Saturday, January 04, 2014

Michael Muhney Finally Fired From Young And The Restless

It took years of complaining by women on the show but producers of The Young And The Restless finally had enough of Michael Muhney and fired him. The actor, who plays Adam Newman on the soap is the answer to a lot of my blind items and Soap Suds blind items. For years he has been harassing women and groping them and pressuring them and doing everything he could to make them uncomfortable. According to TMZ, the thing that finally got him fired is that Hunter King who plays Summer was going to sue the show and the producers and Michael and anyone else she could think of if they didn't fire him. She says that he repeatedly fondled her breasts and she was over it and going to quit and sue. There is no way the producers want a line of women to come forward so they fired the guy. Michael is married and has three children.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Well it's about bloody time they took action! Good on Hunter for speaking out - she was probably worried about doing that, being so young and easily replaceable. The downside is, a huge number of fans are threatening to boycott the show over his firing.

    This guy is not the only one who has managed to get away with this sort of behaviour until now, so hopefully it's a wake-up call to the industry.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He was also the d bag sheriff on Veronica Mars.

  4. Oooh! Please dig up some of the blinds Enty. I went to high school with him.

  5. Jeez! Some of those comments on that TMZ article. Bitches take their soaps seriously.

  6. Whip out the 2008 BIs!! Lol

  7. Soap operas are a dying breed anyway. I give them about 10 more years.

  8. Does anyone else find it sad that it took so long for the producers to do anything about continuous sexual assaults on women? It's like they don't have a voice and are reduced to being less than human because some actor is cute and popular with the fans.

    1. Exactly- it was a soap opera!! Everyone is expendable. Don't watch it but was he so valuable that they would put up with that crap?

    2. Unfortunately aubrey the silencing of the targets of these predators is universal, mostly because when they do speak out nothing is done about it as evidenced here

  9. @Freya 10 years is being very generous.

  10. Sad it took the producers so long. Hopefully her hell has ended but sadly it's probably just the beginning. Women who make sexual harassment claims are quite often shunned in the workplace. She's gonna need to be brave.

  11. Several years ago I saw a video of the cast of Y&R. I forgot where it took place, but it was a Q&A session with an audience. Everyone laughed at the stories of Jeanne Cooper (Katherine Chancellor) groping the, jewels of new male cast members. Jeanne was still alive and everyone thought it was so funny. Why do women who sexually harass men considered to be saucy and fun, but me are considered to be d-bags?

    1. Excellent point!!! I am a fan of Michael Muhney and I do not believe this. Why was Michael at Billy Miller's goodbye party (pics were posted so its true) if he was such a "horrible person." Also Sharon Case posted a beautiful tribute video to Michael and Josh Morrow re-posted it. Find it extremely hard to believe these people would do these things to a "predator."

    2. MM was on set because it was his last day taping as it was for BM. Face it, he did what they said he did.

  12. This whole thing blew up in MM face. He went straight to twitter right after he was fired. Hoping the fans would freak (and freak they did) to get him back on the show.

    The same that Eric Braden did and Melanie Thomas Scott did to get the fans riled up to bug CBS/Sony when they were taken off the show for awhile for financial reasons.

    But the harassment story has been floating around the internet a few weeks now and Michael has been radio silent since Dec 19 or so after he gave an interview to Nelson Branco and of course he played innocent on what a good hard worker he was but knows 'he brought his hubris to work' sometimes.

    Now the new story is that hharassedrassed Kristen Bell on Veronica Mars and demanded he be fired and RIP Sheriff Lamb in the 3rd season.

    I feel sorry for Hunter. She isn't a very popular character or actress and these Adam fans are obsessd with him. She is going to get the brunt of their anger now. Her name shouldn't of been thrown out there if she was the victim of this.

    But who leaked it CBS, Sony or JFP?

  13. Jill Faren Phillips the producer

  14. Angelica McDaniel is Senior VP of Daytime at CBS she is married to Brian McDaniel who is one of the snarky guys who stand in the back (like Waldorf and Statler) and report stories on TMZ.

    Maybe she leaked it to him...

  15. I watch Y&R sometimes and he is a big deal on their. That's why it so long to get rid of him. My question is why would you risk your career for a few feelups? Dummy.

  16. He looks like the love child of Adam Scott and Hugh Grant.


  17. my friend says he has 'creepy eyes'

    Workplace harassment/sexual harrasment isn't so easy to prove. The predators corner ppl when they are alone so there are no witnesses. He said / she said is hard to prove. I only assume CBS got its ducks in a row and had an eye witness to him doing something.

    I had a friend who worked with a married man for years. He was always a gentlemen. They were working off site in a hotel and he asked her to come in his room to go over some reports and in a blink of an eye he threw her on the bed and tried to sexually assault her. She kicked him off her and ran out.

    She went up the chain as far as she could and no one in managementagment or HR took any action against him. It is a male dominated industry. She should of called the police but was scared of getting blackballed in the industry. (I wish she had)

    Another friend had a President of a firm just whip out his dick in her office and started to jerk off. He said to her 'no one will believe you' He wasn't the only one another VP cornered her and tried to grope her. Again, went to HR and all they did was ship her out to another office and she was fired in six months for 'not learning fast enough' It was retribution by the President for talking.

    It's just a really shitty thing to happen to someone and these assholes thrive in the shadows and pick their victims carefully.

  18. This could all be hearsay I will want to hear from the actors themselves the truth and stop spreading rumors they are just what they are till we hear from all parties involved.

  19. The actors most likely will remain silent if there is legal counsel involved. And if CBS and the producers were threatened with a lawsuit and then fired someone, there is definitely legal counsel involved.

  20. I hate creeps like this.

  21. Poor guy should be in movies. Everybody loves the movie sleazeballs.

  22. I thought he was a good actor and has an interesting storyline on the show. I couldn't understand why he'd be fired. Good luck finding another job buddy. What a creep.

  23. Maybe he could run for mayor of San Diego.

  24. Not only has MM been silent since Dec 19, but Hunter hasn't tweeted either since....December 19th. So methinks that yes indeed she is bearing the brunt of fan rage and she has circled the wagons. Hang in there girl.

  25. She's related to Joey king. Glad she took a stand

  26. Wheres the proof & the sources? Who are these other women you "claim" he harassed?

  27. The TMZ story didn't say anything about threatening to sue, and it says she reported being groped twice, not "repeatedly".

  28. I'm sorry everyone, but aren't you innocent until proven guilty? Please don't judge MM until you know for sure he did something. Online comments are forever, so, even if it turns out that he did something to deserve getting fired, he has 3 innocent children that shouldn't have this fiasco following them around!!!

  29. I'm sorry everyone, but aren't you innocent until proven guilty? Please don't judge MM until you know for sure he did something. Online comments are forever, so, even if it turns out that he did something to deserve getting fired, he has 3 innocent children that shouldn't have this fiasco following them around!!!

  30. I really think this is a smoke screen, I don't believe he did this?
    The young and Restless is history to me, after loosing 2 more cast members, they can't seem to hold on toany great ones, only a few left, but I'm done watching, story lines suck! I have been watch almost 32 years
    Good bye sorry writers, the one who leaked this false story, let's hear from her ifitstrue!

  31. A large number of the cast went online and tried to tell u he was guilty. U just dont want to hear it. He would still be being Adam Newman if it wasnt true!

    1. Not one actor went online and said he was guilty. Kristoff St. John tweeted that Michael Muhney not involved with Hunter King. Reportedly, Sharon Case, Melissa Claire Egan, Amelia Heinlein, Billy Miller went to EP Phelps and said that Hunter King pursued MM and was rebuffed by him.

      Don't continue to spread lies as Sony/CBS did!!!
