Thursday, January 09, 2014

Kelly Osbourne Dumps Matthew Mosshart

Kelly Osbourne released a statement yesterday stating her engagement was over with Matthew Mosshart. Apparently she wanted to finally have a steak after two years of dating and hated that she was with someone who had nicer hair. The good news for Kelly is this relationship lasted two years. Kelly's previous relationships all were shorter and all ended in glorious fireworks. This one, for now seems like it is going to be quieter. The guy doesn't seem like someone to kiss and tell and it wouldn't shock me if Sharon had him sign a confidentiality agreement while he was dating Kelly. He probably thought it didn't matter at the time because he would be with Kelly forever and enjoying the great lifestyle forever. Nope. She cut her hair and her guy. Somewhere in the past month or two in the blinds is the reason they split. Just need to find it.


  1. Her hair don't make a lick of sense to me. And where are her eyebrows?

  2. I wished she'd dump her hairstylist and get rid of that lavender/old lady color. Yuck!

    1. She can't. E! Contracted lavender hair for two years...weird, right?

  3. Damn, he's cute!

    That hair of hers has got to go! If it was an edgy 'do, maybe she could pull it off. With her, I doubt it. LOL

  4. I'm too old to pull weird hair color off (though I Manic Panic-ed my bangs last summer), but I would go with richer colors. Royal blue, deeper purple, etc. That's far more flattering if your natural color is dark to begin with.

    1. I think anyone, at any age, can pull off whatever color/style they choose. I don't believe in that "too old" BS. It's all in how you work it: confidence. :)

  5. And, yes, where are her eyebrows???

    1. Thanks meanie now I can't unsee that! :)

  6. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I don't get her look, but Gawd bless her for trying to look interesting.

  7. I don't know if I would want to marry someone that much prettier than me either. Lookit those luscious locks on dude!

    1. TTM, some of us don't have a choice but to marry someone purdier. Lord love the man, but I get a much better view. Lucky me!

    2. LOL, Sherry, I've seen you, lovely lady! Reader photos weren't that long ago! I was just thinking of Harvey Fierstein saying to Matthew Broderick "I'm the girl and I'm the pretty one!!"

  8. Yeah yeah Kelly is a mess. Looks like shit. Any body have any ideas for the blind ?? Are there any blinds about a self important twat?

    1. @Jennabean Give Enty some time to find a Lauren Conrad blind and repurpose it for Kelly O.

  9. Translation: Just need to find a blind that might fit.

  10. Anonymous6:40 AM

    She was one who didn't like the engagment ring he got her so she replaced it & didn't like how he proposed to made up a different story

    1. @Anna BelleI thought that was jwoww. Ehh forget it.

  11. Anonymous6:52 AM

    The reason for the split no doubt has to do with the fact that he caught her making out with another guy at a party.

    She is under contract to keep her hair that grotesque colour for 'Fashion Police' - the producers of the show seem to think it's a good idea for some unknown reason.

    Wonder who her next victim will be?

  12. He got off lucky

  13. I suppose the fact that hes gay might of influenced boys always like to hide in the closet next to chubby, homely fagHags.. probably so she wont steal his thunder when doing up his hair and makeup.

    1. Wow, that's a whole lot of offensive bullshite for first thing in the morning, rosie! You guys must have better coffee than me to come out swinging like that first thing

    2. Damn, no shit, TTM! What the hell?!?!

    3. Oh for shitsake, step off girls. I read these offensive posts every day and watch u teeeheeeheee over much more offensive comments. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. It will be ok... hey. Wait. What if I called her a whore, cunt, bitch? Is that apropos? Like I said, save ur tsk tsking for someone who will listen. Until you raise the standard across the board ill keep on saying what I please(which is truth, btw..shes a fag-hag) and honestly, if u knew what the term meant u wouldnt have ur panties all creased

    4. Um, can I buy a consonant?

  14. I can't stand her or her hair. Why is she on Fashion Police?

  15. Wasn't there a blind or reveal sometime back, where Kelly was the reveal / guess for being a major supplier to her clique? Momma O is a major hag and me thinks the apple doesn't fall from the tree. Guy's lucky to get out with all his hair, not sure about those nuts.

  16. Kelly makes an awesome fag-hag, all my gays love her - bitchy, rich family, mega access to the sweet nectar, non threatening - a 5 dressed as a 9.

  17. i wonder if she ever considers what an ass she is?

  18. She's unlucky in love. How many tines she been engaged?

  19. Wow, this article is so pro Kelly. I guess Sharon wrote this ans sent it in.

  20. @TTM The fact that you used Harvey Fierstein in a comment makes me love you.

    1. Aww, I love you too,Charlie! Torch Song Trilogy FOREVER!

  21. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I suspect he's gay. She was after tube steak.

  22. Damn, Rosie is one angry lesbian.

    So this dude get caught fuckn a tranny, like her ex?

  23. Im a happy, healthy, realistic and intelligent lesbian that has a great job, debt free, beautiful home where i co-parents 3 boys with another hot sexy woman and live in the best place in n.america. Dont like my truths? Okay. The fact that most ppl who comment on this sight are a part of a clique no better than school age girls is not lost on a few of us well-established and validated grownups. I certainly dont need validation from a group like this. Honestly, if I "fit in" here, I'd be disappointed in myself.

  24. rosie no one likes a braggart

  25. Good lord. Please feel free to read everything then use your complex thinking to see that my post was to give u every reason why I have no idea to be an "angry lesbian" as I was called. If u call that bragging, ok .

  26. I am still using my complex thinking to figure out why you can use those words but have a complete aversion to typing the word "you". Peace, rosie, it's too early for this!

  27. cuz ur a fukn' cunt as usual, Rosie.
    that's y.
    u dn't like it here, then "step off".
    nobody wants to read ur bullshit.

    1. Quit flirting with me whorecat, youre not my type

  28. my thinking aint that complex---TTM hold my rings ---dad told me never to hit a lady but never mentioned angry lesbians!!! jokesjokes---I think you come across as mean because the wording in your first post basically calling young gay men stupid was a bit harsh. Just lesbians tend to come across as sexist/homophobic/prejudice douchey men when they are talking about others different from them. Lets all just get along and save our hate for Wendy...

    1. I totally laughed out loud when you asked me to hold your rings!

  29. Oh forfucksake, in no way was it calling gay men stupid. Why would I hate my own? Clearly, theres plenty of that here amongst all you bigots. Otherwise, why the comments regarding me being a lesbian? Give me a break

    1. As dataloungers would say , they are all disgruntled fat fraus living in flyover country. No worries, Rosie.

      --fat Frau who doesn't have a problem calling out other fat fraus

  30. Ha, the guy ought to thank his lucky stars that Kelly O pig face "dumped" him. I am sure he can and will do better, with either sex. I thought he might be gay, but eh, who really cares. I am just glad he escaped that mess.

  31. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I thought FAG HAG was out and the term FRUIT FLY was in.

    I can't keep up. Lol

    @Rosie as of late the words chubby/fat are frowned upon here for whatever reason. You sealed your fate with the CHUBBY word. Lol

    1. Exactly, I come and go because of the odd blow outs on here. I'm extremely tolerant, so if I get annoyed I can imagine others are turned off completely by the dynamics. Yet, strangely it's part of the charm?

  32. Maybe he found out about the secret apartment/drug den...

  33. I know I'm in a minority, but i think the lavender color works for her - at least when it's first dyed. When it's fading it does look bad. When it's fresh it makes her look younger and I guess "hip" which is what E! wants her to represent. It's also a color that works well with her skin tone. Not an old lady color at all, it's just silly to say that. Only really bad dye jobs of old ladies trying to stay grey and not go to white turn out tinted very light purple, and that really hasn't happened since the late 80s or so. There's nothing different from this lavender than there is from a magenta or a turquoise or bright red or whatever - all things I've rocked from my teens up until recently (and I'm almost 34...only stopped because first I had a job last year that prevented it then I got laid off in Nov. and couldn't afford it.)

    I do, however, think she is still doing some drugs to keep her skinny. She lost a lot a weight before DWTS and then even more when she was on the show, but you can tell she has continued to lose weight - her face holds weight weird though but her body has definitely been shrinking for years. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a supplier to her friends.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. anyone else remember the episodes of the Osbourne's reality show when Kelly would lie down on the floor and throw tantrums? like, on her back kicking her legs and shouting? those were the best.

  36. Those were the best, I agree! I loved watching the dysfunction of the Osbournes. She was like 15 doing that, too. Either coming home completely messed up, barely able to stand or throwing full on tantrums like a toddler. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to grow up in that house.

  37. Purple hair, boyfriend or not, she shld thank god she has any job whatsoever because she has 0 takent.

  38. Boom! Goes the dynamite!

    This newly engaged C+ list celebrity who used to be a reality star and still has almost A list name recognition brought a portable stripper pole to where her boyfriend was staying and entertained a handful of guys, and yes, went fully nude for all of them.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Wow @Angelface!

  41. I just really don't get why she's a thing?

  42. I like the purple hair. Or maybe I'm used to it.

    I'm not at all surprised this didn't work. They never looked like a couple if that makes sense.
