Thursday, January 16, 2014

Off Topic

Does advent calendar chocolate ever go bad?


  1. Well, you're not doing it right if you wait more than a month to eat it.

  2. To answer your question, it was never good. Its stale when you get it.
    My off topic today is how I dont watch ANYTHING on network tv anymore. nothing. And I realized why. After Breaking Bad, Sopranos, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, Game of Thrones, no episode of HIMYM or New Girls or what ever it is can do the trick. Iam completely spoiled for good writing. so I watch history shows, nature shows, some procedural police shows, like that. Does anyone else feel same way? Dont the networks see how good a show could be and try to make their own good show? Obviously no.

  3. *blinks rapidly* Who the hell lets chocolate go for so long?! That ain't right!!

  4. Well, theoretically, say you picked up a couple of dozen for super cheap after Christmas, then I could see this being a valid query

    1. But I'm not Catholic, so I'm sure I don't know

  5. First, what's an "advent calendar" and secondly, I agree with Meanie - who the hell lets chocolate sit around that long?

  6. Oh, and why is chocolate associated with one?

  7. @auntliddy I hardly watch tv at all these days. Mostly listen to the radio. We're a bit behind this dude of the Atlantic but Hostages and The Tomorrow People started this week and they seemed ok. Not brilliant but ok to while away an hour.

  8. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I want to go off topic too.

    We have E's Fashion Police on in the background at work today and I can't help but notice how many times Ghouliana says she didn't like someone's look, when she specifically told them on the carpet how spectacular they looked. Two faced much? I'd love someone in her sights to challenge her on the next red carpet :-/

    ... And WTF does Kelly Osborne know about fashion anyway? Who would take that tattoooed, purple haired, idiot's advice?

    Interesting to note that George didn't 'dress' anyone (that I've heard of yet) - he can't be that good.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Haha love that they all sucked up to Cate Blanchett - probably scared of her. Not that Cate would give a flying fuck what these nobodies think anyway.

  9. OT: I'm going to have lots of cocktails whilst watching Flowers in the Attic on Lifetime this weekend!

    1. Flowers in the Attic is this weekend? I heard about it so long ago I figured I missed it! Hazzah! I'm totally going to watch the shit out of that. I bet our very own 'anonymous' will be watching too, if you catch my drift.

    2. Shazbot! I caught that, @Sugar! :D

  10. @Merlin--I think it's mainly a catholic thing. You get a part of the Story of Christ's birth each day of Advent--and behind that little board for the day is a piece of chocolate. Remember in Bad Santa--BBT tore up the poor little kid's calendar and put like Tic tacks and asprin in the slots when he glued it back together...lololol.

  11. No, I doubt fake-flavored brown wax ever goes bad...

  12. I don't know. We always get the lego advent calendars.

  13. Auntliddy - I agree with you. (Except I like "How I Met Your Mother.") Every time I watch stuff on PBS like NOVA or some documentary, when it ends I'm like "why isn't EVERYBODY watching this? That's the greatest thing I've ever seen!" And afterwards when I change the channel, if I find Bachelors or Kardashians, I die a little inside.

    I also really like the old rerun stations, with shows like Jack Benny, The Fugitive, Maude, etc.

  14. An Advent claendar is simply a calendar on a larger picture with 25 windows you open. can have candy, small toys or nothing.. Just a way to count down to chriatmas is all

  15. Chocolate never goes bad.

  16. Ew. It arrives bad. It gets worse. It's for kids who don't know the difference.

  17. It can't go off. I just stocked up on them at Walmart for 75% off after Christmas. And I'm not Catholic, just someone with chocolate freaks for kids who also enjoy Christmas.

  18. This was news to me. I am Catholic, a convert, but I don't think that me not being a cradle Catholic has anything to do with the fact that I've never seen an Advent calendar with chocolate behind the window, or anything but a scene from the life of Christ. I would think Enty's mother did it for him. But apparently others of you have heard of it, too.

  19. @ Queenie - I'd actually watch a red carpet pre-show if the hosts told the stars what they REALLY thought of their outfits!

  20. Old chocolate "blooms" when the milk solids rise. It turns white-ish but it doesn't really go bad. It does get stale. I have chocolate "Six Wives of Henry VIII" that I've had for years. I'd be afraid to eat them but it wouldn't kill me.

    There's not a lot of great network tv these days. I watch The Good Wife, Elementary and something else I'm not remembering at the moment.

  21. Advent calendars are boxes of candy with 25 little slots/doors, and you get one each day from 1 December to 25th. There are nicer versions, ones you reuse each year, but most of what you see in USA is the cheap boxes.

    They're more popular in Europe; England and Germany being countries I most associate with their popularity. Most of the ones I find in America are made in Germany.
