Monday, January 06, 2014

Lisa Robin Kelly Died Of Overdose- In Rehab

I guess we know now why the people at the rehab never bothered to call the coroner when That 70's Show actress Lisa Robin Kelly died. Lisa died at 8am but the coroner only found out about the death at noon when he saw tabloid reports online. The rehab place said Lisa died of an embolism. Nope. According to the coroner Lisa died of an accidental drug overdose. Yeah, while in rehab. She had a bunch of drugs in her system. That is quite the rehab facility. Lisa died back in August and originally the toxicology report was supposed to take six to eight weeks. Instead, it took almost five months. The rehab facility did say she was taking rehab drugs to get her off all the other drugs. I smell a big lawsuit.


  1. She's in a better place. RIP

  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

    ... Because she no doubt went to one of these prissy "rehabs" that are like a hotel, where contraband is readily available, that's why :-(

    Poor woman - she looked terrible in that photo - completely wasted away from the bust down to the hips.

    1. She DID look wasted away in that photo. Perhaps somebody said her tummy was "slightly bulging" and she felt the need to lose 10-15 lbs.

      @Stepforded, I like your comments, just not the one you made in the Goopster section. (And not for love of Gwyneth, FTR.)

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      @Sprink - I was joking about Goopie, honest! :-)

    3. @Stepforded--okay, sorry. I'm newishbie and can't tell the hate from the hypocrisy from the jokes sometimes. x

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Rehab is an easy place to score drugs.


  5. Sad, she was such a pretty girl.

  6. Rehab should never be an easy place to score drugs. Why bother going if you don't want to get well. Sad, sad, sad all around.

  7. Sherry, because they are so sick with wanting the drug, they will do anythingvto get it no matter where they are. Patients in rehab are craftier and slyer than the worst liar anywhere. They hide drugs in socks, stuffed animals, cards, shoes, their very bums. Rip.

  8. AuntLicky...Addicts are liars period. They will do anything to get what they need where ever they are. However, I can see if it's a court mandated rehab but if it's a voluntary then why bother? Wasn't she in voluntarily?

  9. Where did she get the money to go to rehab? It's not cheap. The monthly costs are quite high.

  10. I was in a juvenile psych ward many years ago. Monica was 17 and had 'grounds' privileges as most of us did. She was a heroin addict, and had been clean for almost a month. She left to go outside after lunch. When the elevator doors opened on our ward, there she was laying on the floor. She had OD'd and was dead. I was there for depression-I was really depressed after that. If an addict wants drugs, they will get them anywhere, anytime. The more money you have, the easier it is.

  11. That was one of the sub-plots of the last season of Californication. Which isn't funny.

    Hank was in a Malibu rehab after almost dying and he's sleeping with women, smoking weed and smuggling in cocaine ie breaking all the supposed rules and then just leaves early.

    Clearly Hank has learned nothing from his near death experience.

  12. @Sherry - people who voluntarily go to rehab don't necessarily want to get sober. They want to WANT to be sober. But they don't actually want to be sober. That's part of the reason why it's so hard to get clean.

    Haven't you ever wished that eating a clean, plant based diet sounded as good as chocolate and chips, or something like that? A lot of people in rehab aren't quite ready to be clean no matter how much they wished they were. It's really tough.

    1. That's truly sad. And then we have the Brookes & Blohans competing for the World Record of number of trips to rehab while hoovering up as much of whatever their noses can find.

  13. wonder if it was a Narconon facility! They are the worst! Scientology centered, run by former patients with no medical training

  14. People can get drugs into prison, which has MUCH higher security than rehab. It would not surprise me if one of the guests on visitor days brought stuff to sell.



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