a wide majority of those involved including the label are white rappers. James Caan also has a 22-year-old son who isn't a public person - though I did see his Facebook. Good looking kid.

  17. Replies
    1. I second this guess. I checked too and he is an academy winner-- wasn't sure. My 2nd guess would be kirk douglas. I think hes into exotic liiking women.

  18. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Has to b a guy pulling tins of money in Hollywood. Unless this is back in the day. I was going to say Stallone because of the blind about him here recently. But, I'm sorry, Stallone has TOO MANY BLACK MEN IN HIS MOVIES!

    Not saying its impossible but it is hard to fathom.

  19. Nevermind - totally James Caan. Scott worked with Quincy Jones III and then did Ocean's which had Don Cheadle and Bernie Mac. Hawaii 5-0 features Chi McBride. All black.

  20. Gibson did Lethal Weapon(s), not him.

  21. Damn, the Oscar hint doesn't fit. Otherwise it all checks out.

  22. I thought one of Caan's career breaks was playing Brian Piccolo opposite Billy Dee Williams in Brian's Song. The whole flick was a big bromance, and probably 3/4 of their screen time was spent together.

    Doesn't mean Caan can't be a bigot, but I might be a little surprised. Just a little, though.

  23. Damn it, why did I think Caan won for Godfather.

    Ok, well then I will hop on the Kirk Douglas train.

    Or just throwing this out there, Stallone?!

  24. Wikipedia says Nicholson was good friends with Scatman Crothers. Acted together in 4 movies during the 70's.

  25. Anonymous10:30 AM

    How about Martin Sheen?

  26. Oh Brian's Song - it makes me bawl every time I see that movie, I can't help myself.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. James Caan wasn't an Oscar winner, he starred with Billy Dee Williams in Brian's Song, and he was in four seasons of Las Vegas with James Lesure.

  29. The elf in Bad Santa was a black actor so couldn't be Billy Bob.

  30. Hello the thing about sleeping w black women is a big clue!

  31. Kirk Douglas was nominated, but never won an Oscar. In 1996, he was given the "Honorary Award for 50 years as a creative and moral force in the motion picture community" which makes me a little sick, but I wouldn't count him as an Academy Award "winner."

  32. What about Clint Eastwood?

  33. Y'all are right. Not Sean Penn. I like @Angela's Jeremy Irons guess. Wasn't he talking homophobic recently in an interview?

  34. Once again, I make my bet on Jeremy Irons, even if he's married (it could be an open marriage). Son: Max Irons. Long history of homophobic and sexist rants, plus many rumors of him being racist.

  35. Jimmy Caan has always been best buds with Hefner who is a huge civil rights supporter.

  36. As much as I would like to think it was Sean Penn, I don't think it's him. Lots of actors don't star in movies with black actors. Not necessarily because they're racist but because it didn't work out that way. There are plenty of actors that I think are quite racist and have starred in movies with black people.
    Anyway, from what's described above this actor would have seizures being around any black man or woman he saw as a threat. For a guy like that going to Haiti for a long period of time and interacting with people and holding kids would be too much. The guy would have a stroke.

  37. I like the Nicholas Cage guess. Def not Penn, Caan, Douglas, or Gibson for obvious reasons stated above in the comments.(either no Oscar, work with African americans, or son not really known.)

    1. Actually now that I think about it I'm off the Cage guess since he must have been talking to his son because of the blind items about making his wife/girlfriend sleep with him.

  38. James Caan was also in that Vegas TV show for years. Several of the actors with long running characters were black.

  39. Why would this be Sean Penn if he has been to Haiti to volunteer to rebuild the country after earthquakes? Come on, people, drink your coffee and think a little harder!

  40. I have seen versions of this blind before, and I find it irritating because it is never revealed. Because it is never revealed I also find it doubtful.

  41. Replies
    1. Clint has worked with morgan freeman several times as actor and director. His son not known enough to be part of a blind.

    2. Check out one of Clint's most personal movies he has made, about Bird Man. Most definitely not Clint


  42. O'neill...Oscar for Love Story. I could see Redmond and Ryan sitting around tweaked the fuck out dropping N Bombs.

  43. When going for the crappy father angle, my money's always on Ryan O'Neal.

  44. Racist blinds are never revealed.

  45. Didnt Morgan Freeman recently discover Michael Douglas as being racist?

  46. Whoever said DeNiro, it's not him because he's married to a black woman, Grace Hightower, and his first wife was also black.

  47. The Dude: That was funny. Racist blinds are never revealed BUT they get the most traction on this site/ It creates a lot of clicks hence their prevalence.

    Nothing fits because I suspect (possibly more-hope) that this isn't real. It's just to get the butts in the seats, kids. Thanks for playing the game.

  48. Who the hell would put up with this shit nowadays? I sure as shit hope this is from back in the day.

  49. not Eastwood! He worked more than often with Morgan Freeman (Freeman is even one of his best friend)

  50. Damn too many great guesses. I like the clint eastwood, jack nicholson and mel gibson guesses too.

    Sean Pitt isnt a good fit at all imo. Hes a douche and as per bis, rapey perhaps but does not strike me as a racist. He hooked up with eve for godsakes. I think she would have racist radar and wouldnt have given him a chance in the sack if he were.

  51. I'm with Angela. Jeremy Irons fits the bill. He's known for cheating on his wife, for "forcing himself" with actresses (Juliette Binoche talked about how she disliked working with him as he would go way too far in love scenes), he's an academy award winner, he has an actor son and so on.

  52. It's Billy Bob. He's from the south where all men from his generation drop the N-bomb all day long. I think he is repulsive.

  53. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I'd find it hard to believe it's Jeremy Irons, because he voiced Scar for The Lion King, which is set in Africa... but maybe he just accepted the role because his character got to murder James Earl Jones' character.

  54. Huh. I've never heard the cartoon-voice defense before, but I like it!

  55. To me, this has Stallone written all over it. Didn't his son die? I think that's the one he wasn't speaking to.

  56. To me, this has Stallone written all over it. Didn't his son die? I think that's the one he wasn't speaking to.

  57. It cannot be Stallone, he has always worked with African (does this mean "not real"?) Americans when he gets to direct the movie since Rocky (Carl Weathers) till the Expendables (Terry Crews). If he hated them so much, I don't think he wanted them.

  58. I think the big clue is that he said it this week that he didn't want to be associated and there is nothing he can do about it. Who is a dad that fits that dynamic - i.e. a movie coming out etc.

  59. @ Gytrash
    He he. I'm not sure I'd like you to be my advocate. The defence is a bit weak :-)
    So I will carry on thinking it's Irons

  60. So he's a classy mofo then? Wish these racist assholes would be held more accountable for their douchiness

  61. Leonardo DiCaprio? His movies are usually very white -- as are his ladies...

  62. DAMN! I really need to read to the end of these things ere I comment... (which is why I don't usually comment).

  63. You know what we need for this BI character? Some kind of whiteboard to track the suspects and why they are viable or why they have been ruled out.

    No way is this Penn or Stallone. Not the way Enty has written this. Caan... I don't want to believe it. I mean, Brian's Song!

    Cage's IMDB seems very... uh... white.

  64. Kirk Douglas, Stallone, Caan and Martin Sheen are not Oscar winners.

  65. Not deNiro. His own sons are biracial black men!
    Not Nicholson. He co-starred with Morgan Freeman in "The Bucket List" and has appeared with black actors in other movies.
    Not Billy Bob. Has co-starred with African-Americans various times (Bad Santa, Friday Night Lights, Monster's Ball, etc.)
    Not Michael Douglas. His only adult son is in prison.
    Not Duvall. He has no kids.
    Have we considered SUPPORTING actor winners?

  66. Not Eastwood - besides working with Morgan Freeman, he directed Bird. It has a 90% Black cast.

    Gibson or Irons.

  67. I'm on board with the Kirk Douglass guess, too. Especially after Himmm intimated that he raped Natalie Wood.

  68. Russell Crowe? My former boss's son had the displeasure of working with that assclown on a movie here in Toronto. Total S.O.B.

  69. I like the Douglas family guess.

  70. So its some actor with a son who is also now another asshole racist celeb. Geez they really mess you up in HoWood.

  71. Who the fuck is this? Name and fucking shame? I don't think it's Gibson or Penn because they have either worked with or dated other races. Why does everyone believe it's Jeremy Irons? I'm going with Kirk Douglas.

  72. Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas?

  73. WAIT!
    Sean Connery!

    There are terrible stories about the way he treats the ladies, he made some weird comments about women a while ago.

    Stuff like this:
    'I don't think there is anything particularly wrong in hitting a woman, though I don't recommend you do it the same way that you hit a man.'


    'There are women who take it to the wire. That's what they are looking for, the ultimate confrontation. They want a smack.'

    He also asks why Chinese girls taste different than other girls.
    I assume he talks oral sex, not actually eating them ;)

    Classy dude.

  74. This really smells like Ryan O'Neal. He's absolutely the worst.

  75. And he has a son who is divorced, no idea about abuse in that marriage though, but Sean did beat the son's mom. And the mom said Sean wanted to disown the son.

  76. Yeah definitely not Clint. When you direct/produce/star in Million Dollar Baby at his level of clout, why would he put Morgan Freeman in such a prominent role?

  77. No way is it Gibson. He is an anti-semite, and a fuckwit but not racist against blacks.

  78. Sean Connery did Finding Forester with Derek Luke.

    Maybe Jeremy Irons but his son was friendly when he was in a Shakespeare play in DC last year I think.

  79. Jim Broadbent, You dickhead.

    But while this would certainly be in Ryan (Fucking) Oneal's wheelhouse, he never won and Oscar. I'm more inclined to think it's a director since they would have more pull in keeping someone out of their movies, unless it was a mega star, and older since the rampant rapes might not be as easy to get away with in the internet age. I think the Kirk/Michael Douglas option works, but Michael has won and Kirk hasn't (unless you count his being honored). Would tie in with the previous blind people take to be for Last Vegas, though in that case Kevin Kline also has won (interesting though) I'm researching further.

  80. To me this had Michael Douglas written all over it.
