Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Michael Muhney "Not Someone You Want To Work With"

I spoke to a couple of people who worked with Michael Muhney during his time in Veronica Mars and also a casting agent who said the word was out a long time ago that Michael Muhney was an amazing actor and a huge pain and no one wanted to work with him because of his reputation for causing trouble on sets and being a diva. When I asked how he was different from other actors who were also great actors but divas and they could find work I was told that Michael crossed lines you didn't want crossed and diva behavior is one thing but he went far beyond that. Apparently on the set of Veronica Mars no one was sad to see him go and it wasn't just because he leaked the season finale of a show online before it aired. No one begged to keep him. Between that and some incidents on other shows no one would really give him a chance. The word was out and Michael was forced off to soaps where he was welcomed for his acting ability. He thought he would be able to make a return to prime time but the casting agent I spoke to said whenever he would read for someone or his name would come up even more stories would pop up about his past and attitude and no one ever wanted to hire him when there were so many other choices who would not try and cause trouble and you never knew what you would get with him. What if they hired him and he ruined everything? Why take the chance? Just don't hire him. When I asked if he was essentially blackballed the casting agent said yes, but not in a literal way just in the sense there were other easier casting choices so why bother.


  1. Oh, lordy, here come the soap loonies...

  2. http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2014/young-and-the-restless-michael-muhney-fired-veronica-mars-hunter-king-zack-braff-0107/
    all Veronica Mars story

  3. I've been blueballed before. It sucks.

  4. Is he really a member of Mensa or is he pulling a Sharon Stone on everyone?

  5. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/01/young-and-restless-eric-braeden-wanted-michael-muheny-fired-for-years-groping-allegations/
    other stories on him on set

    (i believe one of the Enty is a paparazzo)

  6. Before his last contract renewal he took a few months off and hit the pilot season circut. He didn't get anything and went back to Y&R. Allegedly (though now it seems it was leaked by MM) he turned down a primetime show to stay with Y&R. Maybe to sweeten his renewal deal? He hasn't done one outside project since has been on YR like many others have and obviously it isn't becuase of his contract.

    I was a fan of his but too much has come out now. He clearly is talented and has charisma. But there is something very wrong with him other than wanting a good story line.

    The new rumor is Adam is going to be recast by FOJ (friend of Jill) showrunner Brandon Barash who used to work on GH with her.

  7. I thought the Y&R producer leaked all the details to her hubs at TMZ. She must really hate this guy.

  8. http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/07/michael-muhney-veronica-mars-fired-young-and-the-restless/
    i guess a Enty works for TMZ

  9. @Henriette, trust me, being a member of Mensa isn't as big of a deal as a lot of people make it.

  10. Looks like Bradley Cooper.

  11. Anonymous8:15 AM

    @Vera L - I was just thinking that!

    Leaking the season finale of a show is stupid enough, let alone all the other 'antics' this guy apparently got up to.

    Problem is, someone will feel sorry for him and believe him when he says he's sorry and has changed ... he'll then be given yet another chance, only for it to happen all over again. Seen it happen before, and will no doubt see it happen again.

  12. Which is why I tell my children that manners matter. If you're polite and people like you, they'll forgive the inevitable screw-up. Conversely, if you're a dick...

  13. Where are all the juicy blinds involving him that enty referred to when enty first brought up this story. Enty said several blinds involving soaps and douchey behavior were about him but then only revealed only one. Where are the rest of the reveals?

  14. I'm not worried, @Texas Rose, I have a feeling we'll be seeing those blinds, and that more and more stories are going to be coming out the next few days. Eileen Davidson could work this into the plot of her next book ;).

  15. I'm not worried, @Texas Rose, I have a feeling we'll be seeing those blinds, and that more and more stories are going to be coming out the next few days. Eileen Davidson could work this into the plot of her next book ;).

  16. Here's an interesting story from Roger Friedman, about a possible leak. Apparently, CBS Daytime chief Angelica McDaniel is married to Brian McDaniel, who works for TMZ.


  17. I had never heard of this guy til the story about his firing came out.

  18. I'm a longtime Y&R watcher, and Michael Muhney is, at the moment, the best thing about the show. I think he knows this, and I can totally see him being a diva. I'm surprised this doesn't mention the harassing of ladies… makes me wonder if that were even true.

    Regardless of what-all is going on, he is my favorite, and I am sad to see him go.

  19. He's one of my faves on Y&R but if he's groping young girls and acting like an ass, then adios buddy.

  20. Casting agents are usually....well remember Clay Aikens fans? The Claymates or whatever? Casting people usually look like that. 55+, poorly dressed and desperate and fawning over anything young-ish and handsome. One of those chicks WILL hire him. I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up on another CBS show.

  21. Timebob: I hadn't heard that rumor! Brandon Barash is super talented, and a great guy by all accounts. If he takes over the role, he'll own it in no time.

  22. "During his time IN Veronica Mars.." Hmmmm......I know it's probably just a typo, but I kind of got a chuckle out of it.

  23. He was very smart in high school, so I don't doubt the Mensa thing. He could also talk his way out of trouble like nobody's business. No doubt he'll do that again here. I hope his wife doesn't buy into the excuses though. Like you, Texas Rose, I am interested in what else has been happening for the last several years that Enty keeps alluding to. Hopefully we do get a few more reveals on the subject.

  24. Aw, I love Brandon Barash but I do NOT want to see him on Y&R! I hate all things Phelps-related (so of course, I love GH now). As far as Muhney, the whole thing makes me sad but really, he still isn't so much different from every other tool in H'wood.

  25. Have to say, I'm glad to hear of people refusing to work with an actor because they're trouble. It seems far too often that people put up with terrible behavior they shouldn't have to. Like anyone who's had to work with Charlie Sheen.

  26. Really people. I never heard any negative comment about Michael Muhney until the Y&R firing... it really makes me think that this is all a part of the great big plan to blacklist the guy because he got one up on this Jill Phelps.. The fans backed him up and that ticked her off.. the rest is pointless, all actors are divas, duh, that's why they are actors, they put themselves out there to play all of these crazy roles.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


  28. This is such an obvious organized hatchet job on Michael Muhney. The man took on Jill Farren Phelps and Eric Braeden, then they started the smear campaign. I'm sure he's pissed people off, but who in Hollywood hasn't. This kind of crap is just childish backstabbing. Such garbage.

  29. Oh Lois, you are so blind. You’ll notice that no other soap or PT show is knocking down his doors. Guest spots mean nothing.
