Friday, January 10, 2014

Shia LaBeouf Retiring From Public Life

Shia LaBeouf  is tired of the world. He is tired of people hating on him because he plagiarized a film and then plagiarized an apology and is racist and a mean and nasty drunk who is violent. So, Shia has decided to take himself out of the public eye and is retiring from all things in the public. I guess that means he would like to make movies but never promote them. That will not fly with any producer. Of course if he is serious about all of this then he should pack his bags and move somewhere and never appear in a film or television show again. He won't though. Even though he is a huge a-hole and a guy who has mommy issues that are beyond what we can comprehend he loves being noticed. He loves being recognized. He loves the perks. He won't quit. Remember when Alec Baldwin promised he would leave the country if George Bush got elected? How did that turn out for Alec? Oh yeah, he stayed.


  1. good riddance. I can understand why he is so f*cked up though. He had a hard life as a child and was basically living on the streets with his mother at one point.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      I never knew that, it sort of makes me tolerate him alittle more. Just alittle mind

  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Yipppeee! So is that a promise? I vote that when these losers (him, Bieber, I'm sure there are others) say they're "retiring", the Industry has to take them at their word and cut up their contracts! Yeah!

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    PS: He's smelly - so much so that even Brad Pitt (also rumoured to be rather 'fragrant') got annoyed - he wouldn't shower for weeks on end, citing "method acting" as being his reason. Gross!

  4. Promises promises. Hell Kanye that in no time.

  5. Whenever I read one of these 'I'm quitting/retiring' I wonder about the real story. Did they make an tongue in cheek kind of comment that gets blown out of proportion because everyone hates him or did he make a serious statement about it. He apparently made this statement via twitter - should anyone really take anything on twitter seriously. Unfortunately I'm sure we will be hearing more from this waste of space douchebag in the future:(

  6. I like Shia. Stop with the hate, he's not nearly as bad as a Lohan or kardashian.

  7. @Jon---wtf---he is almost worse!

  8. Im sick of this Alec Baldwin misquote. What he said was, if so many of my fellow americans want this candidate, i am way out of step. I dont know what to do; MAYBE I WILL MOVE TO CANADA. NOT, " i will move to canada if this guy gets elected. Jeesh. Misquote it enough and it becomes fact. As for Shia, i think he needs to be committed to work thru his issues, which im pretty sure involve incest instigated by mother. Ick

  9. Julia Roberts stayed as well, unfortunately

  10. He cashed all the 20 milion popcorn movie checks and now he wants to be indie with the comfort of a fat bank account

    Keanu 2.0

  11. I declare the day Shia actually does retire FREE SLURPEE DAY!

  12. Hes unhappy that hes hated now in a few months when no one gives a crap and isn't paying him any attention he'll be back

  13. Grumpy Cat says GOOD

  14. I sympathize with people that are desperately unhappy but I resent them for trying to take me down with them when that refuse to see that they Are the issue. That said, he isn't a blip on my radar. He has the Money to go anywhere and be anything, I have no sympathy for him.

  15. @Stepforded … were/are you in the biz? I love your little tidbits of gossip.

  16. Don't let the door hit you, Shia!

  17. oh darn

    he'll be back by tomorrow though if not sooner

  18. "'Bye..." *said everybody in a disinterested tone*

  19. I'm looking forward to seeing Shia's peen in nymphomaniac. I'll pretend I'm on the receiving end. Sexxxxyyyy

  20. When it became clear to me he was severely mentally ill, my annoyance with him transformed to concern. The guy needs help. The guy needs to realize that he needs help.

  21. Yep some serious damage there. Wouldn't surprise me if there's some schizophrenia- lotsa delusions.
    Loved loved loved him is Trans1 - totally brilliant acting. Truuuly.

  22. Hope he gets counseling to get his subscription of issues in check (assuming he wants that).

    And why make a big deal out of leaving? Just go!

  23. The only person who actually retired relatively young is Rick Moranis. And I still cry every night because of that.

    alec baldwin wasn't the only one who barked something similar: meryl streep or sean penn among others said the same.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Me too, and it's a sad story. His wife died so he retired to raise his kids away from Hollywood. Rick Moranis that is

  24. I can see how having sex with your mother could possibly mess with someone's head so I'm going to cut the guy some slack.

    1. Holy hell are those his mommy issues??

  25. @Harry I agree with you. Hopefully he is going to get some sort of healthy.

  26. I know quite a few people who said they wanted to leave the country if that idiot Bush got re-elected. Liddy is correct, Baldwin is forever misquoted on that. We can never rely on Faux News watchers for accuracy in anything.

    Shia needs to go ahead and slide into complete madness. He might actually get help at that point.

  27. I'll start a collection for his gold watch. Bye bye, Shita

  28. Ur-Enty would have never repeated that Baldwin faux-quote. The hacks running CDAN now are just pathetic.

  29. Toodles, asshole!

  30. It's not retirement when there's no demand for your work, it's called unemployment.

  31. I think he's a talented guy. I hope he can take some time off, work through his issues, and act again. He's good.

  32. I can't believe that Brad Pitt cast him in his movie. I have never understood why Shia has ever or still is a working actor, anywhere. He's just nasty to look at let alone everything else about him.

  33. I think he's a good actor, so I agree with Naughty (which types out funny like that, but unfortunately he has a metric tonne of issues

  34. Isn't Alec Baldwin a republican?

  35. Remember back in the day when he dated Rihanna for a hot minute? Random

  36. Crystal - Nope, Baldwin is a liberal / Democrat.
