Friday, January 10, 2014

Justin Bieber Vandalizes House- Police Don't Care

At this point Justin Bieber must think he can do absolutely anything he wants and nothing will happen to him. He can have people beaten. He can use drugs. He can drink underage. Minors can pass out drunk at his house. He can speed. He can throw sex parties that include minors. He can cheat on his girlfriend every day with hookers and strippers and make her wait while he does it and she will still be there waiting for him. He can adopt and abandon pets on a whim. He can call all women b**ches and they are the same women who will defend him 24/7 on Twitter hoping they can be his b**ch. He can pee in a bucket in a restaurant kitchen that is serving food. He can also vandalize houses and when the police come knocking can have one of his bodyguards say that Justin is unavailable. I want you to go out right now and do all these things that I listed above and see what happens to you. Do you think that maybe you might have different results? This is why Justin and so many other celebrities feel so f**king entitled and it drives me nuts. Throw the guy in jail for a day. No bodyguards and no special housing. Just right in the middle with everyone else and lets see how happy he is when he gets out. It won't happen to him and if he did go to jail he gets put in a special area so basically it is just hanging out by yourself for the few days they ever keep you in jail.


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