Thursday, January 02, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today

Pete Wentz took his son to Disneyland while
Jason Bateman took his whole family.
Not at Disneyland, but at an amusement park in Australia was Russell Crowe.
Ryan Phillippe with his girlfriend in Miami.
Scott Eastwood has been named one of the sexiest bachelors in America.
Sean Penn took some time off from making moves on Charlize Theron to go surfing.
Also in Hawaii is President Obama.
Taylor Swift and Sarah Hyland got photobombed by a cat.
Better you than me Usher.


  1. I am shocked to see Swift hanging out with someone her age. The cat looks surprised too.

  2. I can't understand how Charlize is hanging out with Sean Penn. Makes me question her a little bit.

  3. Man, the shave ice places love business when Obama is in town. Everyone goes constantly in the hopes that he shows up that day. I'm just happy that he doesn't cause too many traffic problems; just mainly when he gets here and leaves.

    1. I'm just glad to be opposite all the circus surrounding it. My inlaws flight was delayed one year because Air Force One was late taking off.

  4. This girl worship of Charlize gets pretty silly. She's a movie star.........they tend to be facile, insecure and vain creatures.........not the stuff of heroes. Enough said.

    1. I agree. She is so overated. I have seen her in person andshe's nothing special. Actually quite plain. She looks much better on film

    2. Anonymous1:41 AM

      @Becks - right on; with make-up she's absolutely stunning; but without ... just blends into the crowds.

  5. Mmmm helllloooo Scott

  6. Charlize came across as a no bullshit kind of woman. There's no excuse for hanging out with Penn.

    1. @califblondy, yes--but so does Madonna and so does Robin Wright. Clearly he's a no-bullshit-kinda-woman magnet...

  7. So that counts as sean penn's yearly shower/bath.

    Ms Hyland is amazed that Swifty is less mature than her, look at her eyes.

    R. Crowe drinking water? Mindblowing.

  8. Obama looks hot in that photo.

  9. Swifty hanging with an over 18 is progress but seriously GET SOME FRIENDS YOUR OWN AGE.

  10. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Could Phillippe be the guy who pushed his non movie GF to the couch??

  11. Sorry, but that jungle book child is unfortunate looking.

    1. Oh. Is Mowgli-shaming allowed here...?

  12. Ps--something tells me Usher's mind-blowing holiday will be preached to us soon, through his music.

    1. What rhymes with snake or cobra?

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I'll go with cake and rake, not sure if they'll fit with the song but its a start ;)

  13. +1 @keet. Totally agree.

  14. Kitteh photobombs are the best. That kitty looks a lot like my Mr. B.

    Methinks Taylor knows what's said about her on the internets and is staging photos like this to prove she doesn't just hang with people her emotional age. But now it makes me question Sarah's taste in friends.

  15. keetz4 and Reno: Hush yo mouf! I loves me some Charlize (although gotta agree that she's lost a little of it due to her association with Sean Peen).

    McMama..What? A whole year? Explain how this would happen.

  16. Another fantabulous photo of Usher on vacation! Whoever is setting these shots up has a great eye.

  17. @NaughtyNurse: So that's where mine went!

  18. I think Sarah Hyland is adorable.

    Bronx Mowgli not only was cursed with that name, but damn, that kid is fug.

  19. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "Scott Eastwood has been named one of the sexiest bachelors in America" - that just means that he has a great publicist who pushed for his cause.

  20. Obama makes me ill as my insurance went up 75.2% due to his Communism.

  21. @cowbulls: re Obama, I'd still hit it... but your co deducts an addl 70%+ from your pay now? That's brutal, but blame the Tea Party for killing the logical alterntives, not the Prez. If you can still afford insurance, that's nice.

    Being unemployed, my sole options are Natl Healthcare or SSD. My monthly Dr bills equal or surpass my co-op maintenaince fees. Plus I've almost lost my fab dentist, as even when Cobra was biting me, their $600 monthly fee didn't include dental or the meager optical coverage my publishing house provided.

    But I am stunned by your situation; a 70%+ health insurance raise is seriously harsh.
