Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Joe Jonas is in Hawaii with his girlfriend.

Jennifer Lawrence is one of the seven different covers of W this month.
Hello Jessica Simpson. She looks great like this with very little makeup and unable to see her lip injections.
Kim Kardashian walks down the street to get maximum attention.
Meanwhile Khloe was instructed to pretend she was hiding a pregnancy.
Kellan Lutz has Pimpa Joe Simpson hair.
Stephen Baldwin needs work. The Mole. For the 100th time, we need Celebrity Mole back on television.
Lindsay Lohan in China.
Matt Damon and his busted arm.


  1. Khloe looks very trim for her.

  2. I love Kim's outfit but hate it on her. It was made for a taller more athletic build.

  3. God damn. Someone PLEASE teach Lindsay Lohan how to put on makeup, FFS!

    1. I love ffs. cracks me up

    2. Seriously! That has ALWAYS driven me nuts!

  4. nice pink handbag MATT

  5. Is it just me or did Khloe's lips grow overnight? They look huge!

  6. That's a weird shot to choose for JL's cover. It looks like she was sitting a resting between shots. It's dull.

    1. Agree. Neck down she is stunning! She needs more hair, I'm not feeling the pixie in her

  7. Ooh. Did Matt Damon's wife give the kink too hard? Is that a sex injury? Nice! Get it Matt!

  8. It looks like KPig is actually starting to get a little desperate these days. This could get interesting.

    Kong will never be interesting no matter what she does.

  9. Jessica is naturally pretty but wth with the coat/cape/cloak fur thing?

    After watching that video the other day, I don't think for one half second KimK doesn't call paps to let them know she's going out. She was literally swarmed with them. If she wanted to go incognito, she could but she wears those clothes and does that hair flip - "please, paps, just leave me alone!" You betcha.

    Matt looks like he's carrying a knapsack or diaper bag for one of his girls. He's been papped carrying them and/or their knapsacks before.

  10. Jennifer Lawrence looks like Ellen Barkin sometimes.

    When did LiLo start wearing wigs?

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      ...maybe when her hair started falling out from all the self-abuse?...

  11. Jessica S. really looks good here-this should be her look

  12. Over all I think that is the best Lilo has looked in a long time.

    Love JLaw.

  13. Yes! Bring back Celebrity Mole!

  14. I really like Kim's skirt, which means that she snuck out of the house with it on, cause no way Kanye wouldn't have her in some more "art".

    Jessica Simpson looks gorgeous, I mean GORGEOUS.

    Hey, Joe Jonas has the same swim trunks as my almost-2-year-old!

  15. Is there any chance at all that China might keep Lilo?? Any chance at all??

  16. For all the "working out" the Krap family does they never show any signs of sweat, is the workout going inside the place and walking back out for their personal pap?

  17. Anonymous1:59 PM

    They're replaying the 90210 reboot here at the moment and the episode where one of the Jonas brothers takes Adrianna to a red carpet event aired ... I thought 'hmmmm, just like real life really' (staged relationships 'n all) ...

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Kim's outfit looks silly - mint green and salmon do NOT go together!

    I don't understand the fuss about Jennifer Lawrence - she's nothin' special.

    Pimp Mama is going to run out of stories to feed to the press soon. Interesting how she hasn't said one iota about the respective deaths of Disick's parents - I half expected her to release a "statement on behalf of the family".

    Lutz looks silly with that hair colour. Miley must've dared him to do it. Wonder if he'll dare her to lose weight as he seems to do with his other girlfriends.

    Lohan always seems to have pink legs.

    1. Actually, the only thing I like about Kim is the mint green with salmon. It's FABulous.

  19. I still see Chestica's lip injections. She has no bow in her lip when she smiles. If the bow disappears, you've put too much in there.

    China. Please keep Lohan, and her dirty finger.

  20. Lilo's in China, Dennis Rodman is in North Korea can things be arranged so their visa's are annulled and they can't come back here?

    Jessica never had to do anything to herself--she was always so beautiful. But she's f'n stupid too,

  21. @Lotta Yes, Khloe's lips have definitely gotten some love or she is wearing a lot of venom!

  22. yes that hair cut does give off ellen barkin..whom i adore!

    did ya see media take out yesterday, kim hair is sooo thin
    Her scalp needs a rest from that weave

    Kellan, UGH

  23. Jessica's face looks like it's been messed with, weird!

  24. Me too but I refused to believe it until now...when someone else agreed with my opinion. Otherwise, I would have never shared that.

  25. JLaw looks HOT in this pic! JSimp is gorgeous without all the makeup.

  26. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Dear Joe Jonas,

    Nice shorts asshole.


  27. Was it just a guess or a reveal that Matt Damon's wife was shopping for bondage stuff? Maybe it went a bit too far?

  28. Lohan needs a spray tan to cover the bruises on her legs.

  29. Enty is blind. If you look at the same pic on Dlisted, Chestica's lips are HUUUUUGE. No bow in her lip, and she looks Stoooooopit.
    And yes, her hair is fucking awful! You are in your 30's now Jess, let go of the "Barbie" look!

  30. Jaw looks like a real woman
    Jessica looks happy and healthy
    Lindsay needs makeup on her legs

  31. Wonder how Matt Damon broke his arm.

  32. I can't wait until Kardashian Free February!

  33. How can Lindsay still borrow high fashion?

  34. Matt Damon broke his arm during a montain-bike trip



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