Friday, January 03, 2014

Clay Aiken Is Running For Congress

Apparently Clay Aiken has decided this whole singing thing is just not working out the way he hoped. Clay is set to announce that he is running for Congress in his home state of North Carolina. He would run as a Democrat and would face several other challengers in the Democratic primary scheduled for May 6th. That means he has five months to convince the people in his district that he is the right person for the job. Clay plans on singing his speeches and the only question he will debate is whether he and Ruben Studdard are the best 1-2 combination in American Idol history. According to The Washington Blade, Clay has been meeting with campaign type people and doing what is necessary to make sure he doesn't have to spend any of his own money to win the primary and then general election.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Good luck with that ...

  2. He'd probably be better than the yahoos in office in this state.

  3. Aww, I hope she wins.

  4. In North Carolina? Please. He has about as much chance as a snowball in Hell.

  5. yeah NC is really big on gays I'm sure he has shot :(

  6. Anonymous6:44 AM

    With that hair?

  7. Hahahahaha @sevenofeleven i was just about to say why does he look like a leprechaun

  8. I love it when people who are not career politicians run for office. Sometimes it works out badly (Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwartzenegger) and sometimes it works out rather well (Michael Bloomberg), but it just shows that politics isn't entirely a closed shop.

    In general, I prefer candidates that have actually been in charge of something non-governmentally related - a business, a union, a dance company, a military brigade. It gives them a better hold on reality than someone who has only worked for the state.

  9. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Howdy Doody needs a haircut.

  10. Ehh. Nice PR stunt. Gets his name bandied about again.

  11. I don't know this guy, but when people from the show business get into politics, it usually is to fulfill a dream of power or, probably in this case, do one thing favouring gay people and then resting (and taking salary) for four/five/whatever number of years his mandate is.

    I can only remember Reagan (and a couple of non-Americans you probably have never heard about) as a dude who had a complete vision of politics being an actor before.

    But if he gets elected, best of luck.

  12. I do not like him. He's bitchy.

    1. I loved his
      Bitch on celeb apprentice lol. He was such a lilltle shit it was awesome

  13. I think it will be interesting. He has a huge interest in education, and was planning to be a teacher. He is very outspoken, and yes he can be bitchy, but he seems to be a hard worker, so I think it may be interesting to at least hear what his goals are and what he would try to do--since education is important. I have no idea of the politics there so I don't know if he has any chance.

  14. What qualifications does he bring to job? This whole blind- he's going to sing his speechjes?- sounds like an April fool joke. Not buying it.

    1. I am fervently hoping the 'singing his speeches' thing was a little Enty humour...

    2. Otherwise we'll have another Bob Roberts on our hands.

  15. I think the education angle will kill his bid for election. This country wants people to be stupid. Every year our education standards sink lower while rhetoric says the exact opposite. I hope it works out for him. Everyone in DC needs to go home and sit down.

  16. Anonymous7:49 AM

    First - the pic if from his performance in the role of Sir Robin in Monty Python's Spamalot.

    He has used his fame consistently since finishing second in Idol and have 5 top 5 albums. He created the National Inclusion Project (formerly the Bubel/Aiken Foundation) in 2003, accepted a UNICEF ambassadorship in 2004, and in 2006 was appointed for a two-year term to the Presidential Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

    So just because entry writes about as negative post as possible and most of you aren't aware of what he's been doing, it doesn't mean he's not qualified or joke.

    As for the hair - well it's never been good.

  17. NC has a history of putting Democrats in office. Most governors in recent history have been Dems, with senate and house seats going either way.

    What he should do is team up with another NC ginger, Carrot Top, and make an invincible and/or terrifying run.

  18. What is that look supposed to be? I hope it's not a 'carefully crafted' campaign image, lol. Best of luck to him.

  19. I'll say it. I'm not a claymate, but I've enjoyed some of his music and I think he has talent. With better song choices and career decisions, he could have been more successful.

    I'm guessing that he wants to do something about education and gay rights, so his qualifications are good enough.

  20. @jeep guy, thanks for spamalot reference. Having not known that, my first thought was that it looked like his head above a cardboard cutout.

    I think it's the collar.

  21. I live in NC. Not gonna happen.

  22. That's my district. To be fair, NC is a serious swing state. We have a lot of major metro areas that tend to go democratic and progressive, and lot of very rural areas in between that tend to go republican and conservative. My area (Wake Co/ Raleigh area) is included in the 2nd congressional district in which he'd run and IF he passed the primaries and was chosen as our democratic candidate he'd have a pretty good chance here. But there will be other democratic candidates and of course those of us voting that way will choose who we think is best for our state. I'm now interested to see if he does run and how that goes :)

  23. Hi Freya and Megan. NC here too. Along with Sherry and Meanie. I think I'm missing someone.

  24. I wonder if he'll get an endorsement from Trump? I can just imagine the freak-outs that would arise from that.

  25. Clay has a degree in Special Education from UNC Charlotte. He has been an activist for many children's causes particularly those with autism and other special needs. The photo is from his time on Broadway in Spamalot. He's obviously very intelligent and caring and I wish him the best of luck.

  26. I like him, always have, and I hope he pulls this off.

    Sure he's a bitch but that's no barrier to public office.

  27. Is that Clay Aiken or Rojo Caliente?

  28. Is that Clay Aiken or Rojo Caliente?

  29. My mom used to be such a fan of him, my brother and I teased her terribly over it. Always thought he would have been better off becoming a teacher like he originally wanted before Hollywood got a hold of him. Anyway, I say he cannot be worse than the idiots currently in office.

  30. I am NC as well, Reno.
    I knew a guy that used to go to church with him and when I mentioned that I thought Clay "might possibly be gay", he almost had a Christian aneurysm. Wonder what he thought when Clay finally came out?

  31. @Brenda this area gives me the sads about gay people.
