Thursday, January 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Two - New Year's Part One

Pink and Carey Hart spent it alone with their daughter.
Adam Levine spent it drinking mimosas???
Nicole Scherzinger and Alicia Keys surrounded some other woman.
Ryan Seacrest got something he has not had in a long time.
Robin Thicke and Sean Combs competed to see who could be more a-holey while they hung out with Paula Patton.
At the same party were Drake and Rick Ross.
Even Beyonce showed up with Chanel Iman.
Of course Jay-Z was there.
Rihanna and Cara Delevingne continue their 24/7 time together.


  1. ^^ I still can't believe Cara's boobs aren't fake.

  2. Lol @ Onyx
    But they look so real ;)

  3. Let's touch them just to be sure.

  4. That Pink/Carey Hart photo looks so out of place with this line-up. They look like decent folk while the rest, well...

  5. I'm pretty sure a RiRi/Cara tag team would leave me shivering in the fetal position feeling dirty and used. Gawd that would be fun.

  6. Miley looks like she's really into that kiss. I bet Ryan peed a little.

  7. Hey count - did you submit a pic for yesterday?

  8. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Theres almost too much ego in this set of pics to fit, excluding Pink's family photo.

  9. There's Rihanna showing up in the daily pictures, again.

  10. The only thing that I could ever find attractive about JayZ is his bank account. He is so fugly.

  11. almost my thought exactly, Count.

  12. Love Pink and her fam.

  13. You know who wasn't at that party Jay-Z was at? Cathy White.

  14. You just know that Alicia Keys and Nicole Shersomething did dirty things to that blonde woman later that night.

  15. @mistang I know right? Like one of these things isn't like the others.

    Alicia and Nicole probably grabbed the most "normal" looking person they could find for a photo op - look at us, we hang with regular folk!

  16. There are a lot of implied dirty girls there. And true with the Pink photo. NOT part of this set.

  17. @Err: No I didn't. Way too many h8rz for that.

  18. Love the Pink pic. But if they're alone who took the pic? Maid?

    So is Cara on the can while Riri hands her toilet paper? Classy...

  19. @PugsterMom - I thought maybe a family member. I know it seems unlikely with celebrities, but might be possible.

    Ha! It looks like Ri is doing her hair.

  20. @pugster timer on phone, camera or ipad?

  21. Cara and Rhianna made sure the stash of heroin was not in the picture.

  22. Miley looks like Disney's cartoon Cruella

  23. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Jay-Z looks like a right tool with all his medals.

    Jaden Smith is going to morph into Drake when he gets older - has that same eyebrow thing going on.

  24. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Little Willow seems to be the best thing that ever happened to Pink - she appears to have mellowed quite a bit (was a pain in the arse to work for, said one of her former assistants), and always seems to look happy. Good for her.

  25. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I don't like her style of music, but I heart Pink. What a great role model for young girls.

  26. Carey has 2 elbows on that arm around P!nk, such a weird/beautiful picture.
