Friday, January 17, 2014

Four For Friday - Critic's Choice Awards

Three day weekend time here in the US. Make it last because we don't get another one for a month then it is a loooong dry spell. I will be here all weekend and will set up a SAG red carpet and show post in case you want a place to chat about the show. If you want to follow me on Twitter, I would love to see you there. I am @entylawyer

#1 - This A+ list mostly movie actor got quietly drunk at dinner last night as his much younger girlfriend talked about her modeling career. Our actor fell on one trip to the bathroom and on the way back sat at a booth with some tourists where he proceeded to drink some wine straight from their bottle. He did buy their dinner though.

#2 - This A+ list mostly movie actress was discussing her Oscar nominated role and only complained that she didn't get any sex during the filming which must make her husband happy.

#3 - This A list mostly movie comic actor blew off his girlfriend for the chance at a night with two Asian women who bought tickets to the event just to meet the actor. He looked like a kid in a candy store as they kept fawning all over him as he pawed them.

#4 - This former reality show host turned sidekick wife spent most of the night chatting up a guy who was paying far more attention to her than her husband. He tells everyone he is gay but he is known as a guy who exclusively dates married women who support his lifestyle.


  1. #2 Meryl or Julia?

  2. #1 Bradley Cooper?

    1. Cooper was on an episode of Sex and the City.

    2. He was also in Alias & the show based on Anthony Bourdain's life

  3. Replies
    1. @Tara17 He is so smug now. I wouldn't be surprised.

  4. #4 Vanessa Minillo(sp?]

  5. You Americans. We don't get another long weekend here until Easter and we take it all with good grace ( I know we get about 4 weeks more paid annual leave but that's hardly the point).
    #3 Owen Wilson?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. With 4 more weeks paid leave it sounds as if you should be rested and secure enough to accept anything with a fair amount of grace.

  6. #1 Depp/Heard, other than that I got nothin'

    1. I thought that too, but Heard is an actress...

  7. #2 Amy Adams
    #3 Jonah Hill

  8. So is the guy in #4 not really gay, and just using that as a cover to get laid?

    Is Heard considered a model? If so, then Depp and Heard.

  9. BCoop is sober, not him.

  10. #1 - Leo. He was in Growing Pains and is dating a Vicky's Secret model now.

  11. 1. at first i thought bradley but you guys are right - leo is a great guess.

    2. my guess is amy adams

    3. anyone

    4. hilaria baldwin

  12. 1 - Coop, she must be sooo boring but since she's a beard what do you want..
    2 - Julia

  13. Lol Julia. love this bitch

  14. I thought Julia was boffing Dermot during the filming of AOC--wasn't that another blind?

    And please, can this woman ever present an award without interrupting to talk about herself? It's like she was trying to make a joke about not winning, but the nasty way she said "Lupita"...ugh.

    She is so bitter and angry, it fascinates me.

  15. @Violet. The only Americans who get Monday off are School kids, teachers and government workers. The rest of us trudge on..... and same for the Feb long weekend.

  16. #1-Leo
    #4-Don't know

  17. I guess I'm the only one who really wanted #1 to be Clooney.

  18. #1 - Bradley Cooper He's in the Daily Mail leaving dinner with Suki Waterhouse. Other dinner companions were Harvey Weinstein, Leo, and Margot Robbie - no Toni Garrn. Maybe the 'quietly drunk' part is because Bradley is publicly proclaiming sobriety but drinking privately.

  19. #2 Cate Blanchett. If you've ever seen pictures of her husband, then compare them to her usual co-stars.... Well, I wouldn't blame her! But her husband is better looking than Woody, so.....

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      @WritergirlinLa - no way; Cate and Andrew are incredibly loved up ... genuine relationship, that one.

    2. I think so too, actually. I think it's the reason why I like her as an actress. She keeps her personal life relatively quiet. She is an amazing actress.

  20. Anonymous11:12 AM

    It's a three day weekend for me too ... I'm back home at the moment in beautiful Wellington, New Zealand, and it's what's known as "Wellington Anniversary" day on Monday - a holiday just for the Wellington region; the rest of the country still has to work. :-) But we do have quite a few more public holidays coming up all the way through to June, so that's exciting (especially since it's our Summer at the moment).

    #1 is definitely Bradley and Suki. He needs to ditch that girl ... sadly, he'll do so and end up in the arms of someone like JLo, but whatever - Suki is a weird match for him. By the way, if you want to see his clever impersonations of famous people (they're impressive), Google the You Tube video for it. His President Clinton impersonation is hilarious and right on the money.

    #2 has to be Julia - poor Danny! Mind you, he left his first wife for her, so it's karma that she is what she is.

    #3 Jim Carrey.

    #4 I think LottaColada is right - Vanessa Manillo - gosh, Nick must be a right bore.

    1. I've seen that video a dozen times. His Christopher Walken impression is good too.

      Have you seen Matt Damon's impression of Matthew McConaughey?

  21. The guy in #4 is obviously Neil Patrick Harris. Doesn't anybody watch the Nobel Prize-winning documentary series of Harold and Kumar? Harris admitted the whole thing, he's not gay at all! :D

  22. 1. B Coop - I agree I think the "quietly" drinking part refers to doing so on the DL.
    2. Julia at her best!
    3. Jonah Hill, can't imagine him turning down extra attention. He probably imagined that he was Leo.
    4. Vanessa Minello

  23. Amy Adams isn't married.
    #1 is Leo, #2 is Julia, #3 is Bill Murray.

  24. Who gets a 3 day weekend? Nobody I know...

  25. Leo, Julia, Jim C, and Vanessa Manilafolders?

  26. 4. I like to think this is Patricia Heaton hooking up with George Hamilton.

  27. I used to work for a guy from Australia. He complained about our 6 whopping paid holidays every year. This from a guy whose entire native country would shut down for a horse race. A Horse Race!

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      The Melbourne Cup is a big deal down under - for Australia and New Zealand.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. #1 Leo
    #2 Julia
    #3 Jonah
    #4 Why not Camila Alves? Her husband is on the Oscar train. Plus, she hosted a Bravo reality show.

  30. No guesses, just wanted to say that I would give my left boob to be in New Zealand right now. I love that country. So beautiful!!
