Friday, January 10, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Kaley Cuoco takes her husband shopping. She paid of course. Before Kaley it was Target and the mall. After Kaley he suddenly can only find the right clothes at Barney's.

Kendall Jenner is back from sexing up Harry Styles and takes her turn at pap bait.
It's kind of shocking to me that at 13, Nicole Richie weighed more than she does now. Yeah, that is Kim Kardashian.
Wolf Of Wall Street premiere in London and Jonah Hill looks like a third wheel.
Daisy Lowe was there wearing some kind of thing.
Ashley Roberts was there. She has taken off in the UK since being in multiple reality shows there.
Lindsay Lohan out at night and
lighting up while in London.
Matt LeBlanc.


TalksTooMuch said...

Bwahaha, those are almost all bad, bad, bad. Except Kendall Jenner.

Does anyone remember the "Blue Day Book"? Because Lohan looks just like the golpher that had an allergic reaction.

Marieeee said...

Remember when Kim Kardashian was Paris' stylist?

MISCH said...

Kendall Jenner is a very pretty girl, she needs to go to school and get away from her pimp mother.

Seven of Eleven said...

I want to know what Penny did to tick off the Entern.

Hi, Kim's original nose!

Hi, LoLoL! (typo and it stays)

Ginger said...

Hey Kim, tell us again how you have never had any surgery.

Kendall is cute. She needs to get away from her mom though.

Lindsay just looks so terrible now. Hard to believe how much she has aged in the last few years.

sandybrook said...

Poor Kaley. I think the douche didn't even change into different clothes from what he wore to the Peoples Choice Awards.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Kendall's been promised a bag rejuvenation on her 18 the birthday, if she just follows pimp momma K's career advice....

Steampunk Jazz said...

Autocorrect you bitch! Vag rejuvenation!

Amartel said...

Sorry for not following along but why do we hate Kaley Cuoco's husband?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Three years ago Lindsay told Leno she'd have an Oscar in five years. Two years left to go. Tick-Tock.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Damn Kinds, that off the shoulder look is INSANE. She looks like the swag in the bag is about to get her arrested....

Sugar said...

I know, Sandy! I thought to myself, my, my, he sure got all gussied up for the award show and wore his bestest t-shirt and jeans!

Steampunk Jazz said...

Autocorrect... Grrr. Linds!

sandybrook said...

Well you know since hes a tennis playa with maybe endorsement deals he should be wearing shorts with that t-shirt at least once in a while.

JSierra said...

Amartel because he is a gold digging butthead preying on her desire to be loved

nurysp said...

dont pay for dick ladies

nurysp said...

are kim and nicole friends anymore

Unknown said...

Matt needs a new tailor, Kendall needs a new manager, Lindsay needs a new brain, and the rest of them are dandelion fluff.

Unknown said...

Yeppers it's now fersure KK never had surgery. Matt's hair looks like a reverse skunk. If guys pay for clothes for girls -allthetime- isn't is strange that we say the opp for girls paying for guys?? Isn't prostitution supp to be EOE?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you can get a bag of it too :)

Murphy said...

Mr. Cuoco was very smiley before New Years.

Now you can't get him to crack a smile for anything.

I'm on to you Ryan, and I live 3000 miles away.

ninotchka said...

Kim and Nicole don't have any friends.

Daisy Lowe serving the Early Bordello look.

Oh Blowhan, I actually like the first pic's coat but those hooker boots - oy. She shouldn't always dress for work.

Jonah Hill is always creepy, as is Leo.

Poor Kaley Cuoco. I don't watch her show, I only know her from her meal ticket marriage.

Harry Knuckles said...

Kendall Jenner is pretty beyond words. Nice rack too.

Steampunk Jazz said...

I swear, I thought daisy lowe was Shannon Doherty, slutty clothes and all....

Del Riser said...

Jonah is more like a third wheelbarrow. What is it with those two?

Kelly said...

Does Lindsay actually think those rag extensions look good? They drive me crazy!

Jacq said...

Yeah, and damn she's thin! Bitch!

Oopsy_Daisy said...

Holy crap my daughter looks like a young Kim. God help me.

chopchop said...

I cannot stand Jonah Hill. He's so disgusting.

OneEyeCharlie said...

Kaley, if this one doesn't work out, I'm willing to be a kept man. I cook, clean, and can put one effing hell of a crease on shirts and slacks with spray starch while ironing. Give it some thought.

sandybrook said...

Uh Charlie you can have Hilary Duff leave me Kaley!

Red said...

Jonah Hill looks like the spare tire for a 16 wheeler.

Anonymous said...

Kaley should've taken him shopping BEFORE the People's Choice Awards! Sheesh!

Kim looked better in the 13-years-old photo than she does now.

How is the Wolf of Wall Street only premiering in London now? I saw it in New Zealand last week!

LiLo's hair should elope with Le Blanc's suit - a match made in heaven.

Anonymous said...

@OneEyeCharlie ... But do you suck the hurt / sand / sea salt out of a wounded toe? If not you're gonna have to study up Shulman's expertise in that area.

Anonymous said...

@Amartel - it is alleged that he is a grifter type

lalaland923 said...

The only sexing that Harry Styles was involved in did not include Kendall Jenner. He Prefers the company of his radio dj bff, "grimy", or the love of life, his supposed ex boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson, if Blindgossip is to be believed. Lmfao.

Kloie said...

Lay off of Kaley, Enty. Let the girl be happy. You sound jealous.

lower_scott_hill said...

lindsay is lit up in both of those pictures.

Cynthia C. said...

Kaley's husband doesn't need her money. He's from a very wealthy family... so, no golddigging on his part.

Alexa Rose said...

Wasn't Kaley a friend of this site once upon a time? Her husband is very good looking.

I do not get the Daisy Lowe attraction at all, but others seem to think she is hot so....

parissucksliterally said...

I think Kendall is beautiful....but she is dumb as a stick.

I LOVE the picture of Kim and Nicole. I think it is adorable, them as geeky teens. Kim was so pretty....I don't think anyone can doubt either of their nose jobs...

OneEyeCharlie said...

@Stepforded That particular skill set doesn't rank very high on my proficiency chart. That being said, I AM a quick study, and consider myself smarter than the average bear. I'll do what it takes to get the picnic basket.

Oooooo, new euphemism "Picnic Basket"

Bow wow chick chicka mau wow.

TLP said...

Kim K with what very well may be her original face. Does the Jenner/Kardashian clan get a discount at the surgeons office? They all look the same now.


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