Sunday, January 05, 2014

Charlie Sheen Maybe Got Married

Throughout December, Charlie Sheen's new porn star was telling all her friends that she thought she could get Charlie to marry him. The key with Charlie is to get him fast because he always moves on to the next thing and hates the last thing with a passion. If you believe Charlie Sheen, he might have got married. A lot of it doesn't make sense but it makes for some Sunday speculation and also would start the clock on the divorce pool and the domestic violent arrest pool. He said the following about the above photo: "this is the house ware M Gorbachev R Reagan did some epic. it's also where S and I GOT MARRIED! c #RumorMilUhPede"


  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    If true, I give them two months max of "marital bliss" before they try and kill each other. Dude is on the fast spiral to hell with his antics.

  2. She'd have to be a druggie too to be with him. What a hot mess.

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    You know, it's very strange / funny / peculiar but Sheen's house looks absolutely immaculate from the outside. I'm sure he has a team of staffers working to keep it like that, but it almost looks too respectable to be his. Parasite Hilton's is a couple of doors away - I pity the person who lives in between those two.

  4. So another bimbo gets a payday….yuk its really not worth it.

  5. Anonymous9:07 AM

    He has a great sense of humour to do all this s**t :)

  6. It's *where, Charlie, u illiterate moron.
    dn't throw my into this madness.

  7. No kidding Laura, It's Charlie's world. We're just living in it.

  8. I thought his g/f's name began with a B? thats what confused me about this one

  9. She's Doesn't love herself.

    no money in the world would make me married that dude


  10. Murphy, I'll fess up to being a twitter follower of his (it's klike a bowl of crazy, you never know what to expect) and there is a porn star that he once dated who tweets him all of the time. Bretta Rossi? Brianna? Not sure. She tweets stuff like she misses and loves him, I think she might still be in his rotation but she's not the porn star living with him.

    Funny moment on Christmas. He was still griping about not seeing his kids and said something like "and for all you jealous people, Guess who I'm spending the day with?"
    and included her picture (the one who lives with him)

    Common responses were "Your babysitter?" "The nanny?" "A friend of your daughter?"

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      @Bacon Ranch - Bretta Rossi is his latest one; it must be serious as he bought her a brand new Mercedes for Christmas.

      Charlie has quite a few screws loose - he's incredibly paranoid and will go from loving someone one day, to absolutely hating them the next. Out and about (when he used to get out - he doesn't so much these days), he can be very charming and witty; but he can also turn in a second.

      With these women, he uses tactics such as saying that they're stealing from him, and throwing them out; or warbling about how they don't really love him, before throwing them out - which I would say is the case with the one who keeps Tweeting him, convinced that one day she'll win her place back (notice how he never Tweets her back?). I suspect he might pay some of them off too (or else threaten them, which is right up his alley), as you notice none of them ever sell their story.

  11. I believe Charlie is going through yet another manic episode...and when that happens he turns heavily to any distraction (drugs, women) and makes crazy decisions. His pattern is easy to recognize...must be awful for his family to watch him do this again and again.

  12. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Well if we really want to know if they got married, we could check the marriage records, right? Unless they're SEALED*... [see Saturday Gillian Anderson/David Duchovny reveal - 90+ comments]

  13. I wonder how long it will take him to straighten up from whatever he took before he married this skank and how long after everything is annulled?

  14. Looks like she hit a Jackpot$$$$$$$$.

  15. Meh who cares about this guy?

  16. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Interesting that he has put his name with the word "pede" out there in search engine territory!

  17. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Interesting that he put his name with the word "pede" into search engine territory!

  18. Sounds like he's got a borderline personality.

  19. Aw congrats you two crazy kids. How long until she gets preggers?

  20. What is her name? She is usually just refered to as "Charlie's latest porn star"

  21. Hope he doesn't end up killing her, I am not being sarcastic. I could care less if she ends up killing him

  22. Armadillo, I thought the same exact thing!!!

  23. Great idea! He's not mentally comptent anyway. Bad plannwill end poorly.

  24. Ha ha, stupid Charlie. Stupider girl.

  25. If she is a true gold digger, she is trying to get pregnant now. This will all end so well.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Who goes to Iceland in January?

  28. PleasePleasePlease don't let her get pregnant!

  29. Why all the negativity? If they are happy for even a few days, who are we to disapprove of that?

    Yeah, Charlie has problems and maybe she is gold digging but you know what? Why does it bother anyone other than the two of them?

    How many of you bought into all the hype of the royal wedding between William and Kate? You don't think she was gold digging? I mean, Jesus Christ, the dude looks like he has Down Syndrome while she's (for some reason) called one of the most beautiful women in the world. There's no way she would be with him if he wasn't the very definition of the lucky sperm club.

    If Charlie and this woman got married, good for them. Let a guy have some happiness in his life, even for a moment. It's too short not to take chances and enjoy it while we have it.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I have an ex who is very very much like Sheen, only without the money or fame. He's quite good looking, CHARMING, funny as hell, tells great stories; he's the kind of guy that attracts men and women because of his looks & personality. He's whip smart but street smart too. Too bad he's a narcissistic sociopath and heavily (now) addicted to drugs. I swear he & Sheen are veritable twins. He was also a stickler for a neat home, hygiene, etc like Charlie. Always has beautiful women on his arm, no matter the screwed up shit he does, he seems to land on his feet. He's just as crazy though, can be violent, etc. I feel like I KNOWCharlie because of my ex.



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