Thursday, January 30, 2014

SodaStream Pays More Than Oxfam - Scarlett Johansson Steps Down As Ambassador For Oxfam

For seven years Scarlett Johansson has been a global ambassador for Oxfam. She has raised funds and traveled to India, Sri Lanka and Kenya to talk about global poverty. Her new multi-million dollar role as spokesperson for SodaStream though conflicts with Oxfam's position that SodaStream is anti-Palestinian because it has a factory in the West Bank which was captured by Israel in 1967 but claimed by Palestine. So, Scarlett had a decision to make and she chose SodaStream over Oxfam. Scarlett says she supports "economic cooperation between a democratic Israel and Palestine." Oxfam took issue with that statement and said they were going to review Scarlett as an ambassador. She took care of that issue for them by stepping down.

Scarlett's debut as spokesperson for the company will be seen in an ad during the Super Bowl.


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