Friday, January 03, 2014

Four For Friday - Kindness

I feel like I just did announcements so this will be short. I will be here all weekend with blind items and reveals and any breaking news. 28 more days until Kardashian Free February. You can follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer

This kindness is unique because it has been happening for almost a decade. The A++ list celebrity/former athlete has been active in the life of the family ever since it all began. What happened was a little girl was on vacation with her family. The little girl got run over by a car and the driver was never caught. The government where this happened just said these things happen. The girl was left a quadriplegic. After months in a foreign country the family came home and had to figure out how to pay to adapt their home to their daughter and all of the medical expenses that insurance didn't cover. The amount of money was massive and a fund was established to help the family. One of the girl's relatives sent a letter to our A+ lister asking if he could donate a shirt to be auctioned. Three days later our A+ lister was at the front door of the home with piles of gifts for the girl.Our A+ lister also wanted to see the plans for the house and asked how much it was going to cost. He wrote a check right there for a mid six figure amount. He also paid for the family to go on vacation to Disney in a special disabled kids tour. The A+ lister is still in touch with the family every few months and because of his generosity there was enough money in the fund that it exists today to help families in similar situations.


  1. Holy Shazbot that's awesome!

  2. Replies
    1. Forget that. He was still playing uk football 10 years ago. Not likely turning up on the doorstep of a US child (? Assumed because of medical insurance bit in the blind).

    2. I will go on a bit of a boring ratings rant even tho I don't think it's Becks. A++ indicates a world renowned person - and baseball / basketball / American footballers don't translate as big celebs much outside of the US.

    3. Basketball has gotten a lot more attention in some parts of the world. Baseball is huge in Latin America and Japan.

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM

    This deserves a shazbot. Holy shit. Not everyone's an arse crust. Bless. Xx

    1. You've turned. ShiZbot hex on you!

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Folly: a hex on my undies!

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I need a wee. No one say anything cool til I'm done (it'll be a while. I've got the bladder of a camel and the drinking prowess of Charlie Sheen's cum guzzlers)

  5. Hey Flashy Vic, is this yours???

    I do love me some kindness. :)

  6. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Another vote for Jordan here.

  7. Aww, that's awesome. After all that I hope the A+ lister gets his second + back like he had at the beginning of the blind.

    1. Holy Shazbot, FSP. Hilarious.

    2. Aww Sugar, thank you. Don't forget to call Orson at the end of the day!

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      I had a Mork and Mindy felt board game handed down to me from my big sister. I always wanted Mork suspenders and Mindy's hair.

    4. When will Enty give us a Mork and Mindy blind?

    5. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Sugs: we live in hope, but I'm guessing it involves an egg chair and copious amounts of cocaine.

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Ok, I peed like a grand national winner. Shazbot.

  9. Has to be Jordan. He has been paying for the 3 people injured in the Boston Marathon bombing who are from Charlotte. Paid their medical bills, rehab, trip home, etc. Didn't advertise it but the news outed him.

    1. He knew the people who were injured.

  10. Jordan or Beckham

  11. bechkam? Jordan? magic?

  12. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Joe DiMaggio?

  13. Rach Joe DiMaggio is no longer with us :(

    Troy Aikman

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Sandy brook : next thing you'll be telling me is that women got the vote.

  14. I also think it's Jordan based on the the previous info about him helping injured people.

  15. Shazbot! I succumbed.

    Okay they went from A++ to just A+ after they started helping. Something seems so wrong there Ent. Sloppy sloppy tsk tsk.

    Voting for Jordan too cuz he's from my home state and I think he's great.

  16. They did but some States want to make it hard for them again.

  17. If I had major bank like A++, I would think it'd be seriously awesome to help people out in this manner.

    Knowing your ducats helped someone out versus buying the umpteenth home, Louboutins, Lexus, or incredibly ugly one of a kind painted Birkin bag.

    1. Points for conversational use of 'ducats.'

  18. @Sandybrook, I was thinking Troy or Emmitt Smith.

  19. That made me tear up a little. So glad to hear of wealthy celebs being kind and thoughful.

  20. Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan..

  21. I'm with ollie. It's Dwayne Johnson.

  22. Im going with Brad Pitt, since he is interested in archcetecture, he wld want to see house plans. Plus he just plain nice.

    1. Oh bless you auntliddy...blind says A++ celeb/former athlete. But Brad, deapiye his love of architecture. Other than that, excellent guess.

  23. Shaq. It honestly sounds like something he would do.

  24. It's either Michael Jordan or The Rock.

  25. @ Violet - Normally, I'd agree with you on your ratings rant. But the basketball players from the Jordan era and Jordan himself really were world renowned stars. Remember the Olympic "Dream Tream" with Magic, Clyde the Glide, Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan? People all over the world were clamoring to meet them and get their autographs. Plus, Jordan was actually in a movie (maybe 2?) so I think as far as athletes go, he was A++++++

    I agree with him as the choice because it would make sense to write to him to ask for a jersey to auction or raffle off.

  26. @Rhysie. You may say that, but I couldn't possibly comment.

    1. Oh, very nice kindness, though. I really did tear up. ;)

    2. My guess is Schumi or Becks. Schumi as he has form with his donation to the Tsunami fund and with Irvine's connections up your way-his sister was a physio for Ferrari I believe? My guess is prob off but thought I'd give it a go!

  27. I thought of the Rock(Dwayne Johnson) immediately while reading this. If we're going with traditional athletics, my vote goes to Michael Jordan.

  28. Hearing that MJ is helping Boston Bombing victims and it sounds like this family have changed my views on him.

  29. The USA was so trendy in the 90's and now with the comeback of 90's trends like basketball paraphernalia I think interest in the NBA will peak internationally again - just not as massively this time.

    Michael Jordan was definitely A++ famous. I mean, hello, Space Jam!

  30. If this is MJ, my opinion of him just did a 180.

  31. I hope this is Jordan! I've always felt connected to him because I used to do the tongue thing when I played my sport. Until I bit part of my tongue off. Still love him though.

  32. No guess, but what a great person!

  33. Betting on my homeboy, Becks

  34. @Wee S. It's not Irvine. He's from Conlig and only donated a tenner to the village kids Xmas party about 7 years ago, the stingy ganche. My wife's sister went to school with his sister. If I can give you a clue that these Colonials won't get & without mentioning his name he was there when Healy did something in '05.

    1. Ha I rem that night, was working in Debenhams popping into the break room to watch the match on the sly and I ran through the back like a loon when NI won!!

      I now know who it is :) I know Irvine's rep but was hoping it'd be Schumacher. Love him.

      hope you're ok up there and not flooded out!

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Nope, not clever enough to get your "clue", but I do get that you're slagging "these Colonials"...

    3. It's just a bit of local craic, no harm was meant by it.

  35. Shaquille, MJ, Kareem or Magic are all athletes that were A+++ and known world wide.

  36. @Wee S. Nah we're fine up here halfway to Helen's Tower in Game of Thronnes country. My wife's niece in Sydenham has her house all sandbagged up though.

    1. That's good to hear, apparently it gets worse on Sunday though. I'm flying out of City tomorrow, hope I get out ok!


  37. Somewhere warm I hope. I wish I could get away from this damp grey gosh darned heckhole for a while.
    It's getting to be a fucken pain now.
    If it's not raining it's blowing.

  38. First name to come to my mind was David Beckham. Whoever it was, good for him.

  39. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Whoooopeee - a Kartrashian-free February? I'm marking it on my calendar now! :-) :-) :-)

    Whomever he is, what an angel. Amazing.

  40. A mid six figures to redo a house for a quadraplegic? You can design and build a new house for that so 're-modifying' doesn't seem right in this case.

  41. I've known Michael since the early 90s. While he is very generous, showing up at someone's door and writing a check is not his style unless he has a personal connection (BM bombing victims). He'd send over his PA or a Nike rep. That's not say it couldn't be him; just that the details don't fit his usual personal interaction.

    Surprised that no one else has asked if this is the kindness blind someone said they'd send in on New Year's Day...

  42. @Cocoabeachbunny. God God no. I just think Colonials sounds a wee bit more affectionate than Yanks.

  43. My first thought was Michael Jordan.

  44. I grew up in the same town as Michael Jordan and went to the same high school (all be it years later) and this sounds like him. He regularly sends money to people in our town and the surrounding area when these type of "fundraisers" go out. He has made personal appearances, gone and just hung out with families after hurricanes and natural disasters (we had seven hurricanes in three years here when I was kid and he paid to have several people's homes rebuilt and bought new books and computers for our school because it flooded during one of the storms). He never wants press and just seems happy to help so I would not be surprised if he did this.
