Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year

It has been a really long day today and I appreciate all of you who have showed up even if it was just for a post or two. I love the January 1st reveals because I feel like the whole world has the day off and can participate. That is what I love most about the site. I want to thank all of you for reading and commenting this past year. As I have said numerous times, this site is nothing without all of you. If not for you, it would just be me rambling to myself with a bunch of horrible grammar mistakes and no periods.

For those of you who sent me notes with your reader photos or just an e-mail I tried to respond to as many as I could and will respond soon to those who I have missed. I truly hope that 2014 is a year that is the best year that you have had in your life and that it is just a huge rolling tidal wave of fun and love and joy. All of you deserve that.

I want to send some love to some sites that regularly link to me and I hope that you will make them part of your daily reading list.

For the ultimate in blind items that stretch back almost a decade is AGC. They are amazing. Click here.

All of you know how much I love Michael K over at dlisted. He continues to have one of the best entertainment sites and is by far funnier than I could hope to be. Click here.

I love Celebitchy. They have some great writers and cover a lot more of the gossip world each day than I can ever hope to. Plus, I think they proofread. Click here.

I want to give some praise to imnotobsessed who find the time to link to me at least once a week and I appreciate it. Click here.

Finally, I would be very remiss if I didn't mention the tireless work that goes on over at the Facebook fan page for the site. I think they post even more than I do and I really appreciate all the hard work. If you have never checked it out, you should. Click here.

I also have a Facebook page but it is always full but you can click on the F over on the upper right and also follow me on Twitter at @entylawyer.

Thanks again for an amazing 2013 and I want to give you all a big bacon hug.


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Enty, you're amazing. Thank YOU for all the tireless effort you put into making this Blog what it is.

    Have a fabulous 2014!


  2. It's over? :(
    Thanks entities...mwah

  3. Thank you Enty. Lets go 2014! Cheers, BW

  4. Huzzah! Thanks for everything everyone! Cheers to a fabulous 2014 and beyond!

  5. Cheers everyone! We made it! Happy new years!

  6. night night everyone!

  7. Happy New Year, Ent(ies)! I will look for your email. :)

  8. Now we can all get back to our regular lives, instead of pretending to do stuff between posts ;)

    Happy NY Enty and all you lovely commenters, you guys are great!

  9. And we're out!

    Enterns, it was seriously nice of you to spread the love and linkage. Happy New Year!

  10. It's been real. Lets meet back here tomorrow and do it all over again.

    Now i have to work on making my new years resolution a reality: make 'shazbot' popular. Anything you all could do to help would be appreciated.

  11. @sugar, what is a shazbot?

  12. Happy New Year, CDAN'ers!!! May we all have much love, good health and happiness!

  13. cheers til next year enty

  14. Thanks, enty! Happy New Year!

  15. Thanks Enty! I wish I could hug you so hard all the Revelas pop outta ya!

    See ya'll tomorrow.

  16. Awesome as always Enty - thank you and Happy new year and hugs to all of the gorgeous cdan commenters. Another shazbot new year's day. WOOHOO! (how was that seven? LOL)

  17. Okay lemme try the new fangled word..

    Shazbot! The dry needles of my Christmas tree poked me!

    How'd I do @Sugar? ;)

  18. I mean how was that Sugar LOL sorry -

  19. Thanks again, Enty! Happy New Year!

  20. Thanks, Enty! Your work here is much appreciated (it definitely makes my work day go by much faster.)

    And, Sugar, "Shazbot!" has been the substitute "clean" curse word in our house for years. Love it and I'm happy to see others still use it.

  21. Shazbot this was a long day!

  22. Happy new year everyone! I always love reveal day.

  23. Long, but awesome day! Thanks, Enty for all the work you do.

    East coast bed time. Do it all again tomorrow.

    Happy New Year, everyone!

  24. I missed most of the reveals today because I got to meet someone awesome and spend the day with a cool lady (a friend) but I would love to travel this world and meet all (okay most) of you. First the Count as a charter member of the Jerkuladies and then One Eye Charlie so he can understand my wit and wisdom (and cuz he's cute riiiighht?) then maybe to Ireland to get IJU's secret decoder ring and TTM to get oot and aboot in Canada. Then Rach Around cuz seriously, she sounds like a blast. Oh gosh who else can I terrorize?

    At any rate.. Much love and hugs to all here. I ain't the most popular girl (read "invisible") but enjoy the group. HNY all!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @Sherry, fwiw, I think you're the bee's knees. Happy New Year!

  25. Thanks Enty & comment-ys. Happy 2014!

  26. Happy New Year! Thanks Enty.

    What an entertaining way to spend a few hours. But now I guess I better get back to my politics essay ... huuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  27. Thanks Enty, and Happy New Year to all! Maybe I'll be less of a creepy lurker and post more this year. Love the entertaining comments! You guys are great! :)

  28. Thank you, Entry, and Happy New Year to you and everyone else! My daughter spent way more time than normal watching annoying Caillou so I could read the blinds (and find an excuse not to help my hubby shovel snow). Bad mom, happy blind reveals reader :)

  29. Thanks enty have a great new year.thanks everybody on here.good night

  30. Gnight Steampunk! And Kristin and Sandyboo, thanks again Enty

  31. Thanks Enty and Happy New Year to all you who make the workday fun with your witty comments!

  32. Love you, Enty and everyone else on here that makes my day a hell of a lot more fun!! Xoxo

  33. Thanks Enty for all you do! Happy New Year to you and the folks.

  34. Thanks Enty. Happy New Year🍸

  35. Thanks for all your hard work Enty! Thanks to all the commenters for the laughs, loved reading what you guys had to say.

    @Sherry you are far from invisible! One of the kindest, funniest commenters here. Love you tons, beautiful lady :-)

  36. this the part where Enty comes and tucks us all in before giving us bacon-soaked kisses on the forehead? I'm waiting.

    1. That would be better than a lullaby. :)

    2. A dream come true!

  37. Happy New Year to you too Enty!!

    Had I known you were going to answer my email I would of wrote something :) Oh well there's always July!

    Thanks for keeping me company with this crazy site, it's like opening a present everyday - you just never know what your gonna find! Peace for the New Year.

  38. Awesome reveals today! Thank you! Happy new year!

  39. Thanks Enty. I discovered CDAN on a reveal day and thought I won the jackpot. I don't comment often but I read every day and love the different personalities on here. Happy New Year everyone!

  40. Happy 2014 and many thanks, Enty! You bring laughter and smarts to life. Very appreciated.

    And Happy 2014 to the amazing CDAN Family. You are WOW!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Anonymous8:38 PM

    cheers everyone! thanks enty!!

  42. I have a few thoughts. We spent today on just July, right? (The already revealed blinds ran during a time that wasn't normally dedicated to reveal day?)

    Enty has been revealing a ton of blinds during regular days. Regular readers have said there are so many they don't even read them all.

    Enty has readers who only visit 2x a year.

    Maybe Enty should do 1 reveal day each month. July was revealed on 1/1; reveal August on 2/1, Sept on 3/1 (or the first Saturday of the month since posting on a business day isn't feasible.)

    To preserve the specialness of the January and July reveals, Enty can hype certain posts as "this will be revealed in July" or he can post a few new, original blinds at the start of the day and promise to reveal them at the end. Reader photos stay unique to Jan/July.

    My thinking is to convert 2x a year visitor to 12x a year (or more) visitor and create more frequent big buzz days everywhere.

    With advertising, Enty can sell year-long commitments and charge a premium for monthly reveal days and even higher premiums for Jan/July days. Plus you get into frequency pricing packages: buy 12 reveal days and earn 10% discount on everyday advertising.

    Additionally, Enty can also streamline the daily workload by scaling back on the 10 reveals a day but perhaps keeping 1 or 2 if he thinks traffic or viewed times will drop without them.

    Or maybe none of the above. Shrug. I'm kinda glad to be going back to work tomorrow. I obviously need a hobby if I'm offering unsolicited advice to an anonymous blogger.

    Regardless, Happy New Year everyone! Thanks, Enty!

  43. Thanks Enty! Keep up the good work big fella!

    @Sugar: A big SHAZBOT back to you (and a na-nu-na-nu for the road!).

    I (and the "royal we") truly enjoy this insane, dysfunctional, and funny family here. Great to see/read everyone again and wishing you all love, health, and prosperity this coming year.
    Stay sane and sleep well!!

  44. Happy New Year to you Enty and to all of the seemingly wonderful readers on this site...

  45. I love this site, mainly for the commenters and the rare real enty appearance. Happy 2014

  46. Happy 2014 everyone!

  47. Night all. Can the last person turn out the light xx

  48. Happy new year everyone! Here's to many more of fun w/ all of you CDAN readers!! ^^

  49. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Happy New Year Enty and my CDAN crew! All of you add enjoyment to my life every single day. My best wishes to everyone for a great 2014!

  50. Our previous celeb reader, Kaley Cuoco, got married!

  51. "For the ultimate in blind items that stretch back almost a decade is AGC."

    I used to hang out on AGC...

  52. Happy New Year Enty & lovely readers! This is my favorite site by far for getting my daily fix on all things gossip.

    I was surprised there were no mentions of D. Wade & Ludicris having outside kids. I thought I read some things alluding to that here. I haven't finished reading all today's reveals yet, perhaps I'm wrong.

  53. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Forgot to say - Happy New Year to the wider CDAN community ... sometimes I just jump straight to the comments and have a giggle at all the wit and humour passed through these pages.

    Sweet dreams and let's toast to a fantastic 2014 for all!


  54. Happy New Years ya crazy people

  55. Whoa, whoa, Sherry you are so far from invisible, girl! You're lovely and cool and funny!

    One of the cool things about CDaN to me, is that there are folk from places so far-flung around the world that I'd bet you could do a 365 tour on couches (albeit questionable couches at times ;) and cover every continent except maybe Antarctica... unless we have an Antarctic resident here? Anyone? Bueller?

  56. Thank you for everything. This is my one month anniversary as a CDAN reader. Lovely place to read and have a bit of fun.
    Happy New Year to you.

  57. Thanks enty and hope everyone has a safe and happy new year. Until tom ggoodnight.

  58. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Awwwww Sherry, after a shitty festive period, you made me smile (without using a fart joke!) I loves you!! Xx

  59. Happy 2014, all...

  60. Thanks everyone for making a shitty year fun. I've been coming here for a few years now and for various reasons this has been the best so far. I've made some real friends here and for that I'm truly grateful.
    @Sherry love, you are welcome round my gaff for a cuppa anytime. The kettle's always warm. I'd love to hang out with Rach too. She's a mad yoke. :-D
    Thanks again Enty. Much appreciated.

  61. The fact that there is no 6AM (PST) posting should, I think, be put on IJU and Sherry. They are horrible people who can only redeem themselves by paying for my airfare to their destinations.

  62. Sleven, didn't you get my Christmas present? Bummer. You missed the flight. :-D

  63. Loved the reveals! Thanks Enty for another great reveal day. Peace and love and happiness to Enty and everyone for 2014!!

  64. Thank you, and may you all CDANers have a happy and profitable 2014.

    This is perhaps the first and only time I apologize in advance for my grammar and spelling in the post, but here I am.

  65. Happy New Year to all of you! Reveal Day is my favorite! Many thanks Enty for all the fun. (I wrote a note with my pic but didn't get an autographed photo... I mean a personal note... back!!!!!)

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Happy New Year Enty. Thanks for being the guilty pleasure of a middle-aged stay at home mom. xo

  68. aw enty, that was so well written and sincere. thanks for all the fun you give us. happy new year to you and all the cdaners!

  69. Thanks again, Enty. I may be a little "over" this blog, but I still appreciate all the work you put into it. Have a great year!
