Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Michael Bay Does An Ashlee Simpson - Minus The Farmer Dance

Michael Bay gave a performance yesterday worthy of some of the finest acting in his movies. Yeah, there is no acting in his movies and Michael Bay can't think on his feet and bailed on the people that were giving him a huge paycheck.


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    HA! I read this yesterday and thought how it couldn't have happened to a nicer person ...

  2. It is amazing that he couldn't wing it given his background. That being said, public speaking is hard if you don't like it and sometimes people panic as he did.

  3. WoooooooooooooooooooooooW. What a LOZER!

  4. I can't stand Michael Bay but I wonder why they're calling it a meltdown. He's obviously not a good public speaker (not many are, it really is a learned skill) and the teleprompter was off. He's a noted control freak and not having the words flustered him.

    That said, Stepforded got it right: couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

  5. The Transformer movies sucked. The robot fight scenes were so mashed up and confusing I couldn't keep track of who was an Autobot and who was a Decepticon.

  6. Too bad for him looking like an ass

  7. Interesting to see what actually happened. I'm no Bay fan (hate him, in fact), but yesterday's reports all over the internet led me to believe he had a full blown hissy fit. The reality was buffoonish for sure, but way less angry and dickish than reported.

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  10. Bay is a little full of himself, and I guess some of the ladies here and elsewhere don't lke him because of his dastardly fornicating, but what happened to him can happen to anyone. He was extremely nervous when he 1st walked on stage, and when the teleprompter went out shortly after that, he just flashed. Some will know what I'm talking about. "Fight or flight" takes over. You really don't make the choice yourself. You basically just do what your brain tells/makes you do. Really bad grammEr. Blow me.

  11. I just dont get how you can be suck a prick, arrognat self centered and have stage fright when talking abt urself..im surprised he didnt keep going and had a boner. hes a fraud

  12. I just dont get how you can be suck a prick, arrognat self centered and have stage fright when talking abt urself..im surprised he didnt keep going and had a boner. hes a fraud

  13. Perhaps this is why Megan Fox didn't f-word him.
    I would feel better if I hadn't seen the other dude. The embarrasement he suffered saddened me.

    How long before someone decides to lip-sync a public speech? I'm actually astonished no one has tried that yet. Teleprompters are so-1995.

  15. @nurysp, LOL. Very true, you'd think he wouldn't be able to shut up.

  16. The problem with Bay isn't his fucking around, nobody cares. The problem is his out of control douchebaggery to everyone who works with him.

    His humiliation here is karma. Next up in my karma dreams, Faye Dunaway wets her pants in public and James Cameron stumbles into the La Brea tar pits.

  17. Anonymous4:21 PM

    He's no David Niven, under pressure & on-stage, that's for sure. Though in a related note, Bay's "shortcomings" are probably why he's such a tool in the first place.

    1. Haven't seen you in a while Northbynorthwest- take the holidays off?

  18. "Minus the farmer dance." lol

  19. He wasn't there to talk about himself, that was his leading to be talk about Samsung Curve ,the newest TV development. Gives a real theater experience for Bey's movies,lol.....self serve self serve self Sell.



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