Kate Gosselin Is On Kneepads Again
For at least the second time I can remember in the past year Kate Gosselin is on the cover of Kneepads. Yes, I realize Jon Gosselin is on Couples Therapy but no one watches that damn show so why does Kate need a cover? We already know People is the anti-Jon magazine. Every tabloid is the anti-Jon magazine. Is anyone out there seriously pro-Jon Gosselin? Kate Gosselin is not a friendly individual and no on particularly likes her but Jon is so Jon that everyone takes her side any way. I don't know who Kate is having sex with over at the magazine or what kind of favors they owe her publicist but I can't really think of a good reason how or why she gets two covers in the span of a year. Are there really no other celebrities who deserve a cover? None? I think the Ke$ha story or the Demi Moore story is more worthy of a full cover rather than the bit of a cover they gave them. If you have ever said to yourself that publicists don't really control what is on the cover of People, I hope you will look at this cover and realize the woman has no television show and no book and no special and hasn't in ages and no one watched or bought when she did but still got two covers. I guess Jennifer Aniston isn't pregnant this week?