Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Emma Roberts Is Engaged

Well, Evan Peters certainly didn't let a little thing like a domestic violence arrest dissuade him from asking Emma Roberts to be his wife. It's funny because if Evan had been arrested for beating Emma Roberts and she agreed to marry him we would think she is crazy. Evan gets beat up and no one says anything about him wanting to be with her forever. He would not give any testimony so Emma was not prosecuted. If it had been in Los Angeles it would have gone a lot worse for her and I think maybe she should have been arrested here because I think it might have got her the help she needs. She does need help. Lots of it and she can get engaged and push aside all the rest of it for now but eventually it will come back around and this has been a part of her life now for several years and it is only getting worse. I am a fan of love so I hope it all works out for them in the end, but I think there are some things they should address before committing to forever.


  1. Yay! Evan got upgraded from Emma and her boyfriend. Leave these crazy kids alone. They will never get married anyway.

    1. Yay, Garret Hedlund, didja see that?? All you have to do is put a ring on that sloppy, drunk finger (as per the recent blind) and like magic, Enty will remember your name!

  2. Yay! Evan got upgraded from Emma and her boyfriend. Leave these crazy kids alone. They will never get married anyway.

  3. Well she was engaged to Pettyfer for a hot minute so she lives off the drama. Will never happen though.

  4. Run Evan Run! Right into my arms boo. I'll be good to you.

  5. Is this the one she beat-up?

    1. Read the article.."Evan gets beat up..."

  6. Abuse is abuse, run Evan!

  7. It was him! Nothing says "love" like a beat down.

  8. This is definitely the double standard. Everyone got upset over RiRi and Chris Brown, but no one is talking about this little Roberts. That's a sad commentary for sure.

  9. Dude has the upper hand. W/ her previous arrest, he can beat the shit out of her and just claim self defense, since she has a history.

    1. Actually, Count, in most states there is a duty to retreat, so if she's beat to shit while he barely has a scratch, chances are that "self defense" argument will fail. Her history would not be determinative of the issue.

  10. "I'm a fan of love..." Go home Enty, you're drunk

  11. Their body language does not look good.

  12. So who beat who here? I can't follow this shit and I'm sober these days.

    1. She beat him. And she's also a recent reveal as desperately needing rehab.

  13. @Henriette: the difference with Riri is that we saw the pics .Chris Brown massacred Rihanna
    Apparently Evan had a little cut on he nose "only".
    Abuse is bad but some persons believe the real love is the intense ,complicated passion with big arguments (yell,cry,blood...)

    i helped a colleague once .After, she accused my partner of sexual harrassment and she cameback with her abuser ex-boyfriend because he "knows how to protect her"!

  14. Look at the happy couple!!

  15. Anonymous7:57 AM

    It should read Emma Roberts gets enraged. That's slightly more believable.

  16. i think i'll actually watch next season.
    American Horror Story: Circus.

    hopefully she's not in it this time.
    i dn't like her.

  17. Anonymous8:08 AM

    He was probably too scared to say no!

    Poor guy - he looks really sweet - if he's clever, he'll leave her standing at the alter to make a point. Ha! Imagine if that happened!

    I imagine getting away from her would be virtually impossible - she seems clingy, possessive, and downright scary.

  18. He looks like such a cute kid and she looks like a crazy ho.
    Like I said to Charlize: runnnnnn!!!

  19. @Warecat: agreed. I didnt like her before she was on AHS, but wanted to give her a chance because I love the show. Then the abuse reports came out and because of that (and her terrible overacting) she annoys me so much on the show. I was happy when her char was dead, too bad that didn't last long -.-

  20. Some people just don't get how dangerous domestic violence is and how many deaths it leads to not only in the U.S. but all over the world. This is not a good move, all anyone did was make excuses for someone that young and violent instead of making her get counseling. She's already exhibiting some very bad behaviors and they haven't stopped either.

  21. I'm sure this is the real deal and they will be married forever.

  22. Here in Montreal, the abuser is automatically detained and prosecuted whether the victim wants to press charges or not. I wonder how she got away with it. Hmm...

  23. Dlisted said they were both smacking on each other and she was arrested only because he had marks and she didn't. I think the Chris Brown level hate isn't on her because he had a cut on his nose and a bite mark according the reports, not a pulverized face like Riri. Not that any level of domestic violence is acceptable, though, it was just more horrifying.

  24. @ellashm That's what I was wondering too. Maybe it's a state by state rule?

  25. She's a spoiled rotten brat.

  26. poor, poor Evan. he is living in pretend land. he's obsessed with Emma. bless his heart, I really like him on AHS...

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Even if Evan wants to marry her, he does realize the other set of crazies he is marrying into, right??

  29. @Renoblondee: the assault happened in Montreal where this law applies. He had bite marks and a bloody nose and Emma was arrested, spent the night in jail and released the next day because emma and her boyfriend said the assault was mutual. If the perpetrator was male or a non celebrity, they would have had their day in court to explain if the assault was mutual, not released as she was the next day!

    Btw, they were seen by friends shopping around Mtl earlier in the day, and seemed fine.

  30. They are just too young, and she has major issues. If they do get mariried, it will not last.

  31. I can believe Enty is a fan of bacon. But a fan of love?! That smells like one very full nappy.
    Hope he enjoys the train ride to CrazyTown.

  32. Oh ok thanks @ellashm! I missed that part.

  33. This girl bores me into a coma but the Roberts family does bring the crazy so maybe she's hell on wheels in the sack.

  34. Beating is beating, so I think there should be just as much outrage over what this Roberts did as there is when a male celeb (or any man) beats a partner. Everyone gets upset about Terence Howard, Chris Brown, and David Soul, but when a woman does it, it's "I want those two to work out." Really?

  35. Emma Roberts needs "help," but Nigella Lawson's pig husband gets no judgment from Entard for strangling her in public? Okay, whatever.

  36. I bit my boyfriend and punched his arm at the beginning of our relationship. I'm not a hillbilly, I just lost it. I was very young, around 22. We have been together ten years now, just got married a year ago. I was never violent again but I opened with that unfortunately... That is to say, shit happens, maybe thay have something special
