Thursday, January 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

I hope Britney Spears' Christmas bonus was big because he is earning every penny.
George Lucas and his wife show off their new baby.
Meanwhile Alyson Hannigan takes her kids for a New year's Day walk.
Brangelina continue their Australian adventure with several
outings and even some hand holding.
Jennifer Lopez Tweeted this photo of herself yesterday. You know, because she once took the train a long time ago.
Kim Kardashian wants to remind everyone how big her engagement ring is and thought this would be a good way to rub it in your face again.
Kristen Stewart got new boots for Christmas.
Miranda Kerr continues to babysit while Orlando Bloom is out of town.


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I *love* when moms babysit their own kid.... Come on Enty.

  3. So this is George Lucas's first biological child…see it's never too late..

  4. I am going to laugh so hard when Kimye breaks up. My New Year resolution is to no longer click or comment on any Kardashian stories after this. So over them.

  5. Not a fan of JLO..but damn, she sure knows how to put every woman to shame. Dressed up or casual(well at least her kind of casual) she is ridiculously amazing.

  6. Nah North West is just showing an early inclination towards kleptomania.

  7. JLo is gorgeous on this picture. Shame about her bad acting and singing.

  8. Thank you brad Pitt for finally cutting your hair

  9. Flynn! That face! I'll babysit him...and his dad.

  10. Britney is using one of her dancers as a dog? F-word-ing sexist.

    I hope Lucas's kid is better made than his last star war films.

  11. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The look in Angie's eyes tells me they must be on their way to "visit" with her assistant.

  12. I agree JLo is hot to look at. But a complete no talent.

  13. JLo is perfection looks wise.

  14. JLo is hot again. Showing Kim K. how it's done.

    George Lucas and his wife have a cute kid, they look really confused about what to do with him though lol.

  15. Dat JLo ass is out of control. But you'd NEVER catch her on a platform with a single other soul on it. She probably closed down the station to shoot the photo

  16. Jlo may be annoying but her body is BANGING. Omg. I saw nothing else after that pic of her.

  17. Kermit, that's not her dancer, look closer, it's her boyfriend lol. Weird

  18. I wonder of that picture of J Lo is doctored in anyway. I mean I know she had a glorious ass but it's never been quite that defined. Something is amiss to me.

    And is it part of the contract that if you marry someone wealthy and famous you must produce an heir. I mean I know his wife is no slouch in the $ and smarts department, so please don't take it that way like she's a golddigger cuz girl got game without the old white dude.

    It's just they seem so old to be having a baby. But I guess this being Melody's first marriage she probably wanted one..Okay talked myself through it. Everyone can be on their way.

  19. I have a feeling that babysitting crack is Enty's way of saying that Orlando is the primary caregiver in that family, as if Miranda isn't so hands-on with her son.

  20. I can't stand JLo and while I do admire a round butt, hers is just way out of proportion.

    Then again, if I didn't think she was all kinds of revolting I'd probably think her butt looked fantastic, so...?

  21. I love that George Lucas's wife is nice looking but in a down to earth, average kind of way. Gotta respect that.

  22. Cant help but notice how much George Lucas' daughter looks like one of #dembabies

  23. Brad and Angie look cute. Nice that they are doing so many fun things with their children. Skating is a lot of fun.

    I'm always scared of babies holding jewelry.. Choking scares me.

  24. JLo looks freaking hot.

  25. J Lo looks awesome in those jeans.

    Holding Kim's ring is probably the closest Ignorthed has gotten to her Mom this week. Idiot didn't think about the CHOKING HAZARD.
    Pathetic excuse for a mother!

  26. I think what George Lucas did to his first wife, Marcia, was f#cked up! She got an Oscar (the only one) for editing Star Wars, and he erased her from the history of the franchise. She was a HUGE influence on his movies, and he painted her as a villain. Marcia Lucas deserved her half of his fortune because she worked for it as much as he did. Any respect I had went out the window with his mean treatment of her.

    Lucas is sterile, this is well documented, so that kid is probably from a donated egg and donated sperm born via surrogate. The egg might have been his wife's though. I wonder why they just didn't adopt as he had in the past.

  27. shazbot! Jlo's arse!

  28. Anonymous1:31 AM

    For some reason that photo of Lucas reminded me of 'The Wolf of Wall Street' which I saw today. Hated it - long and boring and the sex + drug scenes were crass. I would've walked out if I didn't have noisy popcorn munches on either side of me.

    1. Anonymous1:46 AM

      But I will say that Jonah Hill was outstanding in the movie - absolutely outstanding! (Shame he's a douche in 'real life').

  29. I thought maybe Brad and Angie were on a fact-finding mission to Gaza and were passing through one of the IDF checkpoints there.
    Wouldn't it be funny if North somehow lost that ring and Kimmy couldn't find it, no matter how frantically she searched? Ha!

  30. I think its super funny that Kim has already taken the ring off....

    shes never going to keep that thing forever

  31. Yes yes J-Lo looks great but don't think she actually
    Took the train!! It seems to me she is at the Whitlock station which is just off the Bruckner highway so I'm sure it was a photo stop more than anything else!!

  32. Yes yes J-Lo looks great but don't think she actually
    Took the train!! It seems to me she is at the Whitlock station which is just off the Bruckner highway so I'm sure it was a photo stop more than anything else!!

  33. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Just because Miranda likes to fuck, doesn't make her a bad mum. Ease up Enty!

  34. It's probably real (disgusting) but that baby-with-ring photo looks fake! There's barely a shadow.

  35. I've never had much if any interest in sex tapes but I sure would like to see that butt of J-Lo's in action. I'm thinking she must have guys sign a wavier before going to bed with her.

  36. Alyson Hannigan is an enigma to me. She was one of the few naturally talented actors in 'Buffy' (haven't seen her in anything else; my TV died after season 2 of '24')--but loved her work on that show.

    But now, it's disillusioning to see "Willow" doing a weekly call-the-paps: 'I'm bringing out the babies!' deal; Brit tabloids in particular eat it up. Think she is genuinely, effusively (& justly) proud of her ginger-headed offspring, but the use of them seems gratuitous in forwarding her career, & have long been upset by the trend of using one's kids as PR bait.

  37. J Lo's body is righteous!
