Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

The dark blue represents temperatures above freezing and this was at 7am Central time this morning, not the middle of the night.

Bradley Cooper at LAX.
Cate Blanchett is surrounded by Jared Leto and Robert Redford.
Mark Ruffalo and his wife.
Courteney Cox heads into Jimmy Kimmel after vacationing with him last week.
Abbie Cornish gets  a parking ticket. Blames Ryan Phillippe. She blames everything on him. Turned his name into a verb.
Charlize Theron went to a movie with Sean Penn. He probably spent an hour chain smoking and talking about craft while people ran up behind him shouting Spicoli.
Gisele Bundchen makes everything look so easy. Massive numbers of employees helps.
Hugh Jackman shows off his new look.


  1. I bet Reese Witherspoon has turned Ryan Phillipe into a verb too. Not good time to be papped for Abbie.

  2. Eep! Mark Ruffalo and Timothy Olyphant in one day!

  3. is Hugh auditioning for a role in Napoleon Dynamite 2?
    It would be really really distracting trying to watch a movie at the theater with Sean and Charlize there on a date. Imagine sitting behind them?...

  4. I've lost respect for Charlize. Not only is she with Penn, but never with her kid anymore, she didn't take him to Hawaii. Feh.

  5. Yep, it was colder than a witches tit this morning! (I have no idea what that means, but I love saying it!)

    Ahhh to be Cate in that photo. Hubble and Jordan Catalano!! Swooon.

    1. I accidentally keyed a car with my nips!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Damn, hope you people in the NE are bundled up tight. That is just wrong! No wonder everyone on the DM is sporting a bikini in some tropical paradise.

    Sigh, Mark Ruffalo. I'd even let him talk about wind energy if he gave me some western promises for later. His wife kind of looks like Juliette Lewis.

    Noooooo, Hugh!

  8. Jared is too pretty for words. And I'm jealous of his perfect blowout.

    Idk about y'all but It's warmed up to a comfortable 7°F for me.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM


      +1 on your entire post...

  9. I really hate this cold here. 15 degrees. It will be in the mid 70's this weekend though, so there's that.

  10. Purple WAS my fav colour.

  11. Oof @Lotta. I guess I should say it could be worse here!

  12. Does Hugh have a role in a new Lord of the Rings movie?

  13. I swear a gigantic 40 ft tree is gonna blow right on my house through my room. Am I safe? serious question...

  14. Nice mullet, Hugh.

    It's -15 here but I'm going to Hawaii on Saturday. So there's a light at the end of the frozen tunnel.

  15. 1.5 degrees F here not including wind chill, -22 F if you factor in the wind, they were forecasting it to be colder though

  16. I think your body might perish from the shock chopchop actually it is supposed to be raining here on Saturday. Hello pot holes!

    They say we've been having frost quakes, some people can hear them.

  17. There are going to be a LOT of babies born in September 2014.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. BCoop out on the hunt for some pussy.

    Would really like to have sex with Cate Blanchett.

    Courteney Cox is making a mess of her face.

    Penn really needs to stop with the tanner. He just looks stupid, and it's a girlie thing to do anyway.

  20. Courtney Cox fucked up her face and grew a fat ass. Ugh

  21. Wow, Charlize is just luminous! As is Cate Blanchett. Sean Penn is looking a little more beef-jerky-ish.

    Marrrrk Ruuuuufalo. Oh and his wife, hey there, Nicetomeetcha!

  22. Courteney's face looks better here than It has in a while. Maybe she got better work done. My car door was frozen shut this morning here in Cincinnati. Once I got it open my car would not start because my battery was dead. Ugh.

  23. Ruffalo dresses right, I see.

  24. Dammit libby, made me look!

  25. Heatwave of 22 F in STL right now, but I still haven't been able to leave my house since I got in at midnight on Saturday. Foot of snow and my car is stuck. I'm about to go Jack Torrance here.

    Libby! Where have you been?!

  26. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Hugh Jackman looks ugly.

    Two of my favourite people in one shot - Jared and Cate. Jared looks far cuter with short hair though.

    Cate does not look like that in "real life" - her skin is quite wrinkly, not that she cares. Not that I care either, but it's sometimes nice to know that perfect-looking people in photos aren't really like that.

    Can't stand Charlize - she's a clingy, needy type ... not at all like what people dream her to be.

  27. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I hope all you American CDANers are keeping wrapped up and warm ... snuggle up and take the day off work, if you can!

    You'll hate me for telling you this ... but where I am (Auckland, New Zealand), it's so hot and sunny that I've just had to come in from spending the morning gardening. If it's this hot later then I'm going to take the dogs to the beach for a swim to cool off.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I'm in Canada and it's -23 (9 below zero in F - I Googled the conversion! L). It's honestly not that bad. It gets way cold in Alberta sometimes! Temps to be about 23-35 F for the next few days, so I'm actually pretty happy.

  30. If only the polar vortex had hit Green Bay on Sunday and frozen Kaepernick's dainty toes (he's gay, I tell you!). Oh well, the Hawks will crush the Niners anyway.

  31. Reese Witherspoon
    Abbie Cornish
    and Ashley Greene have turned Ryan Phillippe into a verb. To think, my ex girlfriend had the hots for him bad.

    1. I still find him sexy. I know, I know...

  32. Yay Im a dark blue! (but barely)

  33. I live in Michigan, and all I have to say is.....GLOBAL WARMING MY ASS!!!

  34. really charlize...SEAN?!!!
    mayb she thinks shes the one to change him, dont we all,
    mayb their just doing a movie together and spending time to get to know each other

    sorry abbie no sympathy, he was a dick head. He was married you didnt give a fuck, Now we dont give a fuck abt u. Full circle hoe

  35. Charlize's stock has plummeted just by her proximity to Sean Penn. Gross! Ick! Nast! Hilarious description of quality time with Sean Penn. Talks intensely about his "craft" while growing increasingly enraged (and darker pink) as subversive proles verbally assault him with cries of "Spicoli!"

  36. @peggy too, yep global warming, look at the crazy weather sh*t going on the last year? Entire world 2013 hottest year on record!

    Makes for great summers here in NZ!

  37. 72 in LaCeiba, Honduras. I'll return when it warms up. F cold!

  38. It was -14 on my drive to work. -2 on my drive home. We have 13 inches of snow. This weather is nuts.

  39. It hit a balmy 9 degrees here. Courtney Cox turned into a Muppet. Only her mouth moves.

  40. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Re: Penn and Theron

    Guys can SUCK as husbands/boyfriends and be spectacular friends. So I get it.

  41. It was -35 degrees Fahrenheit this morning on my way to work, warmed up to -6 on the way home.

  42. It was 5 degrees when I left for work this a.m. and on my way home it had warmed up to 15 degrees. Craaaazy weather.

    Im requesting pics of Lupita Nyongo. I think she's sooo beautiful.

  43. Heatwave of 22 F in STL right now, but I still haven't been able to leave my house since I got in at midnight on Saturday. Foot of snow and my car is stuck. I'm about to go Jack Torrance here.

    Libby! Where have you been?!

  44. Heatwave of 22 F in STL right now, but I still haven't been able to leave my house since I got in at midnight on Saturday. Foot of snow and my car is stuck. I'm about to go Jack Torrance here.

    Libby! Where have you been?!

  45. It's pretty decent here in Vegas. They are predicting an El Nino this summer, you'll forget all about the cold.

  46. It was -53 F with the windchill Monday night.

    I'll never stop loving Charlize. Or Dean for that matter.

  47. So hubby decides today is the day to fix the hot tub leak, and requires my assistance. I'm surprised it's not frozen solid. 40 below this morning with the windchill, which as my fellow Canucks Tina and Derek and Cee Kay know, is the same in both F and C. Don't remember Toronto airport turning away planes in a long time because of cold, not snow. They are spraying beet juice on the roads because the salt isn't working -- it's below the temperature at which salt melts ice. Stay warm everyone. It has to end sometime.

  48. Sorry guys and gals, I guess I am in the warm part of the country, coming in at a sizzling 44. Stay safe out there.

    I am with @B. Profane- was really crossing my fingers that the cold was too much for the 9ers. GO HAWKS!

  49. Heatwave of 22 F in STL right now, but I still haven't been able to leave my house since I got in at midnight on Saturday. Foot of snow and my car is stuck. I'm about to go Jack Torrance here.

    Libby! Where have you been?!

  50. Jared has beautiful eyes

  51. 1. Courteney looks as good as she has in some time in that picture.
    2. Charlize was stupid enough to be a spokeswoman for PETA and Sean is as close to an animal as possible.

  52. Jared Leto makes me sad :(

  53. 1- What the hell is Abbie Cornish is wearing?

    2- I'm kind of glad that charlize and sean is a thing. As you may know she is said to be somewhat of a vindictive bitch when it comes to men. I am looking forward to them breaking up and Sean getting a taste for his own medicine. I love it when Charlize kicks some ass.

  54. It was rainy and about 24°C today in Sydney :( we were finally having a proper Summer too!

  55. Anonymous2:35 AM

    My opinion of Jared Leto has changed somewhat since I found out he hooked up with Blohan.

  56. @Giles:
    he hooked up with Paris Hilton also

  57. Sorry, AKM, that I missed your question.

    I started hanging back during the great porn outbreak, last year. But I lurk. Thank you for asking.

  58. And Tallulah, thank you too. Hi!

  59. That hair just works on Charlize.

    That hair just doesn't work on Hugh. (Mumbles mantra: please be for a part, hair grows, please be for a part, hair grows...)

  60. I'm jealous of Charlize's hair. I am not jealous of her choice in men. Penn is Gerard Butler levels of gross to me.

  61. Oh god I love the Cooper. Wish he'd dump that airhead child he keeps hanging out with....

  62. @libby - I hear ya. Glad to see ya around, though!



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