Friday, January 03, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Hugh Jackman doing some fishing in Australia.
Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles are skiing together in Mammoth. And by skiing I mean biding their time until check in at the hotel.
Jessica Alba and her family minus one daughter.
James Marsden spends time with his youngest child.
A first time appearance for Jamie Chung. That can't be right.
I know Josh Duhamel is in the photos a lot. I feel like I'm raising Axl at this point.
Jonah Hill minus his tight pants wearing girlfriend who apparently was mortified and had no idea when she left the house.
Julianne Hough has looked much more pleasant recently.
Jon Hamm takes the Hammbone out for a late night walk.


  1. Yep. Reference to Julianne being the sweetheart that was the only one to help the homeless guy.

    I won't say what I'm thinking about Alba's family. It would be wrong.

  2. Long live the Hammaconda

  3. Hamm looks like he's finally wearing underwear.

  4. Am I seeing through Julianne's dress and seeing some tiny panties or is that an optical illusion?

    1. @Count - I think an optical illusion but hey, if it works for you, go for it

  5. Fold of the dress, I think, @Count. I really have no frame of reference for her beyond this site, but I love the outfit.

  6. Are we sure that's Hugh Jackman? That guy has a gut.

  7. I'm not buying that's Hugh Jackman.

    Reno...say it!!!

  8. Y'all are probably right. I blew it up and the more you zoom in, the less it looks like panties :(

  9. There is nothing going on between Kendall & Harry…PR all the way..

  10. Jessica Alba's daughter is adorable.

  11. I don't think Alba's daughter is that cute. She unfortunately looks nothing like her mother.

  12. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Can't stand Hough - you can tell that she's a 'pretender' just by looking at her.

    Loathe Jonah Hill, but he was the best thing about 'The Wolf of Wall Street' (if you haven't seen it, don't bother - it's incredibly loooooong and the sex and drug scenes are crass - I'm no prude, but they could've been portrayed in a more - ahem - tasteful way).

    I'm actually starting to feel physically sick every time I see a picture of the Kartrashians or Ryan Seacrest - vile creatures, the lot of them.

  13. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I'm not familiar with James Marsden, but wowser - what a hottie! Cute kid, too :-)
