Seth Peterson's Girlfriend- Proud To Be A Homewrecker
I spoke to one of Miranda Doerfler's friends yesterday about Miranda's relationship with Seth Peterson. Apparently Miranda, the new 22 year old girlfriend to Seth who is still married with a baby on the way with his wife new that Seth was married when they got together. The friend said that Miranda wanted the chance to be with a celebrity and wasn't going to let marriage stand in her way. The friend called Miranda a "starf**ker." She has hooked up with other celebrities but they dumped her. Seth stuck around. Miranda told her friends that Seth's wife is horrible and that Seth was desperate to leave. Uh huh. So, then why did he get her pregnant. What happened is that Seth found someone who was really young and liked him and had no issues having sex with a married man and who doesn't have two kids with another on the way so he left. I totally understand that Seth is equally to blame for the split, but Miranda didn't care at all the guy was married and someday it will probably come right back at her. You think now that Seth is single that he might explore the field a little bit? You think Miranda is the one he is going to be with when the spinning bottle of celebrity sex ends? I don't. I think Miranda better enjoy him now because the guy will find someone else in a second.