Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shocker- Drugs Found In Justin Bieber's House - Egg Not Talking

All day yesterday the internet was abuzz that not only had police found eggs at Justin Bieber's house which may or may not be related to the eggs used in the assault on a neighbor's house but that Lil Za was arrested after police found ground Molly and Xanax out in plain view and he took the fall. Hey, when you are living rent free and get to have sex with whoever you want and get nice cars to drive and great presents, part of the deal is that you need to take the fall sometimes. I couldn't believe how shocked people were that drugs were found in Justin Bieber's house. When is the last time you signed a confidentiality agreement to play Scattergories somewhere? Yeah, never. Guests are forced to sign them because of the drugs and booze and sexual rampaging that goes on in the house every night. If the police had searched everywhere they probably would have found a bunch more.

The police took the seized eggs back to the station but they haven't talked yet or given up their friends involved in the assault. One of the eggs told his lawyer that police threatened him by holding up an omelette maker and what could happen if he didn't cooperate.


  1. Replies
    1. You totally called it. Not enough coffee in the world to imagine the Biebs sexually rampaging. Ick. I'm oot

  2. Oh, and damn, I need me a sexual rampaging. Too much? :D

    1. @Rhysie-Is that like vaginal homicide?

    2. I don't know, @ethorne, but it just occurred to me that I'm talking about needing a sexual rampaging on a Beiber post, I have changed my mind.

  3. I just can't stand Bieber. I just wish his crown would fall off already. He's a spoiled ass punk.

  4. Funny egg jokes Ent.
    Ugh, he's so disgusting. When will he fade into obscurity? When? And why wasn't he held responsible with the drugs being in his own house?

  5. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Is Lil Za related to Lil Twist?

    Bieber is out of control but his mother doesn't see it like that ...

  6. I see him being the next Leif Garrett.

  7. Anonymous6:33 AM

    The egg is not cooperating because he'd been beaten. ((Side eye))

    Its never too early to start a discussion about sexual rampaging, rhysie.


  8. He got 3 more bad-ass tats over the weekend too so he can appeal to his ...uh who's he kidding?

  9. How many people named "Lil ____" are there? Lil Adam, Lil Bill, Lil Carl, Lil Dan...

  10. But the bddest Lil of them all is Kim! She could beat the hell out of any of them.

  11. Probably 40+ rappers using "Lil"! Lil Boosie and Lil Tuffy are my favorites.

  12. At first I thought his shirt said EGG$.

  13. If it's not taken before, I will probably change my name to Li'l Dick.

  14. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Wait! ((Laughing) )

    I just read the beginning of the article. They found EGGS at someone's house!?
    Did they DNA test the eggs to see if they were related to eggs used at his neighbors house?
    HILARIOUS Enty is in the house! Lol

  15. The ova didn't want to turn traitor. He's no.... Eggs Benedict

  16. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      7of11. Lol
      Yes, the fine detectives of CSI will definitely "crack the case"

  17. Fantastic One Eye Charlie!

  18. I always find it funny when the word "Lil" is in one's moniker.

  19. Bravo, Charlie!

    Now I want eggs benedict...

  20. what a way to shit a career away

  21. I don't know about in the US, but very often here individual eggs are stamped with dates and batch numbers for food traceability reasons. Maybe the cops were genuinely trying to link the eggs this way?

  22. Isn't this eggsactly what we were all expecting?

  23. TMZ has the video the neighbor took of the incident. You can hear Bieber yelling to the guy and the video shows a small child's backpack sitting on the counter. I feel so bad for this family having to live next to that garbage!

  24. S...........H...........A.............Z............B............O..............T

    1. AaaaaaaaaWwwwwwwEeeeeeeeeSssssssssssssOooooooooooMmmmmmmmmmEeeeeeeeeee!

  25. Stop with the egg yokes.

    I've heard/seen the TMZ tape, it's definitely Biebs.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      EGGscuse us for the EGGcessive egg jokes, hothotheat.

    2. The yolks on you, hotheat! Bieber can afford to shell out some bail money for Little Pizza and he'll be eggcited to get out of jail!

  26. When did it stop being cool to call it Ecstasy? Why does the term Molly annoy me so damn much?

  27. I read cops as coops. Lol

  28. Hey Enty--leave the egg alone. It has the right to remain silent.

  29. @Desiree--probably because there's people named Molly. My first name has become a nickname for meth, and has led me to start using my old-fashioned but suddenly so cool Biblical middle name. It's awful when your name gets crapped on and people think they're so funny making jokes about it and shiz.

  30. Well I did hear that Beib's latest movie only grossed 2Mil.. compaired that to his last movie that cleared a heck of a lot more.. perhaps his Humpty Dumpty eggtastic career is about to be cracked, never to be put back together again!

  31. @Desiree, my understanding is that ecstasy and molly are two slightly different things, hence two names. Same drug, different amounts of purity.

  32. @charlie, of all the egg puns I read yesterday, that was my hands down favorite.

  33. Isn't Molly pure ecstasy whereas regular E can be mixed with other things which makes it less potent and more dangerous in a way because you can't be sure what they are mixing it or cutting it with I hink is the terms.

  34. I'm enjoying the Biebs turning his life to shit. Next to Shia the Douche, couldn't happen to a more deserving poser.

  35. Thanks to all you who posted puns -- Clever and a pleasure to read in the midst of an OMG 'another Bieber loser' story -- Why do I do this to myself?

    @Charlie -- Ova to Eggs Benedict: The Best!!!

  36. I hope this egg incident gets that spoiled little bitch out of the states. If he is convicted of a felony, his irk visa should be revoked, and Canada can have him terrorizing their streets and endangering their kids. I just pray they have more laws to put his boney ass in jail before someone gets hurt. I can't imagine what it would be like to shell out my life savings to give my family a safe, beautiful, gated community, only to live next door to this lawless entitled loser who treats no one else's safety or property with any modicum of decency or respect. I hope these eggs are to Berber what taxes were for Capone.

  37. So all they found was eggstacy? What a disappointment. This is yet another reason I can't stand Bieber. He's not even an interesting asshole.
